venerdì 5 giugno 2020

Stations heard in Reinante

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0435-0512, 28-05, weak to fair signal, relaying Radio Bandeirantes news, id. “Radio Bandeirantes”. 25322
0455-0525, 31-05, Radio Clube with its habitual musical program "Clube na Madrugada" today and not Radio Bandeirantes relay, id. "Radio Clube do Pará", Brazilian songs, "Você está ouvindo Clube na Madrugada", "Clube na Madrugada, o melhor musical para você...". 15321

6135.1, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0455-0510, 29-05, religious songs and comments, id “Rede Aparecida de Radio”. 24322.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0440-0510, 28-05, English, news, comments. 15321.

CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1750-1831*, 28-05, African songs, at 1800 id. “Radio Congo”, news, French, 24322.

DENMARK, 5825, Radio OZ-Viola, 1955-2005, 27-05, interval signal, identification: "You are listening to OZ-Viola from Denmark...", 2000 program "Midnight Jazz". 25322

3975, Scorribande, Shortwave Radio De, Winsen, 1845-1900, 27-05, Italian, radio news. 15321. // 6160.

5905, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg, 0615-0623, 29-05, German, weather report. 25322. // 6180.

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0501-0520, 02-06, Spanish, id., program “Himnos Espirituales”, religious songs and comments. 15321.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1845-1912, 30-05, African songs at 1850-1908, English program “English Magazine”, news, comments in English, at 1808 id. in French and African songs. 34433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0456-0500, 05-06, classic music. 15321.

SUDAN, 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 0445-0515, 28-05, Arabic comments, East African songs. 25322.

ZAMBIA, 5995, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1750-1801, 30-01, Vernacular  comments, African songs, at 1800 English, news. At 1801 eclipsed by Mali on the same frequency. 14321

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters