martedì 5 agosto 2014

Glenn Hauser logs August 4-5, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11709-11723, August 5 at 0116, this time I am checking the audible range of the dirty FMy spurs out of 11780 RNA; 11739-11755 at 0123 August 5, very heavy, peaking around 11747-11748: also 11806-11819, peaking 11811-11812; 11841-11849. The full ranges may be lessened by ACI from legitimate AM broadcasts, such as 11760 & 11840 RHC.

Incredibly, J. Ronaldo X. in Paraíba, Brasil has reported 11749 as a *better* RNA frequency than 11780 at 0400 Aug 2 due to Iran English to North America QRM on 11780. I have *never* heard anything approaching normal modulation on this or any of their spurs.

11717 and 11812 are approx. peaks of the spurs at 0559 Aug 5, nothing more now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, Aug 5 at 0124, RHC in Spanish // 11760, instead of English during this hour last night.

18210, Aug 5 at 0147, RHC very poor in Spanish on 3 x 6070 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. 7210-LSB, Aug 5 at 0108, anti-Castro net is funxioning in the evening as well as in the morning around 11-13 when I usually hear it. One of them is surely Nelson Roig, N1NR in Pennsylvania; talking about Camagüey, Ébola at the moment. Checked following unID logs, allegedly on USB, by J. Ronaldo X., Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brasil, 31 July at 0100 and 1 August at 0042. Since this is a longtime favorite frequency for Cuban exiles and other anti-Commies, I`m surprised the DentroCuban Jamming Command doesn`t attack it; only an occasional AM carrier, as QRM? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 9491-9514, Aug 5 at 0129, OTH radar pulsing, perhaps from here, blocked only by Cuban jamming on 9490, and QRMing Oman acutally on its proper frequency tonight, 9500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT [and non]. 11710.0, Aug 5 at 0116, R. Cairo ``Spanish`` service back on this frequency after missing a few nights, as obvious by the het it remakes with Argentina on hi side, which has been deliberately missing for two nights since it was the weekend. At 0120 I measure Cairo on exact frequency, but little if any modulation nor spurs; while RAE I put on 11710.76 approx., audibly in Japanese.

12070, Aug 5 at 0126, another Cairo Spanish frequency which is usually a horrible mess of crackling and spurs, tonight is merely a just-barely-modulated carrier, lite hum, no crackle or spurs!

9315, Aug 5 at 0130, third R. Cairo Spanish frequency: humwhine, distorted undermodulation, no good but no spurs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. RFI: shortwave gone, English reconfigured. RFI is now among those broadcasters who have ended regular shortwave usage (Richard Cuff, PA, Easy Listening, August NASWA Journal via DXLD)

What?? I thought they still had a number of French, Hausa, Swahili SW broadcasts to Africa, as well as Vietnamese, Russian, Farsi. He then goes on to explain how to listen in English online, which indeed was dropped from SW some time ago.

HFCC still shows a lot of broadcasts, altho probably over-registered, and some of them don`t start until Sept with seasonal frequency changes:

Beware of the very first entry, 02-03 on 11995, which is really a relay of Taiwan in Spanish, not RFI itself!!!

Note that the only sites here are ISSoudun, FRANCE and MEYerton, SOUTH AFRICA. Tho we know they are also using TAIWAN, banned from HFCC by the ChiCom, e.g. QRMing WRMI on 9955. Of course all those registrations thru 30 Aug or 25 Oct could be wiped out in an instant if RFI really decide to delete all shortwave.

RFI has been reported on SW the last few days, such as:

``11605 SOUTH AFRICA Radio France Int'l via Meyerton at 0630 in French, man and woman with news - Fair July 30 Harold Sellers-BC, dxldyg via DXLD``

``7340 0457 SOUTH AFRICA. Radio France International – Meyerton, 0437-0457* Jul 26, man and woman talking in Swahili language with periodic
local music vocal selections. ID at 0456 followed by a woman with
closedown announcements and brief African vocals until the
transmission carrier was terminated. Fair to good. (D'Angelo-P
A, July NZ DX Times via DXLD)``

And numerous clips from Ivo, presumably recent with dates on them:
``Radio France Internationale in French to CeAf 1253 on 17660 Meyerton

Radio France Internationale in French to WCAf 1705 on 9800 Meyerton

Radio France Internationale in French to WCAf 1804 on 9800 Meyerton

Radio France Internationale in Portuguese to SoAf 1703 on 9755 Meyerton

RFI in Portuguese to SoAf 1900 on 5950 Meyerton, QRM KBS German in DRM on 5950

Radio France Internationale in Swahili to CEAf 1502 on 15360 Meyerton
DX RE MIX NEWS July 31``

Another version is in EiBi, searching on France Int. ---
Including Taiwan relays, some of them even on MW.

I also try to check out various listed RFI transmissions, but propagation is extremely degraded, and/or frequencies blocked by QRM:

0400-0500 on 7390, 9790, 13685 --- none heard
0430-0500 on 7340 --- not heard

0500-0600 11605, 11700, 13695 --- I do have a very poor signal on 11605 at 0530, 0551; and a smidgin better on 13695 which I can detect is in French until cutoff at 0557*

0530-0600 on 9835, 11790 --- unheard

There are numerous frequencies scheduled after 12 or 13, 17660, 21580, 13695, 13740, 15300, 17850, 17620, 21690 but none of them are audible August 5, nor much of anything else on these almost-dead bands. Some of these may really be gone; I don`t recall hearing 17620 in ages.

At 1530 Aug 5, I check all the listed frequencies: I can hear carriers only on 13630 and 17810, neither to be in French.

From EiBi, some of the later listed French broadcasts, ISS, u.o.s.:
18-20 13695, 13740, 17850, 21690, 9800-South Africa
18-22 11995
19-22 9790
20-22 7205
Please confirm whether these remain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, Aug 5 at 0127, ERTOpen with Greek music, VG signal and modulation, // slightly stronger 9420, and JBA 15630. On again-off-again from one night to the next (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 15040, Aug 5 at 1246, AIR Burmese is fair with flutter, yet amounts to the SSOB rivaled only 15610 WEWN. Bangladesh also showing poorly on 15105.

9690, August 5 at 1326, AIR is on with vocal music prélude rather than IS, presumably tail of Tibetan service supposed to be on other frequencies only; 1330 signing on GOS English, into news; also fair on // 13710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 11760, Aug 5 at 0115, VIRI is JBA underneath RHC, still not having uncollided its own Spanish service to South America by moving to 12025 as allegedly in the worx: nothing there. A little more detectable at 0142 when RHC is merely talking.

13785, Aug 5 at 1250, VIRI Arabic service at 0520-1420 still with big het/tone jammer? At 1338 main tone matches G4 = 392 Hz; still at 1407. Are others hearing this closer to the Mideast? What source do you think? I also checked the Palestinian service as previously mentioned, but inaudible Aug 5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, no reception for the final RNZI Mailbox, August 4 at 1330v, so I just listened to the audio at:
Farewell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950.44-AM, approx., Aug 5 at 0111, poor signal from pirate, mentioning James Stewart, then ``first tune`` by Tommy Dorsey, long pause until he starts it. Still going at 0130 and 0145 chex, while I have lots of other bandscanning to do rather than hope for an ID. Gilles Letourneau, Montréal, Canada was hearing it too, in the DXLD yg: ``Tuning around for pirates tonight and came across MAC shortwave radio pirate, the Jimmy Stewart show with oldies, 6950.5 AM mode with fair to good signal at 0120 UT into Montreal`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Aug 5 at 0113, pirate with bluegrass, ``Did you ever hear a church bell toll?``, still at 0130 and 0145 chex; somewhat better than MAC on 6950+AM. It`s XLR8 per:,17989.0.html

** PERU. 5980, Aug 5 at 0107, R. Chaski carrier until cutoff at 0107:07* which is 6 seconds (or 5.83?) later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 11795, UT Tuesday Aug 5 at 0124, 0137, 0144 chex, open carrier/dead air from REE instead of Sephardic service! Altho the ops at Noblejas remembered to turn on the transmitter, evidently master control in Madrid dozed thru the show rather than feeding the transmitter this easily overlooked weekly broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 5 at 0114, SLBC very poor carrier, 0114:48 music starts, timesignal ends at 0114:18, its preferred off-time for the S Asian upwakers foolishly setting their watches by this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7355, Aug 5 at 0602, BBCWS still with good signal via ASCENSION, after the scheduled 0600 switch from 100 to 65 degree azimuth, which normally means lesser signal for us closer to sidelobe than back. BTW, HFCC shows the 05-06 broadcast on 7355 with a start date of 26 June, thus admitting that it had been off for a while after starting the A-14 season with it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7405, Aug 5 at 0404, outro in Spanish for a VOA Editorial, reflecting the views of the US Government, and even a VOA jingle, so VOA Spanish officially deleted from SW lives on as a subsidiary of R. Martí, well above jamming at the moment; 0405 into the midnight repeat of the 8 pm show `Las Noticias Como Son` --- does that mean the news are musical? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1732 monitoring: confirmed Monday August 4 at 2100 on WRMI, 15770. Next:
Wednesday 0630 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ 7490v

** U S A. 17775, Aug 5 at 1258, KVOH is already on with prélude, 1300 sign-on in English, into Spanish; very poor signal, and the OSOB with 16m almost dead: not even Cuba on 17580, 17730. By 1411, RAN via WRMI is starting to show on 17790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 590, Aug 5 at 0615 UT, tone test, 0616 UT tone off and back on. I would suspect KXSP Omaha, which has exhibited some post-midnight anomalies lately, but DF is more like 40 degrees, which points to KFNS Wood River IL (St Louis market) which has a night pattern to the SSW, close enough to our WSW bearing? Altho ND day. But I don`t normally hear it at night at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9670, Aug 5 at 1316, S. Asian music and talk, fair with flutter, song, 1325 yelling announcers and phone ringing, birds chirping, 1327 addresses in India and Pakistan, phones with the numbers pronounced in English; believe I heard The Voice mentioned, i.e. CVC. After 1330 just talk. At 1335 sounds like drama, interjecting English ``hello, welcome back``, resuming a language. Nothing listed or heard here previously, so something brand-new. Ahá, looking at Aoki, I bet The Voice Asia, in Hindi just moved from 9660 to avoid the China/Taiwan radio war; via Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN at 11-14. Second and third likelies would be GFA or BVB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15420, Aug 5 at 1243, something poor in French with clips in English, bits of music, language lesson? Cut off abruptly during music at 1245*. Nothing scheduled, but I suspect it`s SENTECH SOUTH AFRICA, messing around again, prior to the scheduled BBC relay in Somali after 1400, which is audible then. Still haven`t heard again the unID French on 15660 until 1300, which could have been the same situation prior to Channel Africa Swahili from 1500 on same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 17880-17890, Aug 5 at 0139, DRM-sounding noiseblob here, rather than 17785-17795 last night which QRMed R. Australia AM 17795, in the clear tonight. Since RNZI DRM is very strong on 17670-17675-17680, I wonder if these could be spurs from it? After all, AM transmitters are subject to spurious output, so why not DRMs? The question is whether anything identifiable could be decoded on them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)