martedì 2 febbraio 2016

Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2, 2016

** INDONESIA. 3325, Feb 2 at 1315, I am hearing one station S5-S7 with soft talk, 1316 music, presumed still RRI Palangkaraya and not NBC Bougainville. Ron Howard confirms the latter was again absent yesterday. So when are they going to come back and stay on? Maybe they are now looking for a new clear frequency; fat chance. Later: nope; Ron says both were on today with RRI dominating for him. Karel Honzik in Czechia also heard Buka day frequency testing on 6020.7 at 0700-0842* (by long path, direct??) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Greatly expanded Brother Scare via WRMI: USA

** U S A. Further chex of WRMI`s unexpectedly expanded Brother Scare transmissions: Feb 1 at 1953, 5015 is inaudible but suspect on and just not propagating. The other ``night`` frequencies are still going and detectable: 5850 at S4; 7570, 7730; also 9955, 11580 instead of 11565, 11825, 11920, 13695, 15440-not, 15770. Usual other programming still going on 9395, 21675. At 2135, 5850 is still BS, but no further chex in evening until:

0654 UT Feb 2, 11825 is JBA at S3, presumably WRMI; At 0656, 11920 is slightly stronger, and // 7570, so confirmed. Like 24 hours earlier, all these frequencies are also on with BS: 11580-JBA, 9955 VG at S9+20, 7730, 7570, 5985, 5950, 5850, 5015. Listening to one of them, I forget which, at 0659:30 Bob Zanotti interrupts BS blather for a legal WRMI ID (it seems BZ does most if not all of the ID breaks during BS: quite a feather in his career cap). There might have been some changes at 0700, so final chex before sleep: at 0723 Feb 2, still going with BS are 5015, 5950, 7570; at 0729, JBA carriers still on 11825, 11920. However, at 0723, 7730 has switched to other programming, music not // BS. The schedule grid shows `In Christ We Live` is appended to 7730 Mondays at 07-08, but this is Tuesday.

Next check at 1323 UT Feb 2: BS still on 5015, 5850, 5950 (but not 5985, music, maybe Myanmar); 11825, 11920, 13695, 15770, but NOT on 11580 with some other station, nor 11565, 15440. At 1504-1507 UT Feb 2: 5015, 5850, 7570, 7730 and 11920 are still on with BS, and now 11580 is too, and 13695, but nothing on 11565 or 15440 (good for Saudi on 15435).

My Feb 1 inquiry to WRMI about what`s going on has not been replied. Their schedule grid still shows the pre-Feb 1 output lacking all the extra time for BS. Nor is there anything new about this on WRMI FB. 

So here is an hypothesis: Brother Scare for the new month has shoveled even more dough at WRMI, so they *have* to put him on even more transmitter-hours, even if they don`t make much sense propagationally, like 5 MHz frequencies all day, and 11 MHz frequencies all night. 

As a last resort we go to TOM`s own schedule, which is usually full of errors and/or out of date:
Surprise2, this has axually been updated as of Feb 1 to show all this as deliberate, in UT and correct EST conversions:


5015 Caribbean, S. America Daily 
24 hrs/day

(Effective February 1, 2016)

5850 West/Midwest USA & NE Asia Daily

5850 Western N America & Mexico Daily

[two entries for 5850? Does that mean two transmitters/antennas at once? Would be something new for WRMI. Or meant to apply to a different frequency?] 

5950 Cuba, Caribbean, Central America Daily

5985 Caribbean, Central America Daily

7570 North America / E Asia Daily

9955 Caribbean & South America Daily

11580 Europe, Middle East, West Asia Daily

11825 North America (East) Daily
24 hrs/day

11920 Latin America Daily

13695 Western USA & Mexico Daily
24 hrs/day

15770 Eur, Mid East, N Africa Daily

21675 Central & South Africa Daily

The same page also has skeds for BS on WWCR, WWRB (``9385``), WBCQ, WINB, WHRI, Spaceline, and AM stations.

IF this is all correct, the only impact on WORLD OF RADIO scheduling would be bumping us off 5850 Sundays at 0900.

Based solely on the sked above, I calculate the total frequency-hour usage of TOM via WRMI now as: 242 hours per day or 1694 hours per week!!

A modest proposal: why not charge BS 10% more and use that to dedicate just ONE WRMI frequency 24/7 to a much-needed ``public radio`` service on SW across North America? Something that works, unlike Global 24.

7570, Mon Feb 1 at 2120 UT, WRMI is again playing last week`s episode of `La Rosa de Tokio`, now in a music break of ``My Way`` in a Spanish version, ``Mi Modo``, and on to stuff about LU9 in Mar del Plata. I wonder if this will re-repeat week after week in this hour slot, like the RMRC/EDXC special did? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 900, Feb 1 after 2200 UT, I`ve resorted to NOStalgia music from KSGL Wichita, which puts a sufficient signal into Enid despite 250 watts westward from Wichita, to accompany my nap, finding nothing more listenable on SW --- and I notice it has a constant SAH of 214/minute = 3.57 Hz. I wonder what that is? Skywave could be showing up by now, but closest other 900s on ground- or skywave are 1 kW KHOZ Harrison AR; 250 W KCLW Hamilton TX & KFLP Floydada TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5980, Feb 2 at 1324, big humwhine is again here. Sure hope it`s not running for my next Chaski-chex 0100+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN. 11860, Feb 2 at 1325, R. Sana`a is JBA, but reliably builds up to good level by 1335 with usual fare of triumphal music and Arabic exhortations; 1458 impassioned speech with echo effect applied, one word or two syllables behind. 1502 martial music and song, 1505 ID, more music, and still no call-to-prayer today as the sun has set without it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1747 UT February 2