lunedì 4 agosto 2014

Glenn Hauser logs August 4, 2014 [more]

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11812, August 4 at 0539, RNA spur is weaker than usual, and the modulation level on fundamental 11780 seems backed off to somewhere near normal, but not far enough. 11812 is in fact eclipsed now by the splashing BS from WRMI 11825; while RNA`s 11748 spur is still in the `clear` but also weaker than it has been. It is too early to conclude RNA is deliberately trying to rid itself of its monstruous spurious output rather than just random variation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6030, UT Monday Aug 4 at 0530, DentroCuban Jamming Command noise is only very lite pulsing, much less than usual when R. Martí is off (or on), and a trace of something else audible, maybe CFVP. But to hear that 100-watter this far away, one needs zero jamming!

5980, however, another silent R. Martí frequency is now occupied by wall-of-noise jamming at 0531 August 4.

9550 and 9820, August 4 at 1303 and still 1342, RHC frequencies continue to be active, but weak in QRM, identifiable by echoey // to bigsig on 15370. At 1303, 16m is totally dead, not even RHC, but by 1338, JBA carriers on 17580, 17730, and soon some modulation barely makes it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 13850, Aug 4 at 0539, R. Cairo, Arabic to North America has poor signal tonight with whine, which is axually louder on 13860 spur, and another on 13870; but no matches on lo side, fortunately vs the French broadcasts on 13830 and 13840 still in clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4869.9, Aug 4 at 1119, music audible on the lo side of 4870, vs bonker QRM, presumably RRI Wamena, which Atsunori Ishida confirms active today. On July 31, Ron Howard had it on 4869.90; on Aug 1, Wolfgang Büschel on 4869.920 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MICRONESIA. 4755+, Aug 4 at 1116, PMA The Cross, gospel talk in English, on poor signal; nevertheless, nice to hear some modulation from this rather than just timing the carrier cutoff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & 32, August 4 at 1450 UT, I find that KXOK-LD Enid, ``TVOK`` audio modulation has miraculously appeared via both my Zenith set-top-box DTV converters. I have not rescanned or done anything to get the sound back; I did mention this problem to the contract engineer in charge a couple weeks ago, who then assured me the sound was OK, but he may have made some transmission change now to get it back to me. Wait --- recheck at 1604 UT, sound is gone again except for some hum, variable! Maybe working on it?

Still *nothing* but the same few infomercials for exercising, comedy roasts; and still nothing but silent color bars on 31.2 and 31.3 altho labeled M-FOX and Azteca. Contract for those expired with change of ownership. What a sorry excuse for a TV station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA [and non]. 3205, Aug 4 at 1102, YL talk on very poor signal, maybe Tok Pisin rather than straight English; 3260 sounds like the same, but both too weak for // matching on second receiver. 3385 also has non-// YL talk of a lower pitched voice, with signal up to poor level; at 1113 still talk, no music on any of them. Copy is tough with storm QRN level.

Anyhow, these three frequencies match the 3 August report to ARDXC from Craig Seager, visiting Berry Creek, Northern Territory, as the ``only active PNG stations on SW`` (plus 7325 WRL). I also hear algo on 3325 which is probably Indonesia, confirmed active the past week by Atsunori Ishida, tho today`s monitoring is not yet posted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, Monday Aug 4 at 1338, JBA carrier, and 1555 usual fair level signal and modulation in Spanish from KVOH, back in biz, after missing the weekend English broadcasts on 9975 due to transmitter problems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Monday Aug 4 at 1121, WRMI with `AWR Wavescan` as Yukiko is starting her JSWC report, vs pulse jamming, CCI from France in Chinese via Taiwan; at least it`s within SAH rather than LAH range. Retune 1341, there she is again, wrapping up same report now in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5830, Aug 4 at 0526 check, WTWW-1 is still absent from authorized night frequency, instead on 9475, unauthorized day frequency. By 0535 it`s weakened to ``hollow`` sounding level.

Next check at 1124 Aug 4: 5830 is still off, and on 9475 I am hearing R. Australia, seemingly QRM-free, but WTWW could still be on there and totally not propagating with lowest pre-sunrise MUF. By 1342, 9475 is definitely on from WTWW rather than waiting until authorized *1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1622 UT August 4