martedì 14 ottobre 2014

Wrong frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana on October 14

SPAIN   Wrong frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana was noted on Oct.14:
0200-0600 NF  6055 NOB 250 kW / 242 deg to CSAm Spanish, instead of 6125
0200-0600 on  9535 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish as scheduled A14
0200-0500 on  9620 NOB 250 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish as scheduled A14

Videos from the last four days of Radio Exterior de Espana on shortwave from 1100 UTC, Oct.11 till 2200 UTC, Oct.14 will be published tommorow.


Ivo Ivanov

QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire