sabato 25 ottobre 2014

VOA Radiogram, Oct 25-26: shortwave in the news

VOA Radiogram this weekend includes news about shortwave initiatives, and about undersea microbes that eat methane.


Most of the show is in MFSK32.  Patch the audio from your radio to your PC, and use Fldigi from to decode the text and images. You'll be amazed at what a 50-year-old shortwave broadcast transmitter can do.

If shortwave reception conditions, such as this weekend's solar events, render voice content difficult to comprehend, digital text often gets through.

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.