** ALBANIA. 9854.97, Sept 13 at 0126, R. Tirana IS can be detected amid the
self-imposed humroar, S5 signal (while CRI relay 9570 attains S9+25 and clearly
modulated). At 0135 YL can be heard talking but useless under humroar level.
This defect has now been going on for about three months! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** AUSTRALIA. 2325 & 2485 & 4835, Sept 13 at
1207, the Northern Territory VL8 Shower Stations are indeed back on the air, as
had been promised for 2330 UT Sept 12 (Rob Wagner says they were back earlier
than that). 2325 is S9+, 2485 is S6, and 4835 is S9+10, seems all playing same
song. At 1245, 2325 is in talk, 2485 is JBA but unseems // with music? And 4835
is S9+10 talk // 2325. 4835 is still audible at 1323, S8. My sunrise today: 1213
UT. Now the ABC will be deciding whether enough Northern Territorians missed
them during the deliberate outage to justify continuing them long-term (Glenn
** EGYPT. 9964.88, Sept 13 at 0116, R.
Cairo is JBM Arabic with whine, S9 and also irrelevant Cuban pulse jamming;
while 9315 is usual mess of garblenoise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUINEA. 9650, Sept 12 at 0624, S7 music, presumed Conakry, which I
don`t often hear after its *0600v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** INDIA. 9380, Sept 13 at 0105, Hindi pop music at S8, much
better than usual, from Vividh Bharati, 250 kW Aligarh scheduled 0100-0435 per
while // 9870 seems same music, but very weak, despite 500 kW from Bengaluru
at 0025-0440 (in the absence of TURKEY, q.v.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** MEXICO. Re: ``700, Sept 8 at 1153, Radio Red ID, presumed
XEDKR Guadalajara, which relays XERED 1110 México DF; thought I heard an FM 92.1
mentioned, but not listed as such in Jalisco, and in the DF it`s on 88.1. 700
listed as 10000/150 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``
and XHFO swapped formats in June, so you heard 92.1. I suspect Red FM is not
much longer for this world (Raymie Humbert, AZ, Sept 8, WTFDA Forum via
** RUSSIA. 7295, Sept 12 at 1245, song at poor S9 signal,
fluttering but clear, while 7345 covered by Chinese; i.e. R. Sakha, Yakutsk;
7295 goes off a few seconds after a 5-pip timesignal ends late at 1300:07.5
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Sept 13 at
0114, SLBC carrier is VP S2, but enough to recognize the music prélude from
0114:44, and the 2+1 mis-timesignal ending at 0115:09.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** TURKEY. 9870 & 9770 & 9830, Sept 13 at 0112,
Voz de Turquía is missing from both nominal frequencies and even the frequently
used mistaken one! Can`t be propagation, as e.g. 9964.88 Cairo is
5960, Sept 13 at 0130, as I continue bandscanning, eventually find
S9+5 Spanish here and it is VOT! 5960 is normally employed only in the B-seasons
for English to North America at 2300-2350v, so have they made unexpected
S-season changes, also affecting other broadcasts? Or is this a double whammy,
not only wrong frequency for 0100 Spanish, but wrong season? Out of the
transmitter memory bank, perhaps.
Ending feature `Costumbres de los
Turcos` with music theme bit identical to opening of program as they always
duplicate intros and outros, saving a lot of produxion work. I can`t be sure
it`s starting or ending until the next item at 0132: `Pregunta del Mes`, which I
can`t copy fully, but something about someone who `falleció`, and
multiple-choice answers, A, B, and C. (So with three separate entries during a
month, no way not to win, if you can only understand the choices --- but you
still have to win a draw after that.) 0134 on to vocal music. TRT lux out as
5960 is not otherwise occupied in this A-season, so in the clear. Now where is
the second one? Never find it, but at 0152, 5960 is already off.
Now I
recheck the 31m channels, and in the meantime they have come back after some op
woke up: at 0152, 9770 is poor at S7, and // 9870 is even poorer at S6, in
sign-off mentioning Spanish schedule but I bet not 5960! Then into IS playing
past 0153 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
RADIO 1842 monitoring: confirmed Sunday Sept 11 at 2330 on WBCQ 9330.047v-CUSB,
S9+10. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 12 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, S9+30. Also
confirmed UT Monday Sept 12 at 0301 on Area 51 webcast, and at 0327 check via
WBCQ 5129.848-AM, S9+10. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 12 at 0330 on WRMI 9955,
VG S9+20. Also confirmed Monday Sept 12 at 2330 on WBCQ, 9330.059v-CUSB. Also
confirmed the Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955, awake by 1127 Sept 13 when it`s VG, S9+20,
no jamming audible. Next:
Tue 2130 WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2330 WBCQ
9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v to
Wed 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 9330+, Sept 13 until 0101.5*, WBCQ signs off after
Blalock the blaster, instead of an AWWW replay. On UT Wed at this hour, should
be Amateur Radio Roundtable.
7490.028, Sept 13 at 0625! Presumed WBCQ is
on, a guy certain that the New World Order is imminent allowing the Soviet Union
to send troops into the USA to put down insurrexions`` --- what nonsense ---
being interviewed on phone by YL, sounds sorta like Joyce Riley, but not?
Tomorrow`s topic: Kennedy assassination. This must be old stuff. 3-minute
commercial breaks are introduced but edited out; phone 522-5008 but no area
Finally mentions guest name: Bill Cooper! Long deceased, but one
of Allan Weiner`s old buddies. Note I had heard 7490 unID carrier on Sept 6 at
0523. Yes, WBCQ schedule for 7490 now shows 7 days a week:
0400 0700 UTC The
Hour Of The Time / The Road To Paradise
Apparently Cooper has been
resurrected by this ``Church of Paradise``:
where a site search on WBCQ gets zero hits (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 7505v, Sept 13 at 0100 and further chex for an hour,
** U S A. 12105, Sept
13 at 0123, no signal from WTWW-3, while 9475 WTWW-1 and 5085 WTWW-2 are
inblasting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1170, Sept
13 at 0150 UT, gospel huxter still QRMing underneath KFAQ Tulsa, i.e. WWVA OH as
already identified; ``Jesus is coming back on such & such a date``, still
failing to null toward KFAQ and me, presumably 50 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Re: ``810, Sept 6 at 0230
UT...phone starts 615 (but not an AC which would be E Tennessee)".
so it is: WMGC in Murfreesboro ('burb of Nashville), sporting a SS: MEX format,
and known by some to cheat with day power at night. I'd bet six months pay on
this. I had access to a mid-Tennessee remote receiver a few months ago; WMGC had
an inordinantly loud night signal on most tries (GREG HARDISON, CA, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 1480.83 & 1499.17, Sept 13 at 0144 UT, approx.
spots for JBA carriers hetting 1480 and 1500 stations, presumed parasitic spurs
out of some 1490 station, still detectable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 3325.0, Sept 13 at 1211, good S8-S9 carrier, but
too bad it`s not modulated. At 1217 maybe a trace of JBM, either from this or an
understation. Both Bougainville PNG, and Palangkaraya INDONESIA are right on
frequency, so no het to separate them, nor even subaudible het. Most likely the
carrier atop is NBC and the other one RRI. At 1244, still S5 carrier about level
with the noise. 1323 down to a JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 9533.30-USB, Sept 13 at 0108, weak 2-way intruders
in colloquial Spanish, ``cambios``, intermittent with Cuban pulse jamming bleed
all the way from 9565 where it`s completely unneeded. Seems I am the only one
ever reporting these SS intruders inside the SWBC bands --- no one else cares?
Sure, we can`t identify them, but should be documented! Native
speakers/professional monitors might be able to extract clues (Glenn Hauser, OK,
UNIDENTIFIED. 9787-9811, Sept 13 at 0122, OTH radar
pulses; typical ~25 kHz bandwidth associated with CYPRUS? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
This report dispatched at 1708 UT September 13