** AUSTRALIA. 5990-5995-6000, March 24 at 1249, DRM noise is audible here from RA Brandon, no doubt too weak to decode; currently scheduled at 12-14 UT.
6080-AM, March 24 at 1325, RA is off this frequency and on 6020-AM, unlike 24 hours earlier, the reverse, so now back on proper schedule. See also PALAU (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 24 at 1358, BB IS, hum, good level but with flutter; 1400, 6-pip timesignal 2.5 seconds late, opening Urdu, theme, and nice music later in the semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake March 24, non-exhaustive scans, noted:
14750, JBA at 1322
15400, fair at 1426 mixing with V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR
15515, poor at 1359-1400* uncovering algo, i.e. R. Aap ki Dunyaa, Urdu starting via SRI LANKA, after hetting V. of Tibet via Tajikistan
** CUBA [and non]. 17580, Sunday March 24 circa 1340, RHC is on with `En Contacto` DX program, but 17580 is off at 1358, back on at 1427, when 13780 is off, despite own revised website schedule claiming both stay until 1500 daily. En homenaje a Hugo?
15340, nominal earlier March 24, but at 1429 now open carrier/dead air audiblizing HCJB music underneath, and still dead at 1430 when 15230, 17580 and 17730 are in interval signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 13362-USB, March 24 at 0507, AFN in local daytime on day frequency audible in the nightmiddle here, sounds like M&W with a far-right talkshow, 0509 AFN promos.
5765-USB, March 24 at 1250, now AFN is back on night frequency with discussion about Grupon, unseems NPR WESUN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 9715, March 24 at 1304, Qur`an, poor signal with flutter but in the clear, i.e. VIRI opening Urdu sesquihour from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [and non]. 11740, UT Sunday March 24 at 0518 via GUIANA FRENCH, NHK World Radio Japan in `Friends Around the World`, finally acknowledging on the air that English to North America will be ending next weekend, so ``please listen on the internet`` from now on as requested more than once. History of R. Japan starting in 1935y in Japanese & English only until 1937; by 1943-1945y* had 24 languages, resumed in *1952y.
Last broadcast to NAm will be March 30, so this is the last FATW toward NAm, but next week`s show will be the last for Kay Fujimoto in fiscal-year personnel turnover; apparently Mick Corliss will be staying, with a new co-hostess from April. 0524 finishing with a song, 0526 announcing new A-13 English schedule including several transmissions to be dropped:
0500 SAf, 11970 ex-9770 [what about 5975 WOF to Europe? See below]
1000 SEAsia, 11740 dropped
1200 NAm, 15190 dropped
1300 SWAs, 15735 dropped
1400 SEAs, 11705 ex-11925
1400 SWAs, 15735 ex-11695
1800 CAf, 11885 ex-15735
One would assume the above is the complete schedule, but may not be, just the transmissions which are changing; as I previously extracted from HFCC A-13, includes a few others:
0500, 5975-Woofferton UK, 11970-Issoudun, France
1000, 9625-Yamata, 9695-Singapore
1100, 9760-Woofferton UK but DRM
1200, 9695-Singapore, [OR, same parameters:] 11740
1300, 15735-Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1400, 11705-Palau, 15735-Tashkent
1800, 9590-Meyerton, South Africa [OR, same parameters:] 11885
Here`s the March 24 show to Listen-on-the-internet:http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/asx/201303241430.asx
and have one last look at Kay, with Mick:http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/program/index.html
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also PALAU
** MEXICO. 750, March 24 at 0548 UT, as ordered last night, I am trying again to ID the tropical-music station: not much WSB now, must be semi-auroral conditions. Yes, at 0550, ``La Huasteca, cien por ciento huasteca``, i.e. XETI, Tempoal, Veracruz, per IRCA Mexican Log, 10000/250 watts, which I had previously heard last March (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 770, March 24 at 1228 UT, ``En Sinaloa nací`` tribute song, mentions Mazatlán, Culiacán, but later also adjacent states Sonora, Durango, Chihuahua; a daily ritual? 1232 ID for ``Chávez Radio K``, ``Los 40 Principales``, XHREV, 5:32 timecheck, i.e. FM side of XEREV, 770, Los Mochis, 5/0.1 kW per IRCA and Cantú, 1/0.1 kW per WRTH. FWIW, today`s Los Mochis sunrise was not until 1314 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 790, March 24 at 1226 UT, long string of 8-digit phone numbers repeated, ``escuchan Grupo Fórmula``, gobierno federal PSA, ``Fórmula, 970-AM`` ID, i.e. flagship XERFR México DF whose local IDs are relayed all over the country.
There are two affiliates on 790, XEGAJ Guadalajara, Jal., and XENT La Paz BCS, surely the latter as loops southwest. Today`s sunrise in Guadalajara is 1254, and La Paz 1321 per gaisma.com, and 1229 here. Usual conflicting info about powers; IRCA says XEGAJ is 1 kW, Cantú and WRTH say 250 watts. IRCA and WRTH say XENT is 5/0.75 kW, Cantú says 10/0.75 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 6679-USB, poor March 24 at 1253, VOLMET with jerky robotic voice in DU accent, then mentions Auckland, which fits the 6679 rotation in EiBi: NZ at H+20 & 50; Honolulu at 25 & 55; Tokyo at 10 & 40, Hong Kong at 15 & 45 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PALAU. 9930, March 24 at 1301, T8WH is on with English gospel huxter, and so is 9965 with R. Australia Chinese relay just starting: OK this Sunday, unlike last week when RA Chinese was heard on 9930, 9965, 10000 and 10035.
11925, March 24 at 1314, World Harvest Radio prayer-line plug in English, immediate segué 1315 to R. Japan relay opening Indonesian! Another relay client, like Vietnam via WHRI, is not getting a decent interval between WHR`s agenda and their own (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, March 24 at 0056, Cuban pulse jamming and JBA carrier; 0059* 5990 CRI/CUBA splash is already off, then R. Chaski carrier still detectable until cutoff at 0101:32.5 = 5 sex later than last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. 11910, Sunday March 24 at 1311, REE Beijing relay within `Amigos de la Onda Corta`, Pedro Sedano`s monthly media report, interrupted by characteristic beeping sounders. Fair with flutter, but quite readable, rather different harsher audio than we get from Noblejas direct, such as 17595 fortunately active Sundays secretly for us, but who knows what will result after A-13/DST jumbling next week? At least maybe we shall no longer be faced with the choice of hearing Spain`s or Cuba`s DX show at 1335.
Axually, Alan Roe finds that REE has finally updated its program grid at the end of B-12 and already showing A-13 timings, including AOC at 1200 UT Sundays:http://www.rtve.es/radio/radio-exterior/programacion/
but will we still have a frequency? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5050-AM, March 24 at 0057, extra WWRB transmitter is on again, with gospel huxter about the papacy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9930, Saturday March 23 circa 2130, I notice that WTWW-2 is on again with music. Later learned from Thomas Horton that WORLD OF RADIO played at 2330, and from Ted Randall, that will be a regular spot from now on. I checked 5085 circa 0100 March 24 and it was not on then. More WORLD OF RADIO monitoring: confirmed at usual time on WTWW-1, 5830, UT Sunday March 24 at 0400+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 830, March 24 at 0602 UT, WUMY Memphis TN ID, ``greatest country music ever made``; not much WCCO to compete. It`s WUMY which must be nulled to hear a bit o` `CCO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1230, March 24 at 0517 UT, sweep tones upward over and over, from the direxion of KSEY Seymour TX during its scheduled 2-hour DX test. This is easily audible without much QRM by tuning the DX-398 to 1232-USB, but I am not hearing any code IDs. Further:
0519 sweeps; 0523 sweeps; 0525 beeps but not code?; 0528 busy signal; 0529 sweeps; 0530 rapid beeps, sweeps. 0530 I switch to center-tuning 1230 on AM, and still hear some sweeps; 0531 slow code, but too much QRM to copy; 0533 sweeps; 0536 beeps, not code, busy signal; 0538 slow code now with partial copy: --XAS; 0542 now I copy: KSEY SEYMOUR TEXAS, more sweeps; with that I move on to other DX, but recheck 0608, sweeps; 0612 code (I am now calling this CW, because it isn`t).
I never heard any music or voice announcements from KSEY but some may have been lost in the mass of graveyard QRM. The pitch and modulation level of the code IDs were much below the sweep tones, unfortunately. It`s only 209 miles = 336 km from Seymour to Enid, and there are no 1230s in between. Of course we are much closer to opposite WBBZ Ponca City OK which in the daytime is a semi-local. Tnx for the test! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM. 7906-USB, March 24 at 1307, YL in Vietnamese and English intonations, not readable, but closing at 1310.5* after about 10 sex of very rapid beeping, i.e. Ho Chi Minh City coastal station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 950, Sunday March 24 at 1222 UT, with adjacent local KGWA 960 nulled, Spanish vs English preachers making slow SAH. The English is presumably KJRG Newton KS, and first guess for the Spanish is XEFA Chihuahua city, tho I would be more pleased if it were KDCE Española NM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
6080-AM, March 24 at 1325, RA is off this frequency and on 6020-AM, unlike 24 hours earlier, the reverse, so now back on proper schedule. See also PALAU (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 24 at 1358, BB IS, hum, good level but with flutter; 1400, 6-pip timesignal 2.5 seconds late, opening Urdu, theme, and nice music later in the semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake March 24, non-exhaustive scans, noted:
14750, JBA at 1322
15400, fair at 1426 mixing with V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR
15515, poor at 1359-1400* uncovering algo, i.e. R. Aap ki Dunyaa, Urdu starting via SRI LANKA, after hetting V. of Tibet via Tajikistan
** CUBA [and non]. 17580, Sunday March 24 circa 1340, RHC is on with `En Contacto` DX program, but 17580 is off at 1358, back on at 1427, when 13780 is off, despite own revised website schedule claiming both stay until 1500 daily. En homenaje a Hugo?
15340, nominal earlier March 24, but at 1429 now open carrier/dead air audiblizing HCJB music underneath, and still dead at 1430 when 15230, 17580 and 17730 are in interval signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 13362-USB, March 24 at 0507, AFN in local daytime on day frequency audible in the nightmiddle here, sounds like M&W with a far-right talkshow, 0509 AFN promos.
5765-USB, March 24 at 1250, now AFN is back on night frequency with discussion about Grupon, unseems NPR WESUN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 9715, March 24 at 1304, Qur`an, poor signal with flutter but in the clear, i.e. VIRI opening Urdu sesquihour from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [and non]. 11740, UT Sunday March 24 at 0518 via GUIANA FRENCH, NHK World Radio Japan in `Friends Around the World`, finally acknowledging on the air that English to North America will be ending next weekend, so ``please listen on the internet`` from now on as requested more than once. History of R. Japan starting in 1935y in Japanese & English only until 1937; by 1943-1945y* had 24 languages, resumed in *1952y.
Last broadcast to NAm will be March 30, so this is the last FATW toward NAm, but next week`s show will be the last for Kay Fujimoto in fiscal-year personnel turnover; apparently Mick Corliss will be staying, with a new co-hostess from April. 0524 finishing with a song, 0526 announcing new A-13 English schedule including several transmissions to be dropped:
0500 SAf, 11970 ex-9770 [what about 5975 WOF to Europe? See below]
1000 SEAsia, 11740 dropped
1200 NAm, 15190 dropped
1300 SWAs, 15735 dropped
1400 SEAs, 11705 ex-11925
1400 SWAs, 15735 ex-11695
1800 CAf, 11885 ex-15735
One would assume the above is the complete schedule, but may not be, just the transmissions which are changing; as I previously extracted from HFCC A-13, includes a few others:
0500, 5975-Woofferton UK, 11970-Issoudun, France
1000, 9625-Yamata, 9695-Singapore
1100, 9760-Woofferton UK but DRM
1200, 9695-Singapore, [OR, same parameters:] 11740
1300, 15735-Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1400, 11705-Palau, 15735-Tashkent
1800, 9590-Meyerton, South Africa [OR, same parameters:] 11885
Here`s the March 24 show to Listen-on-the-internet:http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/asx/201303241430.asx
and have one last look at Kay, with Mick:http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/program/index.html
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also PALAU
** MEXICO. 750, March 24 at 0548 UT, as ordered last night, I am trying again to ID the tropical-music station: not much WSB now, must be semi-auroral conditions. Yes, at 0550, ``La Huasteca, cien por ciento huasteca``, i.e. XETI, Tempoal, Veracruz, per IRCA Mexican Log, 10000/250 watts, which I had previously heard last March (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 770, March 24 at 1228 UT, ``En Sinaloa nací`` tribute song, mentions Mazatlán, Culiacán, but later also adjacent states Sonora, Durango, Chihuahua; a daily ritual? 1232 ID for ``Chávez Radio K``, ``Los 40 Principales``, XHREV, 5:32 timecheck, i.e. FM side of XEREV, 770, Los Mochis, 5/0.1 kW per IRCA and Cantú, 1/0.1 kW per WRTH. FWIW, today`s Los Mochis sunrise was not until 1314 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 790, March 24 at 1226 UT, long string of 8-digit phone numbers repeated, ``escuchan Grupo Fórmula``, gobierno federal PSA, ``Fórmula, 970-AM`` ID, i.e. flagship XERFR México DF whose local IDs are relayed all over the country.
There are two affiliates on 790, XEGAJ Guadalajara, Jal., and XENT La Paz BCS, surely the latter as loops southwest. Today`s sunrise in Guadalajara is 1254, and La Paz 1321 per gaisma.com, and 1229 here. Usual conflicting info about powers; IRCA says XEGAJ is 1 kW, Cantú and WRTH say 250 watts. IRCA and WRTH say XENT is 5/0.75 kW, Cantú says 10/0.75 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 6679-USB, poor March 24 at 1253, VOLMET with jerky robotic voice in DU accent, then mentions Auckland, which fits the 6679 rotation in EiBi: NZ at H+20 & 50; Honolulu at 25 & 55; Tokyo at 10 & 40, Hong Kong at 15 & 45 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PALAU. 9930, March 24 at 1301, T8WH is on with English gospel huxter, and so is 9965 with R. Australia Chinese relay just starting: OK this Sunday, unlike last week when RA Chinese was heard on 9930, 9965, 10000 and 10035.
11925, March 24 at 1314, World Harvest Radio prayer-line plug in English, immediate segué 1315 to R. Japan relay opening Indonesian! Another relay client, like Vietnam via WHRI, is not getting a decent interval between WHR`s agenda and their own (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, March 24 at 0056, Cuban pulse jamming and JBA carrier; 0059* 5990 CRI/CUBA splash is already off, then R. Chaski carrier still detectable until cutoff at 0101:32.5 = 5 sex later than last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. 11910, Sunday March 24 at 1311, REE Beijing relay within `Amigos de la Onda Corta`, Pedro Sedano`s monthly media report, interrupted by characteristic beeping sounders. Fair with flutter, but quite readable, rather different harsher audio than we get from Noblejas direct, such as 17595 fortunately active Sundays secretly for us, but who knows what will result after A-13/DST jumbling next week? At least maybe we shall no longer be faced with the choice of hearing Spain`s or Cuba`s DX show at 1335.
Axually, Alan Roe finds that REE has finally updated its program grid at the end of B-12 and already showing A-13 timings, including AOC at 1200 UT Sundays:http://www.rtve.es/radio/radio-exterior/programacion/
but will we still have a frequency? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5050-AM, March 24 at 0057, extra WWRB transmitter is on again, with gospel huxter about the papacy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9930, Saturday March 23 circa 2130, I notice that WTWW-2 is on again with music. Later learned from Thomas Horton that WORLD OF RADIO played at 2330, and from Ted Randall, that will be a regular spot from now on. I checked 5085 circa 0100 March 24 and it was not on then. More WORLD OF RADIO monitoring: confirmed at usual time on WTWW-1, 5830, UT Sunday March 24 at 0400+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 830, March 24 at 0602 UT, WUMY Memphis TN ID, ``greatest country music ever made``; not much WCCO to compete. It`s WUMY which must be nulled to hear a bit o` `CCO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1230, March 24 at 0517 UT, sweep tones upward over and over, from the direxion of KSEY Seymour TX during its scheduled 2-hour DX test. This is easily audible without much QRM by tuning the DX-398 to 1232-USB, but I am not hearing any code IDs. Further:
0519 sweeps; 0523 sweeps; 0525 beeps but not code?; 0528 busy signal; 0529 sweeps; 0530 rapid beeps, sweeps. 0530 I switch to center-tuning 1230 on AM, and still hear some sweeps; 0531 slow code, but too much QRM to copy; 0533 sweeps; 0536 beeps, not code, busy signal; 0538 slow code now with partial copy: --XAS; 0542 now I copy: KSEY SEYMOUR TEXAS, more sweeps; with that I move on to other DX, but recheck 0608, sweeps; 0612 code (I am now calling this CW, because it isn`t).
I never heard any music or voice announcements from KSEY but some may have been lost in the mass of graveyard QRM. The pitch and modulation level of the code IDs were much below the sweep tones, unfortunately. It`s only 209 miles = 336 km from Seymour to Enid, and there are no 1230s in between. Of course we are much closer to opposite WBBZ Ponca City OK which in the daytime is a semi-local. Tnx for the test! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM. 7906-USB, March 24 at 1307, YL in Vietnamese and English intonations, not readable, but closing at 1310.5* after about 10 sex of very rapid beeping, i.e. Ho Chi Minh City coastal station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 950, Sunday March 24 at 1222 UT, with adjacent local KGWA 960 nulled, Spanish vs English preachers making slow SAH. The English is presumably KJRG Newton KS, and first guess for the Spanish is XEFA Chihuahua city, tho I would be more pleased if it were KDCE Española NM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)