domenica 10 marzo 2013

Glenn Hauser logs March 9, 2013

** AUSTRALIA [non]. 9965, March 9 at 1410, RA via PALAU in Chinese in the clear today, no hum/buzz! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 9 at 1414, Bangladesh Betar is on today with S Asian vocal music, but is it in Urdu or Bengali? Beneath usual big hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 15191.56 approx., March 9 at 0105, Brazilian Portuguese talk and music obviously offset as I make 5-kHz steps, then measured here on the 40-Hz fine tuning steps on the DX-398, R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, poor and fluttery. It`s usually about one sesquikHz hi, but occasionally reported on the lo side of 15190 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also UNIDENTIFIED 4915

** CHINA. 15610, March 9 at 0103, Firedrake with poor signal. EiBi shows RFA Tibetan via Tinian this hour only, plus CNR1 jamming, but it`s FD instead tonite.

15555, March 9 at 1413, Firedrake is very poor with het on lo side, so hitting V. of Tibet from its hi side again clears 15550 for WJHR-USB, unlike colliding with it 24 hours earlier. No full-spectrum FD searches at either time today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 15340, March 9 at 1415, RHC is absent, opening frequency for weak S Asian language, no doubt HCJB AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, March 9 at 1412, KBSWR in Korean is very poor, so did not miss anything by not awakening in time for the Saturday English broadcast until 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6010, further chex for reactivated after more than a year, XEOI, Radio Mil: March 9 at 0056, LAH (low audible heterodyne), and a fast SAH (subaudible heterodyne), which I assume are three Spanish stations: Iran as scheduled 0030-0330; XEOI; and HJDH being the one further off-frequency with the LAH. But none of them are readable. Recheck around 0630, RHC English is on tonight, totally blocking anything else, but XEOI will presumably emerge again after 0700. On UT Sunday RHC supposedly stays on 6010 till 0730 with Esperanto, but not always.

I informed Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, who used to do a DX program on R. Mil with Héctor García Bojorge, and on March 8, Julián replied: ``Efectivamente Glenn: ayer por la tarde volvió al aire XEOI 6010 kHz. Saludos, Julián`` And then he posted to the DX world: ``Desde ayer 7 de marzo se encuentra nuevamente en el aire XEOI Radio Mil onda corta en los 6010 kHz las 24 hrs. Saludos, Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. Tnx to John Poet who eQSLed my last log of The Crystal Ship, Unchained:
the latest addition to my QSL gallery, only a fraxion of them all:

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, March 9 at 2011 UT amid powerline noise and lightning crashes on the caradio, bits of weak music, must be KEOR Catoosa/Sperry/Tulsa back on the air after a few weeks` silence, so still only 2 kW daytimer?

Yes, Bruce Winkelman in Tulsa wrote me earlier today: ``KEOR 1120 call letter ID in Spanish 1445Z 09MAR13 into SS religious vocal music`` --- so maybe they are back with a new format; music was not religious before, and they were *never* heard to ID, let alone announce anything during previous several months of testing (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, March 9 at 0100, after weeks of regular reception, no Radio Chaski: monitoring from 0059, there was a JBA carrier which could be it or CNR1 jammer, but went off circa 0100 along with the splash from 5990 Cuba. Kept trying to detect at least a carrier on 5980, but no go past 0108 when per 5-seconds-later-each night, R. Chaski would have signed off anyway. Could be they finally reset their timer to cut off closer to 0100. Now I`ll have to check if that resume the +5-second pattern (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9655, March 9 at 1425, VOT IS, good signal atop something much weaker [CRI via Kunming in Amoy --- Aoki]; 1427 still on, interspersing between each three iterations an ID like ``Türkiye ---- Radyosu`` so is it Turkish language or something related?

1430 timesignal and opening mentions Kazakh, which is indeed the only language scheduled to start at 1430 --- but on 9785, not 9655! Nor is it an overrun from something in the previous hour which failed to QSY: no, 9655 is a totally wrong frequency, which is supposedly only on the air for English to N America at 0400! Per latest B12 TRT sked in DXLD 13-07, the only VOT broadcasts ending at 1425 are English on 12035, Uyghur on 13685.

Recheck at 1458, no more Turkey, but unlike most services, Kazakh is only for 25 minutes, so might have stayed here for entire misbroadcast. At *1458 RRI comes on with usual good signal off the back from Galbeni, 140 degrees in Arabic, rather than KNLS off its back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1659 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 via WBCQ webcast, UT Saturday March 9 starting at 0249 after expanded live `Allan Weiner Worldwide`; also on 5110v-CUSB at 0317 check.

Next: UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4915, March 9 at 0056 in quick 60m bandscan noted music here with fair signal, presumed one of the Brazilians, but after Chaski check, retune at 0108 to hear nothing but CODAR. Must have signed off around 0100. Since Rdif. de Macapá I had recently heard around 0700, perhaps more likely, but would it be closing this early? Or the other one, R. Daqui, Goiânia? The two Brazilian surveys by Giuseppe Cysneiros and Harold Frodge don`t indicate real sign-off/on times, nominally 24 hours for both? WRTH 2013 shows 24 hours for Macapá but no times for Daqui (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)