domenica 1 febbraio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs February 1, 2015

** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Feb 1 at 1259, R. Australia is back on prime frequency toward, but not for, North America, 70 degree azimuth, with VG signal as `Sunday Night`, wide-ranging religion show on RN & RA is about to take a break. Also on // 12085 and 12065, not on 9475 or any 5-6 MHz channels now kaput. 12085 is much stronger than 12065, which is in accordance with the official schedule now, 30 degree antenna on 12085, 355 degrees on 12065; a reversal of the pre-January 31 arrangement.

At 1311 ``The Inquisition`` segment starts, religious quiz for callers usually displaying their ignorance. I assume losers don`t get flogged or burned at the stake.

Recheck at 1635: 12085 is now strongest but only fair, while 9580 is weakened by daytime absorption, and 12065 on the farthest beam from USward is JBA. At least the only three scheduled frequencies are really on the air today. Must recheck between 18 and 19, whether the new Nigerian target broadcast [q.v.] from Ascension, Dandal Kura, is colliding on 12065, or now on 12055 as claimed in their tweets (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11840, Feb 1 at 0609, very poor in Spanish, so another overrun by RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, Feb 1 at 1400, AIR with unusually fair signal, speech about India`s leadership in S Asia, and just as I am getting into it, dumps off the air at 1402* for a sesquiminute until *1403.5 carrier back on, 1403.8 resume modulation. Meanwhile I check the two //: 13710 blocked as usual by CRI English; 11620 very poor, unusable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Feb 1 at 1441, Denge Kurdistane via PRIDNESTROVYE with two or three gunshots, then crowd noises and music. A bit unnerving, but I supposed to be expected from the PKK terrorists, as Turkey sees them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21540, Feb 1 at 1415, R. Kuwait, good with Qur`an, back on proper frequency after excursion to 21580 yesterday; but at 1442 recheck it`s off earlier than scheduled; while 21505 Saudi in Arabic remains fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1480, Feb 1 at 0623, time check for :23 and ``Rancherita regional con música norteña``. I make the DF about southwest, but slogan matches IRCA Mexican Log for XETKR, Monterrey NL, which is SSW, 10/1 kW with NOR/RAN formats. 1480 has become a more DXable frequency with the demise of KBXD Dallas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 9440, Feb 1 at 0520 tune-in for new US AID broadcast via Ascension, Dandal Kura, which starts at 0500: good signal in tonal African language; 0526 music group singing briefly, talk, 0528 another bit of music. Then lo-fi phoners from noisy locations with lots of crowd, background noise. 0548 music, 0551 better studio audio. [0553 compare to 7350 Hamada Radio International via RMI via GERMANY and find inferior reception here]. I can`t understand any Kanuri, except for ``Nigeria`` and ``www ---`` in the closing. Haven`t they adopted a single word from English? The British colonialists failed. Dead air 0558:18-0600*.

[9460, then BBCWS in English as usual via Ascension from 0600, may or may not be same transmitter. At 0606 check, there is something else on 9440, poor-fair in Arabic. Aoki shows that as Bible Voice = Radio Dardasha 7 via GERMANY at 0600-0615 daily]

Ivo Ivanov quotes this from somewhere: ``Kanuri is a dialect continuum spoken by 4 million people in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and small minorities in southern Libya, and by a diaspora in Sudan. It
belongs to the Western Saharan subphylum of Nilo-Saharan``

His Videos on Jan. 28 & 29 [but more useful for their Audios]:

My question is, why have US AID bestowed such a 2-hour SW service upon the Kanuri while there are countless other minority ethnic groups in Nigeria and elsewhere which have no such benefits? May require a search deeper into the USAID Political Transition Initiatives website than I have undertaken. Perhaps Boko Haram terrorism in the area has something to do with it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also AUSTRALIA

** U S A. 9395, Sunday Feb 1 at 1309, R. Cairo has failed again to provide a show to Global 24 via WRMI, so back to the 1812 Overture (please! Get a greater variety of fill music). And at 1358 and 1414 chex, 9395 is off the air (WRMI 9955 still on well, but 17790 also absent at 1416 while 15770, 11825 and 11580 are all on with BS so not an Okee power outage). Next check at 1440, 9395 is back on with `Switzerland in Sound`, Bob Zanotti interviewing somewoman. 1445, 17790 R. Africa via WRMI is still missing, unimpeding some weak OTH radar around 17765-17790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 810, Sunday Feb 1 at 1338 UT, Rosary in responsive Spanish, something about a woman with a growth in her belly, roughly east/west. First thought of KSWV Santa Fe, but it`s really a secular city despite the name, and pre-sunrise. There`s another SS in mid-Tennessee, but probably too far into daylight? More likely this from NRC AM Log:

KXOI Crane (Odessa) TX, 1000/500 watts U3, ``Radio Alabanza`` and that`s exactly what they are doing. 1342 UT losing to music from the NW/SE, presumably KLVZ Brighton (Denver) CO, but still separable for a few minutes. Not a hint of WHB Kansas City yet.

Now in Feb, official sunrises are 15 or 30 minutes later than in January; 1330 UT for Crane. (For comparison: Albuquerque & Denver: 1400 UT; Oklahoma City & Kansas City: 1315 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1100, Feb 1 at 1326 UT, outro `Focus on the Family`, promo another show at 2 pm ``on all-Christian Radio, KDRY, K-dry``. It`s 11/1 kW U2 from Alamo Heights (San Antonio) TX, per NRC AM Log, ``All-teaching Christian Radio``. I suppose I should add this one to the possibilities I am hearing on midday skywave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1707 UT February 1