CHINA DRM mode tests:
6030 kHz CNR DRM from Beijing bcast center S=9+30dB at 0045 UT on Nov 26.
9655 kHz CNR DRM from Urumqi bcast center S=9+25dB at 0050 UT on Nov 26.
transmission stop at 01.00:04, fq change to 13850 kHz
which TX started 01.00:30 UT, seems 25 seconds later on air.
11695 kHz CNR DRM from Dongfang island bcast center, S=9+25dB,
at 0055 UT on Nov 26.
15580 kHz CNR DRM from Dongfang island bcast center, S=9+25dB,
at 0057 UT on Nov 26.
13850 kHz CNR DRM from Urumqi bcast center only S=8 in KOR at 0101 UT,
on Nov 26. Came on air - TX started at 01.00:30 UT.
Some other observation
17400.242 TWN SOH Sound of Hope, Mandarin Chinese S=7-8 at 0104 UT Nov 26.
17490even CHN CRI in Amoy language, endless reader, S=9+15dB at 0106 UT.
17650.012 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam in Mandarin, S=9+15dB in Seoul, 0111 UT.
15270 kHz CHN China Radio mainland jamming against co-ch R TWN Chinese,
S=8 scratching data block transmission, 20 kHz wide visible.
0115 UT on Nov 26. Seemingly a 24hrs jamming service ?
15624.872 CLN AWR via SLBC Trincomalee relay site, S=9+10dB, AWR Amoy
language service on local Monday schedule.
Very odd fq transmitter operation, one of three 250 kW units.
At 0118 UT.
15720.011 NZL R NZi Rangitaiki, English phone-in interview, at 0120 UT
S=8 signal strength on Seoul remote unit, Rep. of Korea.
15800even CHN CNR1 jamming powerful 100 kW or more station spoken CNR1
jamming against Taiwanese SOH Sound of Hope intelligence sce
program at 0123 UT Nov 26,
\\ CNR1 program on 15370, 15380 kHz, and others.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 26)
At present, CNR uses a total of five frequency tests to transmit DRM signals.
The parameters disclosed are as follows (Beijing time, CST, UTC +8hrs)
6030 kHz 0425-0205 CST (not Tue.1400-1700 CST)
2025-1805 UTC (not Tue.0600-0900 UTC)
BEI Beijing bcast center, Power=30 kW Azimuth=0deg
9655 kHz 0600-0900, 1600-2000 CST. 2200-0100, 0800-1200 UTC.
URU Urumqi bcast center, Power=30 kW
11695 kHz 0900-1700 CST. 0100-0900 UTC.
DOF Dongfang island. Power=30 kW Azimuth=41 deg
13850 kHz 0900-1600 CST. 0100-0800 UTC.
URU Urumqi bcast center, Power=30 kW {also test on 17800 kHz}
15580 kHz 0900-1700 CST. 0100-0900 UTC.
DOF Dongfang island. Power=30 kW Azimuth=16 deg
6030 and 15580 kHz are mainly for North China, and
11695 kHz is mainly for East China and South China.
9655 and 13850 kHz are mainly for North China and East China.
Die originaere Chinesisch Seite mit dem Google Translator uebersetzt: aus dem Google Translator:
DRM Modus Aussendung des nationalen CNR Programms aus Nordwest China, vom BCast Center Urumqi.