mercoledì 26 agosto 2015

Glenn Hauser logs August 25-26, 2015

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11710.6, Aug 26 at 0255, RAE with poor signal but can tell it`s in French; slight crackle from second-order Brazil 11780 spur circa 11710, while it`s worse on first-order 11745 & 11815 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 12085, Aug 25 at 1353, RA is rather weak here; in fact 12075 RBA from the other end of Oz is quite stronger, unusual; while reactivated 9580 is still VG for RA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 6010, Aug 26 at 0234, no signal from LV de tu Conciencia, nor Brasil, (nor México, of course); on 5910, Aug 26 at 0235 a JBA carrier, but much less than what the other HJDH, Alcaraván Radio should be producing, and I haven`t heard it either for weeks in the 05-06 UT period; this 5910 could be a spur or mixing product from something else. So have these stations quit shortwave, silencing Colombia on the bands? I`ve asked QSL manager Rafael Rodríguez R (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6165, Aug 26 at 0232, no signal from RHC English, but still on 6000, and in Spanish on 6060, 9535, etc.

9505-9530 & 9540-9560 approx., frying-pan spurs out of 9535 RHC transmitter around here, with peaks about 9527 and 9547. 9550 Iran can still be heard with the noise under it.

11840, Aug 26 at 0256, RHC Spanish in dead air, unlike 11670 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. 6050, Aug 26 at 0233, HCJB registers S9+10 but barely audible, or rather undermodulated? I think the signal itself has been much weaker for months than it used to be, nominal 8 kW, an odd rating. It`s never listenable in the evenings here even tho no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, Aug 25 at 0522, VOG still on here, poor signal with whine, no signal on 9420 like a few hours earlier.

9420, Aug 26 at 0253, VOG on with classical guitar music; now off the air is the other one, 9935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Several hours of weak Es hitting channel 2, Aug 25-UT 26:

2300 on 2, fade in with Spanish audio

2309 on 2 another fade-in, now with video CCI

UT August 26:

0125 on 2, next check finds CCI and Spanish still going; I doubt I missed much as it appears to be one of those frustrating openings with weak signals mixing, barely making the ch 2 MUF

0219 on 2, a few stronger peaks with Spanish

0316 on 2, still fitful CCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 4810, Aug 26 at 0244, JBA music audible when tuning LSB on the NRD-545, knocking out the utehash on the hi side but not the CODAR; presumed R. Logos, only known American on 4810, listed 1 kW 24 hours from Chazuta, which ought to be better in the mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN. 7205, Aug 26 at 0226, no signal from Omdurman, still nothing at 0255, when it was in full swing 24 hours earlier. Occasional ham carriers on and off, e.g. 7205.8 at 0230, but mostly occupied by SSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15565, Aug 25 at 1358 open carrier, 1400 presumed V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR, very poor, starting on this frequency today Tuesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7070.0, the defiant USB rather than LSB 40m net is here tonight, Aug 26 at 0226, featuring W9RAN et al. 24 hours earlier they were on 7269.1-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7425, Aug 26 at 0226, JBA carrier about S4 on the NRD-545; I attempt to // it on the PL-880 with Vatican Radio on 7305 and can barely do so at some peaks. Nothing there at 0247. I was checking whether the Greenville-B leapfrog mixing product, 7305 Vatican over 7365 Martí another 60 kHz higher, as previously heard once, is still happening; and thus would pose a problem for R. Tirana in the B-season when it traditionally uses 7425 for English to North America at 0230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1787 monitoring: confirmed the Aug 25, Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955 as I awaken briefly and check it at 1122; poor signal with no jamming audible. Next:
0630 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB [please confirm if this is on]
1315 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
1430 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB [please confirm if this is on]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v

** U S A. 9975.0, Aug 26 at 0254, KVOH with jazz, back on frequency and no spurs have recurred (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 5915.0, Aug 26 at 0235, JBA carrier in the sideband of very strong 5920 WHRI. Presumably ZNBC Radio 1 which per Aoki starts at 0240 with a different indigenous language each day, no English until 0500. Forget it here as Aoki shows WHRI is on until 0500 weekdays, 0300 weekends; but I haven`t heard ZNBC at 0500 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Aug 26 at 0240 UT, gospel huxter in English on the ALA-330S which is mounted east-west, while secular KRVN NE is heard when switching to the N-S randomwire. I haven`t heard hard-sell religion on KHAC AZ/NM, and didn`t check whether any LSB from this; maybe KLRG Arkansas for format fit, but should be on night power of 220 watts instead of 50 kW day, according to the new 2015-2016 NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9321.55-USB, Aug 26 at 0247, colloquial 2-way Spanish, mentions barco, geo coordinates, whistling, laughing. Ran across after checking 9315 for Cairo, weak here so unheard a bunch of spurs Wolfy was getting in Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0433 UT August 26