BANGLADESH 4750even R BGD Betar in Arabic, S=9+10dB in Delhi at 16.17 UT,
NOT DISTURBED, EXCELLENT audio quality today Oct 5th, the Ampegon/Thomcast transmitter seemingly repaired successfully. Checked also S=9 strength in Nuremberg Bavaria Germany, English at 17.50 UT; and S=8-9 in remote Perseus SDR unit at Hungary SDR unit at 17.55 UT.
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 4010.219 Kyrgyz Radio Birinchi, SW relay site Radio Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek of Kyrgyztelekom, noted in Kyrghyz language S=9 signal at 16.21 UT on Oct 5.
INDIA 5040.002 kHz AIR Jeypore in Odiya language, S=7-8 at 16.25 UT noted in New Delhi India.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 5)