giovedì 4 luglio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs July 3-4, 2013

** BOLIVIA. 6155-, July 4 at 0101, presumed R. Fides, with YL talking including possible mentions of Bolivia. JBA LAH from presumed India not so off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 4915, July 4 at 0052, JBA carrier here, could be the other ZY if R. Daqui is again absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9965, July 3 at 2259-2302, R. Cairo English to N. America is instead tone test, but sufficient level atop the buzz. One might be interested in how they treat the latest coup. Too busy with WORLD OF RADIO to check further until 0021 UT July 4, now with vocal music, undermodulated; same at 0051 after out of English.

How about the 0200-0300 broadcast in ``English`` on 9720? At 0215 UT July 4 when there should be news, unmodulated. But it doesn`t take a coup for R. Cairo to accomplish this. Morsi deserved to go for not fixing Radio Cairo (hi).

The other nominal English to W Europe and onward to N America is at 2115-2245 on 11890, unchecked yet.

WRN had been providing R. Cairo audio on demand, but even worse, John Figliozzi finds that there`s nothing there for the past month (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, July 4 at 0051, R. Chaski with some audio; carrier cutoff at 0104:19.5* which is 5.5 seconds later than last night. The split-seconds are just my approximations, roughly halfway between the numbers ticking away on my digital watch (as always with a WWV correxion). For a closer estimate we need to compare to the time a certain number of days earlier, such as:

``5980, May 16 at 0059, R. Chaski carrier detectable until cut off the air at 0100:02*, which is 5 seconds later than yesterday. At this rate it will take roughly 70 days to reach 0106 and another timer reset.``

That is, over a period of 50 days from May 15 to July 4, the cutoff has precessed 4 minutes and 22.5 seconds later = 262.5 seconds, which divided by 50 = 5.25 seconds per day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. Having failed to replace WYFR with some other relay to N America, how can R. Taiwan International now be heard? Theoretically it looks like the English relays via France to S Asia at 16-17 on 15485, and to Africa at 17-18 on 15690 should be possible, and maybe will be on a better day, but July 3 at 1657, no signal on 15485 (off already?), and at 1700 nothing but a JBA carrier on 15690. BTW, Alan Roe tells me that RTI quoted my e-mail about the need for a new relay, on their mailbag this week, ``We`ve Got Mail`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1676, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1676 monitoring: completed in time for first airing on WRMI, 9955, UT Thursday July 4 at 0330; repeats are Sat 1500 & 1730, Tue 1100.

On WTWW: Thu 2100.5 on 9479; Sat 2329v on 9930 (but last week was 0000 UT Sunday on 5085 instead); UT Sun 0400.5 on 5830; Sun 2330v on 9930. Also new or previous WOR any day, any time between 17 & 24 on 9930, 00-01 on 5085. (This week it showed up Tuesday at 2329.)

On WWRB: UT Friday at 0326v on 5050.

On Area 51 via WBCQ: UT Saturday 0130v on 5110v-CUSB
(from July 13 this moves to UT Saturday 0200-non variable).

On Hamburger Lokalradio: Sat 0630 & 1430 on 7265-CUSB; Sun testing at 0630, 1030, 1430 and 1830 on 15785-CUSB (also appeared this Wednesday at 1630, having missed the tests last Sunday).

Full schedule including many webcasts:

DX/SWL/Media programs has been updated:

UNIDENTIFIED. 5925-5965 approx., July 4 at 0058, extremely distorted modulation is spreading roughly here wideband, worse in open spots, but audible also under WWCR 5935 PMS. Otherwise peak circa 5955 mixed with Cuban jamming against no Radio República. Sounds like a silly ballgame with hyperenthusiasm, could well be in Spanish. R. Nacional, Argentina, 6060 transmitter has been reported way out of whack in the 5920-5930 area by Argentines, but this seems stronger than it could manage so far away; only one receiver on the porch, so I can`t hunt for parallel matches (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 55.25 MHz, July 3 at 2343, NTSC video fades in weakly for less than a minute, with antenna south. Probably Mexico ch A2 trying to reach here by sporadic E (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)