lunedì 1 febbraio 2016

Glenn Hauser logs February 1, 2016

** BOLIVIA. 6135.0, Feb 1 at 0358, S8 humbuzz which I have assumed is the malfing R. Santa Cruz transmitter, but now seems centred here rather than 6134.8, hard to pinpoint without a definite AM carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11854.965, Feb 1 at 0630, unusually strong S9 signal from R. Aparecida, during rosary recitation (what else?) in Brazuguese, but with a Me Aparecida angle (what else?), on to live timecheck for 4:30, taking call from a listener via the R. Nove de Julho relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 4765, Feb 1 at 0418, R. Progreso is AWOL again, clearing the channel for CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA. 7233.46, Feb 1 at 0404, S9+20 but undermodulated talk, to music, to talk, surely usual way-off-frequency 100 kW ND Addis Ababa-Gedja transmitter which varies a lot, on both sides of 7235, as we discussed a bimonth ago in DXLD 15-49. 

Per Aoki with day 1 = Sunday: at 0400 on days 2/4/6 = M/W/F like today, it`s V. of Eritrea; on days 1/3/5 = Sun/Tue/Thu it`s V. of Peace and Democracy, both in Tigrinya, and nothing on Saturdays. EiBi day numbers are the other system, day 1 = Monday, and frequency as 7236.2, but result in a match to Aoki: VOE on M/W/F; VOPAD on Sun/Tue/Thu. Just the opposite in WRTH 2016! Which uses letters, not numbers designating days of week: VOPAD on M/W/F; VOE on T/T/S and nothing on Sundays.

All agree that VOE is for one semihour, while VOPAD is for one fullhour. Perhaps someone can catch an ID and clear up this confusion once and for all: WRTH shows VOE says: ``Dimtsi Ertrai``; VOPAD: ``Yeh Radio Demtsi Selaman Demokratia Ertrai``. Apparently there is no agreement between them on how to spell/transliterate Dimtsi/Demtsi. Or note which days it goes off at 0430 vs 0500.

At many other times in evenings, it`s plain old R. Ethiopia programming on same transmitter, including English at 16-17, which I`ve not seen reported in ages; beware of CRI Kashgar also in English 16-17 on 7235.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** GUATEMALA. 4055, UT Mon Feb 1 at 0356, R. Verdad is announcing contact info in Swedish, then Japanese, i.e. prior to 2-hour-earlier sign-off Sundays nights than weeknites. Still no sign of clones around the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. My 3325 unID of Jan 31 must have been RRI Palangkaraya, as Ron Howard subsequently reported that the reactivated NBC Buka, Bougainville PNG, was off again that date, only RRI. How about Feb 1?

3325, Feb 1 at 1358 check, S6 signal with talk, 1359 music; and astoundingly a 5- or 6-pip timesignal ending at the very late hour of 1402:43. This came after a few notes being repeated, an interval signal? And more talk. Only one station audible, so suspect this too is RRI, but awaiting Ron`s report for today. With Enid sunrise at 1333, earlying at about one minute per day, I really need to monitor during the previous hour, but got to sleep sometime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7275, Feb 1 at 0408, S9+25 in central African tonal language mentioning Rwanda, so is it Kinyarwanda? No, per Aoki, it`s Kirundi, daily 0330-0430 but switching from So Tom to Botswana at 0400; M-F adding another 35 minutes until 0505, and English 0505-0530, still Botswana. EiBi agrees, except for no English, just KNK until 0530. This abbr. does not make a distinxion between KinyaRwanda and KiRundi, as mixed by BBC and VOA. 

HFCC agrees with that, except the language thruout as Kin, which surely means Kinyarwanda, not Kirundi. EiBi`s read-me language list shows [kin] in lower-case only as Kinyarwanda. While Kirundi is KiR with a small-I in the middle, equivalent to [run] in SIL language code. You`d think languages would correlate with Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups but they don`t. I do suspect the languages of Burundi and Rwanda are closely related. Now, is there English from 0505 or not? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1810 monitoring: 5109.7-CUSB, Feb 1 at 0401, Johnny Lightning is running over, plugging WBCQ as a place to program even if you have no radio experience, including some F-bombs which are apparently OK now on US SW; not until 0406 has he ``gotta go``, and 0406.5 immediately into WORLD OF RADIO via Area 51. WOR 1810 also confirmed from 0430:02 UT Mon Feb 1 on WRMI 9955, along with pulse jamming; tnx a lot, Arnie! Next:
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 11825, Feb 1 at 0629, very surprised to hear Brother Scare here on a WRMI daytime-frequency; now it`s poor at S4-8, about like // 11580. Soon find BS still running at 0632 also on 11920, S4-8. He`s still on scheduled night frequencies 9955, 7730, 7570, 5950, 5850, 5015. 11825 is on schedule grid at 10-22 UT only; 11920 with BS at 03-05 UT only. 

Furthermore, night frequencies are still audible Feb 1 at 1521: 5015 at S6, 5850 at S7-8; 7570 and 7730 too. However, day frequencies supposed to start at 1200 are missing: 15440 and 11565; but 11580 is still on. Also on as now scheduled: 13695, 15770, 11825, 9955. Since a new month has started, there might be another shakeup of BS scheduling, or is it another crash of the automation? 

As I am writing this at 1757, I take a break for another quick WRMI check: the night frequencies are *still* going at mid-day, JBA carriers on 5015, 5850; BS good on 7570, 7730; also on 9955, 11580 not 11565, 11825, 11920 (which I don`t think I rechecked earlier), 13695, 15770. Still missing: 15440 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 7504.92, Feb 1 at 0411, S8 signal with gospel music and prayers, so presumably still WRNO, altho it`s getting dangerously close to correct frequency; also at that awkward megameter distance from here, sometimes blasting, sometimes very weak (or does their power output vary widely too?). 

HFCC and FCC allow WRNO to use 7505 anytime between 22 and 16 UT, but nominal sked remains only +02-05 UT. No het noted, and I wonder if AIR Delhi is really on 7505 at 0115-0430 as also in HFCC? Aoki shows only 0130-0300 in Nepali and Hindi. EiBi shows 0130-0230 Nepali, 0230-0245 Hindi, 0245-0300 English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Feb 1 at 1412, usual good signal and triumphal music from R. Sana`a; Maghrib sunset call to prayer break resumes today, at 1500:29 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZANZIBAR. 6015, Feb 1 at 0400, S9 signal, YL with Habari = news in presumed Swahili from ZBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5960-, Feb 1 at 1410, JBA carrier slightly off to the lo side, unlike yesterday. Is it a single station sometimes on, sometimes off-frequency, perhaps Urumqi, East Turkistan, or something more intriguing like a reactivated, sporadic Radio Fly, PNG? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5980, Feb 1 at 0411, really loud whine/hum, unlike Cuban jamming; 0638 still like this, plus regular Cuban pulse jamming ramping up for the 0700 Mart broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11893.0, Feb 1 at 0425, JBA carrier --- if it`s a receiver birdie on the NRD-545, never found here before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11930, Feb 1 at 0633, besides the Cuban noise jamming against nothing on a daytime-only Mart frequency, I am again hearing those strange beeps mixed in: usually 5 quickly in a row, but sometimes 10? in a row. With BFO tuned to 11930, the pitch of the beep groups is constantly shifting, implying the carriers producing the beeps are also changing slightly above/below 11930.0; but they are so quick it`s hard to get a fix on any of them. Is this some kind of experiment carried out by the Dentro Cuban Jamming Command? Unseem accidental (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1909 UT February 1