lunedì 21 maggio 2018

WRTH A18 free pdf updater published

We are pleased to announce that the Summer (A18) broadcasting schedules file is now ready for free download. This file is in PDF format (you will need a program that is capable of reading the PDF format, such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.). Please visit and follow the links for ‘updates’. The file is called: WRTH2018IntRadioSuppl2_A18Schedules.pdf

The A18 schedules file contains the broadcasting schedules of over 200 International and Clandestine/target broadcasters; International LW/MW/SW transmitter sites table; International DRM broadcasts; Selected language broadcasts; a ‘by frequency’ table of every frequency used by each station in the main schedule section.

We hope this file will be not only be a useful companion to the printed WRTH, but will also prove indispensable as a standalone source of information.

Best wishes and happy listening/DXing

WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook) Editorial team.

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(Sean Gilbert, 1713 UT May 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST)