martedì 11 agosto 2015

50 Aniverasio de la emisora clandestina Radio Sadai Kashmir.

Con motivo del 50 aniversario de la guerra indo pakistaní y el nacimiento de la emisora clandestina Radio Sadai Kashmir, son varios los artículos que han dedicado articúlos a dicho acontecimiento.

19 May 1965

 A clandestine radio station calling itself Sadai Kashmir (The voice of Kashmir) starts broadcasting calling for uprising against Indian occupation.

8 August 1965

In the expectation that by 8 August 1965 large scale damage would have been
caused in Kashmir, announce on 8 August 1965 over a 'new' radio station called 'sadaiKashmir'(the voice of Kashmir), purported to be located within Kashmir (though actually located in Pakistan occupied area), that, on the occasion of the anniversary of the arrest of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, the people of Kashmir had risen in revolt against the .government, describing the terrorists activities of the infiltraters as 'peoples' uprising; announce also that a revolutionary council had been established by the people which had decided to cancel all agreements with India.