domenica 8 febbraio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs February 8, 2015

** CUBA. 6100, Sunday Feb 8 at 0701, RHC opening weekly Esperanto, with frequencies for the three broadcasts, this one as ``6000``, which has been used before, but 6100 is on the sked now. 6000 is still on the air, however, at 0703 with unscheduled Spanish, while 6165, 6060 and 5040 are all off.

17730, Feb 8 at 1437, RHC AWOL from here, not propagation as 17790 WRMI is in as well as usual; by 1520, 17730 is on. At 1504, I find 11950 & 11860 are on with dead air, while 11760, 9820, 9640, 15370 modulate, and perhaps 15230. 11860 is supposed to quit at 1500, 11950 and 1400 but stays on another hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUYANA. 3290-, Feb 8 at 0657, VOG with fair signal, seems rather undermodulated; missed local ID if any before 0700 BBC pips about one second behind WWV, BBCWS ID and news relay; roused at 0800, music continues past hourtop, so BBC relay must be over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, Sunday Feb 8 at 1346, Global 24 via WRMI with a song, but unseems Cairo which had been scheduled at 1300-1420, missing again. 1400 ``Global 24 News``, bringing in correspondent Priscilla in Washington about one topic, SCOTUS and gay marriage, by 1402 back to music; poor signal squeezed with 9390 & 9400 ACI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11550 & 12050, Feb 8 at 1503, WEWN Spanish are as usual, 11550 OK, and 12050 with the squeal, but not the humwhine I have been hearing on night frequency 11870, which must be from one of the same transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1360, Feb 8 at 0718 UT, ``Christian programming all day and all night here on WMOB, Mobile`` AL and country gospel tune. As others have concluded, can`t be on night power and pattern of 200 watts southwards into the Gulf; day power is 9 kW and supposedly also south only, so really ND? There are also 1360 stations in the Ark-La-Miss between us, being overcome, unheard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540, Feb 8 at 0658 UT, something in English instead of KEDA San Antonio Tejano usually dominant; DJ mentions G&E Studios, 1-877 phone. So this is KGBC Galveston TX, which mainly relays CRI English from the ChiCom; only 250 watts at night and // 1520 KYND Cypress TX hitting Houston from another angle, but nothing of that audible now vs KOKC/KOLM mess. 

At 0706 UT, KEDA is gaining, making fast SAH with KGBC music, so apparently not a CRI relay at this time. Note G&E has other 1540 stations, 50/30 kW U4 CHIN Toronto; and 50 kW D3 = direxional daytimer WNWR Philadelphia. What I am getting does loop further counter-clockwise from KEDA, but not that much (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

This report dispatched at 1810 UT Feb 8