domenica 12 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 11-12, 2014

** ALBANIA. 9845, Oct 12 at 0150, R. Tirana music is pretty weak, but by 0158 has recovered somewhat while playing IS. In B-14 this transmission is moving down to 7 MHz band and of course one UT hour later from 0230 UT Tue-Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 5995, Oct 11 at 1259, RA Brandon playing music other than Waltzing Matilda past 1300, unlike yesterday, and slightly echoey against // 9580 Shepparton; presumably `Saturday Night Country` show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 18990, Oct 11 at 1326, CNR1 jammer is JBA; no lowers noted but no thoro bandscan now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, Oct 11 at 0548, RHC English is missing again, but Cuba still provides a signal here --- lite pulse jamming against nothing. Oh, 6165 RHC is off too! leaving only 6100, 6060 and 5040. What are we going to do?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9965, Oct 12 at 0131, R. Cairo, good signal, music and whine

12070, Oct 12 at 0131, R. Cairo, good signal, extremely distorted Spanish(?)

11710, Oct 12 at 0132, R. Cairo, good with flutter, but dead air instead of Spanish

9315, Oct 12 at 0132, R. Cairo, not on the air for Spanish, but ---

9315, Oct 12 at 0210, 9315 is now on the air for English service, with fair signal, but --- dead air

11710 & 12070 are now off, Oct 12 at 0210; 13850 is on but JBM? And much weaker than 9965 which also remains (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Oct 12 at 0148, no signal from ERTOpen, but as I check there`s a uteblatt; no 9935 either, so the ``rebels`` are taking Saturday night off with a little less competing music for the SWL to choose from (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, UT Sunday Oct 12 at 0129, The Mighty KBC keeps playing music thru BoH, no Radiogram! 0134 Uncle Eric says has been unable to make contact with Kim Andrew Elliott; and furthermore no [ham] DX headlines as Peter John has a new girlfriend? Then explaining the ``farting problem`` with SFX (or real farts?), hee hee. More request music and 0151.4 over to Kraig Krist for this week`s Forgotten Song, by Billy Preston, who was on the charts from 8/69 to 9/82, a regular on the Shindig TV show, and here`s #4 from 9/73, ``Space Race`` which seems instrumental only.

Good and sufficient signal for a European, but can`t be as strong as `Sound of India` on WRMI 7570, strangely scheduled for exactly the same two hours each week; see TAIWAN [non]. Why does everybody gravitate to the same time on Saturday nights? See also USA: WTWW; WBCQ.

At least no <7 MHz pirates audible now, tho Wolverine Radio was reported earlier by Brandon Jordan on 6950 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 7340, Oct 12 at 0202, monotonous music, pirate YHWH? Has been reported on this frequency lately. Yes, 0203 ``Welcome to Station YHWH now on the air``; reads letter allegedly from listener, talking about God`s Remnant People. Mr. YHWH asserts that holidays such as Xmas, Easter, Hallowe`en, even birthdays are pagan practices and should not be celebrated. Yahwehdah, yahwehdah, yahwehdah --- but I make a few notes for amusement, not of course endorsing these views, but it`s ``refreshing`` to hear the usual gospel huxters being bashed on SW, even tho this one is just as wacko as the rest of them:

``People tricked into believing in the so-called God Jesus``; ``in these last days``; ``Break the evil spell of Satan`` who is responsible for ``Christianity, the greatest hoax ever``. Refers to an article by an ex-Christian that the entire New Testament from Matthew to Revelation is a lie. 0211, ``the bone-headed Catholics worship a statue``. ``The 1000-year reign of the Third Reich was to be Catholic, after killing 6 million Jews``; also says Catholic Church is basically homosexual from its earliest days. ``Blasphemous Mormon inbeciles`` with their latter-day version. ``No need for any intermediary, half-man, half-God``. Deal directly with the Yahweh God.

Still going past 0225. Signal fair-to-good with some deep fading, and ACI from 7335, which must be Vatican in Armenian at 0210-0230; Romania having finished to North America at 0157. Still need to side tune to 7342 or so to avoid it.

Replying to my previous remark that YHWH must be running at least 10 kW, Chris Lobdell in his CIDX Messenger column says, ``Glenn, I doubt it's 10 kw because signals are always poor at best in this neck of the woods, maybe 1 kw?``

Well, that may be because it`s coming from western North America with a generally better signal here in mid-America than in Massachusetts beyond. Estimating powers is certainly an imprecise endeavor, but I`m sticking with sounding more like 10 kW than 1 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 9500, Oct 12 at 0145, RSO in Arabic, pop music, fair signal on correct frequency this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 7570, UT Sunday Oct 12 at 0102, Keith Perron with second hour of `Song of India` from PCJ Radio International via WRMI, again this week, playing variety of music, VG signal on 100 kW across North America pre-empting Brother Scare; 0136 dedications for Alan Pennington and Jose Jacob.

Also mentions being on 7570 in addition to 1125 via Sri Lanka both this week and last; so we wonder if he`ll extend it again for another week or two (SOI was originally publicized as during October only on 1125, Saturdays 1330-1530 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9830, Oct 12 at 0144, VG signal with ME pop music; what`s this?? 0148 ID in Spanish as La Voz de Turquía, contact info. New frequency? Supposed to be on 9870 & 9770. At last they woke up and got off 9870 clashing with India? NO! It`s still there and much weaker, but missing from 9770. Here`s what must have happened: Instead of changing frequency & antenna for Spanish at 0100, Emirler operators left same transmitter on last used frequency and antenna, 9830 until 2250v toward North America. Probably back to nominal tomorrow altho promised to be back ``mañana en la misma frecuencia``; 9830 was fine here, and at this hour no RTTY CCI which ruins the English service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1742 monitoring: confirmed on KVOH, 9975, UT Sunday Oct 12 from 0131:04 after usual opening procedure: 0122 tone and open carrier, soon musical prélude, 0130 sign-on. Good signal initially fading down a bit during the semihour. Next:

Sunday 1000 on WRMI, 5850 [NEW! This is on the 355 degree antenna, which aims thru: Cleveland, Hudson Bay, Ulaanbaatar, Chongqing, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Singapore --- so how is reception in east Asia around sunset?]
Sunday 2300 on WRMI, 11580
UT Monday 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v

** U S A. 5072-5097, UT Sunday Oct 12 at 0139, Ted Randall`s music show instead of Brother Scare on WTWW-2, centered on 5085, but with huge splash extending 24 kHz wide at least, also seems some weak spur carriers just beyond the edges. Ted is really blasting the modulation full bore and more, but it`s actually a turn-off. I`ll take `Song of India` or `The Mighty KBC` with much cleaner signals and better music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB // and synched with 7490, UT Sunday Oct 12 at 0146, WBCQ with `Pirate Joe Show`, acknowledging listeners including South Carolina and Vancouver, 845 AC phone number. 9330 is much stronger than 7490v, and at least on 9330 I can also hear crosstalk bleeding thru from and // 5110v with some other music.

The 9330 schedule still has none of this.
7490 schedule now shows only this on local Saturdays/UT Sundays:
06:00PM 09:00PM ET 2200 0100 UTC Pirate Pizza Night
09:00PM 12:00AM ET 0100 0400 UTC Shortwave Saturday Night - The Other Pirate Joe Show

The Saturday/UT Sunday 5110 sked shows:
07:00PM 09:00PM ET 2300 0100 UTC Radio Timtron Worldwide
09:00PM 10:00PM ET 0100 0200 UTC The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show
10:00PM 11:00PM ET 0200 0300 UTC The Lost Discs Radio Show
10:00PM 11:00PM ET 0200 0300 UTC The Eric Dolphy Mystery Hour
11:00PM 12:00AM ET 0300 0400 UTC Listener's Choice

This report despatched at 0429 UT October 12