giovedì 17 novembre 2016

KW-Radiosendung über DSWCI - Shortwave broadcast

DSWCI will close down, thats why Robert Kipp from Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Germany produced a one hour shortwave-programm
"DSWCI-the last AGM"
This program will broadcast to Europa, Japan, Asien, Australien, North America, Eastern North America, the Caribbean and South America at
3.12.2016 to Europe

by WRMI and SLBC

The RMRC publish a special QSL-card for your Reception Report.
Good luck listening
RMRC-managing board


SRI  LANKA      Victor Goonetilleke,  program manager


Sat., 03. Dec. 2016 (UTC) from 1930-2030 UTC on 9715 KHz (350 degrees; 125 Kilowatts)

To  JAPAN, Asia, Australia :
Sun., 04. Dec. 2016 (UTC) from 1000-1100 UTC on 11835 KHz

Sat., 03. Dec. 2016 (UTC) from 1000-1100 UTC on 11835 KHz



WRMI       Jeff  White , program manager


All broadcasts from WRMI are 30 minutes long; therefore Part1 and Part2.


2300 UTC   Saturday, December 3     5850 kHz    to North America
(especially Central and West)

2330 UTC   Saturday, December 3   11580 kHz    to Eastern North America
( and Europe )

2030 UTC   Sunday, December 4     11580 kHz    to Europe  ( and Eastern
North America )

2300 UTC   Sunday, December 4       5850 kHz    to North America
(especially Central and West)

0230 UTC   Monday, December 5      9955 kHz    to the Caribbean, North
and South America



2300 UTC   Saturday, December 10     5850 kHz    to North America
(especially Central and West)

2330 UTC   Saturday, December 10   11580 kHz    to Eastern North America
( and Europe )

2030 UTC   Sunday, December 11      11580 kHz    to Europe ( and Eastern
North America )

2300 UTC   Sunday, December 11       5850 kHz    to North America
(especially Central and West)

0230 UTC   Monday, December 12      9955 kHz    to the Caribbean, North
and South America


Note that the Monday transmissions on 9955 kHz are actually Sunday
evening in the Americas.
