venerdì 16 novembre 2018

SWLDXBulgaria News, Nov.14-15

AFGHANISTAN/ROMANIA/CHINA   R.Afghanistan Ext.Sce, RRI and CRI on 6100 kHz, Nov.15
1530-1730 on  6100 YAK 100 kW / 125 deg to SoAs English/Urdu/Arabic/Russian, co-ch
1630-1656 on  6100 TIG 300 kW / 142 deg to N/ME Arabic Radio Romania International
1700-1757 on  6100 BEI 500 kW / 318 deg to WeEu English China Radio International:

ALBANIA(non)   China Radio International on unscheduled 7210 kHz, Nov.15
0855-0856 on  7210 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEu English, very good signal
B18 scheduled 7210 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEu Spanish CRI 2200-2357UTC:

CUBA   Reception of Radio Habana Cuba in 25mb, Nov.15:
from 2200 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish
from 2200 on 11840 QVC 250 kW / 170 deg to SoAm Spanish

EGYPT   Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9400 kHz, Nov.15
0900-0910 on  9400 unknown tx / unknown to ????, very good

ERITREA   Reception of VOBME 1 Dimtsi Hafash & VOBME 2 Dimtsi Hafash, Nov.14
from 1643 on  7140 ASM 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Tigrinya VOBME 1, weak/fair
from 1648 on  7180 ASM 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Amharic  VOBME 2, fair/good

FRANCE(non)   NHK World Radio Japan via TDF Issoudun on N0v.15
1430-1500 on 13725 ISS 500 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi, powerful

GERMANY   Good signal of DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst, Nov.15
2000-2030 on  5905 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German AM
2000-2030 on  6180 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German AM

GERMANY(non)   Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen on Nov.15:
1710-1745 on  5995 NAU 100 kW / 132 deg to N/ME Arabic Tue/Thu/Fri, very good
1710-1730 on  5995 NAU 100 kW / 132 deg to N/ME Arabic Mon/Wed

JAPAN(non)   JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze and Radio Fana on 6110 kHz, Nov.15:
1600-1700 on  6110 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs English Thu, fair, co-ch
1600-1700 on  6110 ADD 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Amharic/Oromo Radio Fana

MONGOLIA   Fair signal of Mongolian Radio 2, Nov.14
1445&1455 on  7260 U-B 050 kW / non-dir to EaAs Mongolisn

NUMBERS STATION   Good signal of E17z English Lady in 31mb, Nov.15
0800-0802 on  9820 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB/AM:

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 31mb on Nov.15:
0940-0946 on  9540 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB/AM, good

PALAU   Reception of World Harvest Radio Int Angel 3, Nov.15:
0800-0900 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs English, fair

SECRETBROD(non)   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical via SPL Secretbrod, Nov.14
1700-1945 on  9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Daily, fair signal

SECRETBROD(non)   BVBroadcasting Dardasha 7 via SPL Secretbrod, Nov.15
1745-1800 on  5995 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Arabic, weak to fair
1931-1946 on  5900 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Arabic, weak to fair
1945-2000 on  9400 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to NoAf Arabic, weak to fair

SECRETBROD(non)   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical via SPL Secretbrod, Nov.15
1802-2000 on  6000 SCB 050 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English Mon-Fri, fair signal
2005-0300 on  5900 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to ENAm English Daily, weak to fair

SECRETBROD(non)   Radio Taiwan Int via SPL Secretbrod, Nov.15
1900-1930 om  5900 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu German, fair:

SOMALIA   Good signal of Radio Hargeysa on Nov.14
from 1638 on  7120 HAR 100 kW / non-dir to EaAf Somali

SUDAN   Reception of Voice of Africa Sudan Radio on Nov.15:
from 1700 on  9505 ALF 100 kW / 210 deg to CeAf Swahili, fair

U.K.(non)   Radio Ndarason International via Ascension, Nov.14
1800-2100 on 12050 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri, good

U.K.(non)   Upcoming frequency change of Follow The Bible Ministries via Ascension
1900-1928 NF 11660 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf English Sun, ex 12030 from Nov.18:

U.K.(non)    Winter B-18 frequency changes of BBC

USA   Fair signal of WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio, Nov.15
from 0807 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English

USA   Reception of World Harvest Radio Int WHRI Angel 1, Nov.15
0900-1000 on 11825 HRI 250 kW / 245 deg to AUS  English, weak

USA   Weak signal of WWCR-1 World Wide Christian Radio, Nov.15:
1215-1300 on 15825 WCR 100 kW / 046 deg to WeEu English Mon-Fri

USA   Test transmission of WTWW-3 We Transmit World Wide on Nov.15
from 1200 on 15810 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English, fair/good

USA   Brother HySTAIRical via WWCR-3 World Wide Christian Radio, Nov.15
1500-2000 on 13845 WCR 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English Mon-Sat, good

UZBEKISTAN(non)   North Korea Reform Radio via Tashkent on Nov.15:
2030-2130 NF  7495 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, good signal

VATICAN(non)   Good to poor signal of Eye Radio via SM di Galeria on Nov.14:
1500-1600 on 15410 SMG 250 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic/English* Mon-Fri
1600-1800 on 15410 ISS 250 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic/English* Mon-Fri
*including other languages Dinka/Nuer/Shilluk/Bari/Zande/Lutoho

VIETNAM   Very good signal of Voice of Vietnam, Nov.15:
2130-2158 on  7280 SON 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu English
2130-2158 on  9730 SON 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu English


73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire