** ALBANIA [and non]. 7464.97, Feb 27 at 0227, R. Tirana IS is S7, and modulated
well enough, but voice mod at 0230 sign-on is lower, yet can confirm that all
the numbers are correctly stated; into the news it`s just too much of a strain
to copy. The problem is modulation, not interference. The neighbor on 7460 is S5
and on 7470 S4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
2748.99-USB, Feb 27 at 0146 UT, almost-human pleasant YL voice is referencing
Environment Canada with marine weather, but as usual it`s tough to catch any
location references, so assume it is the one scheduled to have started at 0140:
VCS Halifax via Chebogue site.
2598-USB, Feb 27 at 0147 UT, can tell
there is another Canadian Coast Guard transmission, but too weak under some
utehash. Scheduled now is: VOK Labrador via Cartwright and/or Hopedale from 0137
** EGYPT. 9965.25, Feb 27 at 0134
check, no signal at all from ERTU, but it`s on and measured here at 0224, whine
and Mideast music averaging S7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
GREECE. 9420, Feb 27 at 0133, ERT with Greek music is VG at S9+35, so what`s
happening on its whiny sibling? 9935 is only S9 to S6, program modulation barely
audible underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
4055, Feb 27 at 0220 UT, R. Verdad with a familiar voice giving DX news about
Voz de Indonesia, spelling out non-Castilian e-mails and URLs with ``uves`` ---
Pedro Sedano of AER who contributes to several DX programs including this one,
``gracias, Dino``, ergo Frecuencia al Día as IDed at 0223 after some James Bond
music and on to another correspondent. FAD does appear on FAD`s own schedule for
0200 UT Saturdays on 4055, but does not appear on R. Verdad`s own schedule,
still incomplete and out of date (nor the other DX program 24 hours later, UT
Sundays at 02, Antena DX – but maybe not this week; read on).
Good S9+
signal, attributable to normal propagation, not a mysterious ``injexion``
directly into my Oklahoma radio. BTW, I see on the Radio Verdad al Dia
en el aire con la Estación Educativa Evangélica "Radio Verdad" con 1,100 watts,
debido a una imperfección de funcionamiento. A mediados de febrero 2016,
volveremos a transmitir con 800 watts``
Boosting power by 37.5% could
explain why it`s been heard better than usual, but why is that an
``imperfection``?? Really back to 800 watts by now? I thought it was 700, at
least as per WRTH.
Dr Madrid has asked the ``Shortwave Alliance`` to be
operational with those ``high power relays`` also on 4055, if at all possible
during Radio Verdad`s sixteenth anniversary celebration Saturday Feb 27 from
2300 until about 0400 UT Sunday February 28. We can at least hear it direct, or
via webcast.
I first discovered R. Verdad in March of 2000. Here is the
initial report:
were followups in the next several issues to 0049 and beyond (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** NORTH AMERICA. 6955.00-USB, Feb 27 at 0122,
bluesy song at S9, 0123 ``Accelerate`` (not XLR-8) ID and some classic rock.
Only pirate noted active this Friday evening, unless that was another one, the
JBA carrier on 6770 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
[and non]. 1640, Feb 27 before 0200 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC nominal with
some talkshow, but at 0216 UT retuneby, now in open carrier/dead air. With just
a little manipulation of bandwidth and passband on the NRD-545, via the E-W
ALA330S antenna, I have perfect copy of WTNI Biloxi MS (which is always audible
as understation to KZLS at night), during a silly baseball game --- yes,
baseball, for sure, on a Friday night in February. The Golden Eagles are a team,
mentions having lost to New Orleans, Pensacola. Also refers to the Northwestern
State Angels (?). We continue to suspect WTNI is running more than 1 kW night
power most or all of the time.
1640, Feb 27 at 0216, mixing with WTNI
thru KZLS dead carrier, an English station plugging Jesus, presumably WSJP, EWTN
in Sussex WI (one other religionist on 1640 is KDIA Vallejo CA, twice as far but
10/10 kW U2 rather than most X-banders, 10/1 kW U1; but KDIA night pattern nulls
to the east, throwing most to the south and west) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** PERU [and non]. 5980, Feb 27 at 0056, a single JBA
carrier, i.e. R. Chaski, joined by a second carrier at *0058:28, i.e. BBC Hindi
via UAE, now making a warbling double-het against the BFO offtuned to 5979.65 or
so. I`m setting up to catch the Chaski cutoff which should happen at
approximately 0107:49, projecting from last timing 8 nights ago at 0106:58,
which was averaging 6.4 seconds later per night since the previous capture ----
unfortunately, I am paying too much attention to what Allan Weiner is saying on
the other radio, and don`t turn up 5980 until about a minute too later, when the
single JBA carrier left is BBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
SAUDI ARABIA. 1521.0, Feb 27 at 0154, presumed 2-megawatt BSKSA Duba is putting
a bigger het than usual upon 1520 KOKC. So I try to pull out some audio by
minimum bandwidth, USB and passband tuning on the NRD-545. And I do hear bits of
talk and music which aren`t bleeding out of 1520, past 0159 but nothing
identifiable. Its presence is mainly evident by the het against KOKC. Still so
at 0215 after I have checked rest of the MW band: see UNIDENTIFIED 621 and 711
** SRI LANKA. 9765.00, Feb 27 at
0136, S9+5 open carrier/dead air. HFCC shows IBB Iranawila at 01-04 since Dec 28
in Pashto. I.e. VOA Deewa Radio, which I logged with modulation on Feb 6.
However the Iranawila site had power outage at least from Feb 21 to 24 requiring
substitute transmissions from other sites on other frequencies; looks like they
still have some problems. Recheck at 0224, 9765 is now down to an S2 JBA
carrier, so can`t tell if it`s modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 7425, Feb 27 at 0225, NO signal from Greenville
leapfrog of 7305 Vatican relay over another pro-Catholic station, both violating
Separation of Church and State, 7365 Martí, another 60 kHz higher. It ought to
be audible as usual since the fundamentals are S9+20 and S9+30. IBB may have
finally suppressed the intermodulation; or there has been some change to a
different transmitter and/or antenna for at least one of them, so they no longer
happen to interact (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SRI
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1814 monitoring: confirmed Friday Feb 26
at 2130.5 on WRMI 13695, very good and much stronger than 15770 which got its
usual 30-second headstart on separate playout; as to be expected here, aimed NW
and NE respectively. Also confirmed UT Sat Feb 27 from 0029:52 on WBCQ
9329.94-CUSB on the R75, S9+10 after WBCQ-The Planet IS and IDs. Recheck at 0055
on the NRD-545, 9329.87-CUSB at S9+30.
Sat 0730 HLR 6190-CUSB to
Sat 1530 HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Mon 0030
WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
0430.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1200
WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to
** U S A. 5112-USB, Feb 27
at 0053, weak net with only partial calls caught, but sure sounds like MARS in
axion. Mentions time 0054 Zulu, into digimode. WBCQ is not on 5109.7 yet, but
this surely explains why the army thru FCC has ordered WBCQ to move to 5130! I
had also logged this 5112 net Feb 20 at 0037 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 3250, Feb 27 at 0053, no signal from the new WBCQ
frequency as was testing one week ago. The reason why is explained
7489.90-AM, UT Sat Feb 27 at 0055, rock music, presumably `Fred
Flintstone` show modulating on WBCQ; 0100 after some unknown music, William Tell
Overture starts a bit late to introduce `Allan Weiner Worldwide`; he starts by
noting how everything happens on Friday, like the FCC phoning him at 5 pm that
WBCQ will have to move off ``5110`` to 5130, on request of the US Army, which
apparently needs a nearby frequency for tactical HF communications [or rather,
MARS, as in my logs Feb 20 and 27, on 5112-USB, q.v.]. Allan says ``5110``
(5109.7-CUSB) will continue for the rest of this weekend, but by next week will
shift to ``5130`` (meaning 5129.7?). He`s glad to change, since there`s ``data
slush`` around 5100, to get further away from it.
As for 3250, on
7489.90-AM and repeated 28 seconds later on 5109.70-CUSB, Allan explains that on
the test last week, that transmitter ``fireballed``, but didn`t really burn up,
and fixing it will probably have to wait until he gets back up there to Maine
after wintering in Florida --- why can`t anyone else fix things?
0111, girlfriend Pam joins him, ``getting out from under the table``, and once
miked, proceeds to sing, accompanying herself on ukulele, a neat original song
about Allan himself, ``Born in Yonkers in New York State . . . Allan Weiner,
King of the Planet Radio`` (you can guess the tune).
At 0124 she sings
another song dedicated to the Florida chief executor = governor and legislature,
who keep killing people in the name of citizens, i.e. absolutely against the
death penalty being applied by anything but God. Allan doesn`t seem to agree
with her that the DP should be totally abolished, and goes on to denigrate
National Public Radio which she admits listening to.
5109.7-CUSB, Feb 27
at 0232, unknown music, 0234 a heavily edited bit of NPR credits, which I`ve
heard before, I think as an Area 51 filler, and more music. Nothing is on the
website schedule after 0200 UT Sat, and before that it shows the expired RFD
** U S A. 3215, UT Sat Feb 27 at
0105, quick check of WWRB finds Dave exclaiming ``they`re full of crap``, so
back to AWWW on WBCQ. Before 0200, however, WWRB has another program than a Dave
rant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
27 at 0210 UT, TA carrier hetting against 620 TX station. 711.00, Feb 27 at 0209
UT, another TA carrier against Amarillo/Kansas City/Cuba.
After the
Saudi on 1521, I`ve tuned thru the entire MW band at 1 kHz steps with BFO, but
these are the only carriers detected, tnx to being 1 kHz away from domestic
bigsigs. 621 could be the 1000 kW Egyptian, or closest 100 kW Canarian; 711 the
300 kW Moroccan, 200 kW Yemeni, 400 kW Iranian --- but there`s also a JBA
carrier on 715.0, surely no real station, but a birdie? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
This report despatched at 0612 UT February 27