** GERMANY. The annual special broadcast of Radio Öömrang is presumably imminent
at 1600-1659 UT Sat Feb 21 on 15215 via Nauen (or Issoudun?). AFAIK there has
been no specific confirmation of this year`s broadcast, but since 2009y at
least, it has always been on this date at this time, and 15215 has been the
frequency the past few years. If you don`t hear it there, try elsewhere on the
19m band. HFCC has a registration, probably wooden, for 500 kW 315 degree Arabic
at 1630-1700 from UAE on 15215. While it`s mostly in Frisian (the point of the
event), there have been brief bits in English, and also in high
For a compilation of last year`s reports about it see under
February issues of previous years.
This also has something to do with an
annual event on Amrum island, involving fire. Search on Amrum for further info,
alternate spelling of the double-umlaut name (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING