mercoledì 12 agosto 2015

Glenn Hauser logs August 11-12, 2015

** CUBA [non]. 5950, Aug 12 at 2320, JBA carrier on presumed new AWR service from and to Cuba via WRMI. Assuming it`s really on the air, must be on a hi-angle, short-range antenna just right for max signal into Cuba, not here. At least I detect no jamming, either. 5850 WRMI on its NW antenna is much better but still only poor this early. I`ve yet to check for the other AWR 5950 broadcast at 1100-1130, but that must have been Mark Taylor, Wisconsin`s poorly audible unID in the NASWA Flashsheet. Or rather, a full hour each for System H per WRMI frequency grid; maybe for expansion or some other program? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Looking thru EiBi`s readme.txt abbr. listings, I find hw for transmitter site of KWHW Altus OK. Yes, this graveyarder has made the Big Time as a USA SW station, in the A-15 EiBi frequency list:
``2900 0000-2400 USA KWHW Country Altus, OK E CNA hw``
All because of our monitoring the 1450 x 2 second harmonic for a few days this May, but I am afraid it is currently inactive, as I occasionally check the frequency (which was really off- to the lo side). Let`s keep it listed for a while longer in case of a relapse (Glenn Hauser, OK, Aug 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN [non]. I now realize exactly how the WRTH 2015 mixed up Oman instead of Slovakia as relayed by Global 24 via WRMI. RSO is the abbr. for Radio Sultanate of Oman, the station. But RSO is *also* the separate abbr. for the now defunct Slovakia SW site, Rimavská Sobota. Probably not the first time this has happened, but HFCC/ITU expect you not to mix up one abbr. table with another, as they do not necessarily avoid duplication (Glenn Hauser, OK, Aug 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Aug 12 at 0047, JBA carrier from R. Chaski on the NRD-545 reads about S8 with the random wire, S9 on the Wellbrook just hooked up, but both are mostly picking up storm noise levels; and distracted by what turns out to be KBUF-6180, I miss the Chaski cutoff circa 0106 tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 12 at 0114:46.5, music starts on very poor SLBC carrier, 2+1 mistimesignal (not miss timesignal; it`s neuter for sure) ends at 0115:19.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, August 12 at 0120, no signal from WTWW-2, when a ham DX program had been running on Tuesday nights; 0245 recheck it`s on but with country music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6177-6183 at least, August 12 at 0052 UT on the newly inaugurated ALA-330S antenna to the NRD-545, an extremely distorted talk station in English. At first I fear the new antenna is producing it, but soon found just as much with the longwire, and separately on the PL-880 with its own reelout. It`s sort of like FM mode, but the NRD won`t demodulate in FM, nor does any combination of filters do much to improve it. Naturally, I first check the 49mb on the other receiver for any modulation match, but none, nor on 41 or 31m. 

It does sound like a US commercial station, so next suspicion is a harmonic --- and the only MW frequency which would produce a 6180 harmonic is 1030 (x6). So now I try to find a match on 1030, but not much is propagating this early, half a sesquihour before sunset. At 0101 UT, 6180 is in network news, outroed at 0105 UT as ABC; next minute probably contains local ads/ID, but can`t copy (this causes me to miss a Chaski-check, but worth it); 0106 UT opens American -something talkshow, apparent YL host, with OM guest interviewed. At 0125 UT *maybe* a hint of a match on 1030. Now I switch receivers to find that the PL-880 side-tuned to 6178 produces more readable audio than the NRD-545 offtuned or not. Especially after 0100 UT, the mis-modulation has been sporadic, cutting on and off, somewhat dependent on peaks.

And BINGO, 0129 UT local break, commercial for Papa Murphy`s (cook-it-yourself) Pizza in Garden City and Dodge City, and ``right here on KBUF``. So rather than KCTA or something, it`s my nearest 1030, in SW Kansas, which doesn`t ever produce much on the fundamental, 2.5 kW ND day and 1.2 kW direxional to southwest at nite. CoL is Holcomb KS, address in Garden City. And yes, with ABC news, per NRC AM Log 2014.

Program schedule at
shows M-F at CDT 7pm–10pm America Now. Elsewhen the ilx of Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, so format is anti-American talk, plus ag stuff weekday mornings, and more talk variety on weekends. 

They have chosen a rather clear frequency to harmonicize, tnx to absence of Brasília, and fortunately doesn`t spread as far up as 6185 to mess up México. This is certainly its first day of issue: 24 hours earlier, there was no sign of it as I logged very weak AM signal from CRI Kashgar (presumed, instead of Brasil) on 6180. 

How long will this go on? Oh, we must also check for lower harmonix: 2060, 3090, 4120, 5150, and why not, higher ones: 7210, 8240, 9270, 10300 ---. August SR/SS: 1200/0145 UT. Possibly 6180 is no longer heard after 0145 UT? I don`t stay to find out tonight.

At *0132.5 my nearest streetlite ignites with its brief wideband RF noise burst (I look out the window to confirm visually). Enid sunset is now 0127 UT, earlying a bit more than one minute per 24 hours. So much for this DX session (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6220.0-AM, Aug 12 at 0037, the pirate? or broadcast mixing product is again poorly audible, but best yet at peak with a song, which I cannot recognize as a tango. 0043 signal drops sharply to a JBA carrier. Possibly these are two different stations. And still so at 0121. Would others check this out? Might be more readable further east into the darkside.

At 0045 August 12, 2015, I inaugurate the ALA-330S magnetic loop antenna which Brandon Jordan kindly gave me, now hooked up to the other antenna input of the NRD-545, but switching back and forth there is little difference on 6220. The ALA-330S is currently inside right next to the radio and facing north/south; finding a quieter spot to install it outside will be problematical but possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6925.16-AM, Aug 12 at 0114, JBA carrier is the only activity on the pirate band, presumably Liquid Radio on its signature/fingerprint exact frequency as recently reported by others on HF Underground (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0329 UT August 12