venerdì 16 novembre 2018

B18 schedule: Voice of Hope Africa

0500-0800 on  9680 LUV 100 kW / 000 deg to SoAf English Mon-Fri tx#1
0500-0800 on 11680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Mon-Fri tx#2
1600-1900 on  4965 LUV 100 kW / 000 deg to SoAf English Mon-Fri tx#1
1600-1900 on  6065 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Mon-Fri tx#2
1200-1700 on  9680 LUV 100 kW / 000 deg to SoAf English Sat/Sun tx#1
1200-1700 on 13680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Sat/Sun tx#2
1700-1730 on  9680 LUV 100 kW / 000 deg to SoAf English Sunday  tx#1
1700-1730 on 13680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Sunday  tx#2
