martedì 9 febbraio 2016

Glenn Hauser logs February 8-9, 2016

** CUBA. 670, Feb 9 at 0702:46 UT, surprised to hear a 2+1 timesignal and ID from R. Rebelde. Very late; maybe it`s more like a sound effect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, Feb 9 at 0719, ERA is on here and putting out the humwhine, S5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND. 6160-, Feb 9 at 0725 UT as I am dozing off, hear an ID for ``The Current on CBC Radio One``, so is it CKZN or CKZU? CBCR1 schedule shows ``The Current Review`` at 3-4 am local time, so it`s not CKZU. Is CKZU on? This time of night should be hearing both (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7254.94, Feb 9 at 0718, VON in French, S9+10 but undermodulated; no sign of anything on 9689.9, which used to be // at least for the preceding hour in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 18150-USB, Feb 8 at 2145, ``CQ, CQ, Kilo-Six-Monkey, celebrating the Chinese calendar Year of the Monkey --- QRZ``. Ahh, a very special event station. But nothing further heard for a few minutes, so guess he gave up for now. 

Looking up K6M later: NO entry in the ARRL/FCC database! Could it be a pirate? Nothing, searching on Monkey and K6M in the latest ham DX bulletins archived on the ODXA yg.

Then I try and do find it, including QSL illustration, so I guess ARRL/FCC don`t keep up with temporary calls:

``K6M USA flag USA

"Year of the Monkey" Special Event Station c/o Rich Seifert
21885 Bear Creek Way
Los Gatos, CA 95033

Page managed by KE1B Lookups: 6054

In honor of the Lunar (Chinese) New Year 2016, "The Year of the Monkey" the K6MMM Monkeys are celebrating with a Special Event Station:

From February 1st through February 14th, the Monkeys will be operating as K6M, from Northern California, with lots of guest monkeys in the chair.

Operations will take place most days, on 80 through 6 meters, in all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, and possibly PSK31). Work the monkeys, and then request your special commemmorative [sic] QSL card (shown above) from the Clublog OQRS system (see below). Stations that work K6M on any FIVE (5) band/mode slots can request a special Year of the Monkey certificate.

The actual Lunar New Year begins on February 8, 2016. Give us a call any time during the event, and say "Gung Hay Fat Choy" (Happy New Year)!

To request a Year of the Monkey certificate (five or more QSOs), send $3 via PayPal to and be sure to indicate your callsign in a note or email. You can also mail $3 to K6MMM at the address below.

Since Special Event (1x1) callsigns are for temporary use only, please request your QSL promptly. Because the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau does not handle USA-to-USA cards, any such requests must be made no later than February 28, 2016. At that time, we will send USA bureau cards directly to the various district QSL bureaus.

6932317 Last modified: 2015-12-16 20:21:07, 3207 bytes``

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1811 monitoring: confirmed the Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 9955, tuned in just before ending at 1228, VG signal at S9+10 with no jamming audible. After 1230 on to `Angloparade`. Next:
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Feb 9 at 1430, very weak signal from R. Sana`a! Not rechecked until 1455, as during this semihour the Tuesday following the first Wednesday of the month is KOSU`s `The Living Room` interview, this time with the OKC police chief and a subordinate. 

Then I realize this doesn`t sound like R. Sana`a at all --- none of the familiar music bits and exhortations, not even sure it`s Arabic, ergo, R. Sana`a is gone and I`m getting the station it normally covers up starting at 1430, VOA Radio Ashna, in Pashto, 250 kW, 70 degrees via KUWAIT (and switching to Dari at 1500). 

I quickly scan the entire 11 and 13 MHz bands for a new Sana`a frequency, but none found. Propagation seems to be normal or even above normal judging from other signals heard. 

Finally circa 1512, Sana`a cuts back on 11860 with Arabic talk, so it was just an outage. It`s at usual level of S9+10, still at 1535.

BTW, Bill Bingham in South Africa finds no signal on 11860 early in the mornings, as of Feb 4: ``Although I can't monitor Sana'a every night (because of the awkward time here in Jo'burg) I have previously noted the following, and always with an abrupt change where any change was heard:

Going off air at 0120.
Already off air by 0100, 0132, 0308.
Coming back on air by 0340.
Coming back on air at 0324, 0329, 0338 (plus today 0326). 

From these timings it seems to me that Sana'a must go off air for an hour or two most mornings, if not every morning`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1721 UT February 9