domenica 25 settembre 2016

SWLDXBulgaria News Sept.23-24

ALASKA   Weak signal of KNLS The New Life Station on Sept.24
0905&1158 on 11870 NLS 100 kW / 300 deg to NEAs Russian tx#2
from 1200 on 11870 NLS 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs English tx#2

EGYPT   Unidentified station with Egyptian music, Sept.24
1020-1035 on  9400 unknown transmitter site, weak to fair
1036-1037 on  9600 open carrier/dead air, for next txion:

EGYPT   Unscheduled broadcast of Radio Cairo with dead air on Sept.24:
1250-1302 on  9965.2*ABS 200 kW / 325 deg to ENAm, strong open carrier
*over weak on 9965.0 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs Brother Stair T8WH 5

FRANCE(non)   Reception of Radio Adal via TDF Issoudun on Sept.24:
1500-1530 on 15205 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Arabic Wed/Sat
1530-1600 on 15205*ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Wed/Sat
*co-ch BSKSA 15205 RIY 500 kW / 320 deg to WeEu Holy Quran at 1553UT

GERMANY   Reception of Hamburger Lokalradio via Goehren, Sept.24
0700-1000 on  6190*GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu German Sat CUSB
1000-1100 on  7265*GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu German Sat CUSB

GERMANY   Reception of Radio MiAmigo via Shortwave Sce, Sept.24
0800-1200 on  9560 KLL 020 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sat/Sun

GERMANY(non)   Poor signal of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via MBR Issoudun, Sept.24:
1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat + jamming

ITALY   Reception of test transmission of Radio Latino, Sept.23
1910-2110 on  7565 unknown secret tx site to Eu English & It/Sp
Once again unscheduled broadcast of Marconi Radio International, Sept.24
1530-1930 on  7700 unknown secret tx site to Eu English & vary langs USB

SECRETLAND(non)   Radio City & Unidentified broadcast via SPL Secretbrod, Sept.24:
IRRS Radio City
0800-0900 on  9510 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu German Sat, fair to good signal
IRRS Radio Warra Wangeelaati
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat NO SIGNAL, BUT same time
Unidentified clandestine broadcast
1500-1600 on 15700 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf unknown(Khmer or Lao), very strong

USA   Once again test transmissions of WMLK Bethel on Sept.23
till 2001 on  9275 MLK 250 kW / 053 deg to WeEu English & off


Ivo Ivanov

QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire