venerdì 8 agosto 2014

Glenn Hauser logs August 6-8, 2014

Updated as of August 8:

DX/SWL/Media Programs

World of Radio Schedule

Alan Roe`s Hitlist of SWBC Stations

** BRAZIL. 11780, Aug 8 at 0056-0103 survey, the extremely distorted spurs from RNA have *not* been removed. On the DX-398`s one-kHz steps, I find them ranging as follows:

11652-11661, 11682-11692, 11710-11724, 11740-11758; 11804-11818, 11838-11848, 11898-11908. The closest ones are very strong, while the further ones are progressively weaker. Peaks are close to the center of each range. Furthermore, the fundamental is splashing out to 11765-11795.

Some of the stations these interfere with: 11710 Cairo, 11711 Argentina, 11760 Cuba, 11765 SRDA Curitiba, 11840 Cuba. There is probably one around 11870 but WEWN is strong enough to overcome it. 11815 would also be a Brasilian victim but R. Brasil Central appears not to be on the air. 11905 Sri Lanka (after 0114) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12140, Aug 8 at 0053, RHC is VP vs CODAR; and on 18210, very poor but no QRM, the second and third harmonix of 6070.

9781-9841, approx. range of buzz field surrounding undermodulated 9810 RHC, Aug 8 at 0110; worst peaks circa plus/minus 15 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12070, Aug 8 at 0055, R. Cairo with heavy crackling Spanish modulation, spreading out to 12050-12090.

11710, Aug 8 at 0100, R. Cairo is JBM with het from LRA on the hi side, and also from the edge of the second-order extremely distorted spur from RNA 11780, which is now ranging from 11710 to 11724; see BRAZIL

9965, Aug 8 at 0105, R. Cairo whine, with JBM Arabic

9315, Aug 8 at 0105, R. Cairo Spanish service, open carrier/dead air except for very lo-pitched hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. 9955, August 8 at 0401 UT, WRMI has cleared away other programming to relay RFI`s English broadcast ``Paris Live`` at 6 am there, so maybe really live, world news presented in a rather informal manner. 9955 reception is only fair, aimed away from us, but very good on the webcast until cut off abruptly at 0430 during interview about ebola; I guess RFI continues English for another semihour, but not here! Preceded and followed by WRMI IDs in Spanish, and at 0430 by Esolvaquia en español.

New August 1 schedule grid of WRMI shows RFI at 0400-0430 UT except Sundays. See the August NASWA Journal where Richard Cuff writes about RFI English programming on demand, implying that RFI is no longer on SW at all, while it still is, in French and several languages other than English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 12025.6, Aug 8 at 0131, unID JBA carrier here; checking again for VIRI Spanish which ought to be moving to 12025 to get out from under RHC on 11760 --- but I am still hearing traces of it there // 9860 at usual poor level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGSET)

** GREECE. 9935, Aug 8 at 0109, ERTOpen, good with Greek music; better on // 9420 but with more fading, maybe caused by Iran CCI; and // 15630 is JBA. If WTWW-2 was on 9930 until 0100, that would have been too close for comfort (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Checking out the off-and-on audio of `TV-OK`, KXOK-LD, RF 31 and 32 in Enid, morning of August 6, I find it`s coming thru on left channel only. No, it`s not my patch cords from the DTV converter to the VCR to the monitor; checked those and reversed them, still left only. It had occurred to me that the lack of any audio for months might have been due to out-of-phase stereo channels somewhere along the line, like in the transmission if not my reception, but unseems the case; besides, when that happens with radio stations, you still hear some audio trying to break thru.

Which raises the question about DTV standards and stereo audio: are all channels automatically bi-channeled, whether they provide true stereo separation from the input outset, or not? There is no stereo `pilot` to be seen. Or can they transmit in true single-channel mono if preferred (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, August 8 at 0113, JBA carrier, presumably RSO again, since it`s missing from scheduled channel 9500 during this bihour, and not on alternate 15355 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, August 8 at 0048, R. Chaski with JBA carrier, heavy splash form 5990 China via Cuba. That`s off before 0100, and I can still catch the Chaski cutoff at 0107:25* which is 18 seconds later than a trinite ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7615-USB, Aug 8 around 0105, weak formal contacts, no doubt the Civil Air Patrol (around Iowa?) net I have been hearing. No reply from the one whose E-mail address was announced and copied; this organization is after all ``Civil``, paramilitary, not military, but they try to be more gung-ho and secretive than MARS. Years ago I happened to meet someone in CAP (I think it was in Albuquerque), and was rather put off by his enthusiasm for inspecting the gore at crash sites (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re my log: ``13558, July 31 at 0118, beacon sending only ``MTI`` (hmm, Manti, Utah?)`` --- Harold Frodge in MI has also heard this HIFER beacon on 13555.6, and says it`s from KI4MTI, in Ellicott City MD. HF Underground doesn`t know where it is. Looks like a licensed ham call. However, ARRL lookup goes to:
2161 Colonial Oak Way
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Previous call sign: KI4MTI
Previous license class: Technician
Licensee ID: L00283084
License Class: Extra
FRN: 0003973419
Radio Service: HA
Issue Date: 07/02/2010
Expire Date: 09/08/2020
Date of Last Change: 08/31/2013 (License Canceled)``

Harold replies with his source, an entry from 3.5 years ago:

Id Station Start date Start time Frequency Comments Link Posted by
397 AB3MM 2011-02-14 15:30:00 13557540 HiFER Beacon; 5wpm CW ID=MTI @
4.24mw into indoor folded dipole KI4MTI

So that makes the frequency 13557.54 kHz, with 4.24 milliwatts! But is he in Maryland or Georgia now?

Unfortunately no hits in that listing on AJO or AZ, other 13 MHz weak`uns I was hearing July 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ has canceled without notice the Thursday 2100 UT airing of WORLD OF RADIO on 7490, which had restarted on May 21, as still displayed on the home page

Checking the webcast at 2128 August 7 after our nap, expecting a reconfirmation, instead we hear a preacher, eventually IDing as the Academy of Bible Literacy, Tallahassee FL; he panders to SW listeners saying they are smart enough to avoid the internet, but refers us anyway to his website which reveals:

``Academy of Bible Literacy, Tallahassee FL: BACK ON SHORTWAVE! Cool
Starting Aug. 7, 2014, Thursdays at 5 pm EST [sic] on WBCQ 7490 khz``

So it`s a full hour, also displacing `The Watchman Program` at 2130. As for WOR, we`ll have to wait until next Wednesday at 2100 to hear whether that airing remain. WOR is considered filler for unsold time.

WOR 1733 confirmed on WWRB webcast, UT Friday August 8: 0329 preacher stops; respectful pause and hum, and WOR starts about 0330, as usual extremely distorted and overmodulated until turned down, but not enough; some distortion remains, also on 3185 which has an otherwise good signal. No comments from Dave before or after, this week. Next:
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 9495 (probably 1732)
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975 (assuming transmitter fixed since last week)
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Monday 2100 on WRMI 15770 --- etc.

** U S A. 5085, Aug 8 before 0100, WTWW-2 is not on, but bandscanning on up, by the time I get to 9930 at 0108, day frequency is not on either; rechecking 5085, now it`s on, so must have QSYed circa 0100 instead of usual(?) 0000. After 0100, WTWW-1 still on 9475 with PPP, and WTWW-2 still on 12105 with another PPP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 750, August 7 at 0559 UT, Spanish from KAMA El Paso TX is still cheating, overcoming the clear channel station entitled to be heard even here, WSB Atlanta GA; giving phone (?)522-1235 for Univisión América call-ins (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15480.0, Aug 8 at 0119, open carrier, poor with fades. HFCC, Aoki and EiBI show the only thing scheduled is CNR1 Beijing at 23-13; or maybe Cairo left transmitter on past 0045 end of Arabic to S America? Aoki excludes that one, maybe a wooden registration anyway. 15480 mystery is adjacent to a JBA carrier on 15475+, no doubt Kuwait, the latter about one 40-Hz click on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0450 UT August 8