domenica 21 luglio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs July 20-21, 2013

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 17750, July 21 at 0456, logged for posterity the final Indonesian broadcast from R. Australia, which was mentioned as I tuned in, usual fair signal at best.

12085, July 21 at 1305, Chinese from RA is already gone as this frequency stays on the air, but in English // much stronger 12065 USward, with `Sunday Night` religious discussion starting with Bach`s ``Jesu, Joy of Man`s Desiring`` until 1312. Then found another RA Chinese frequency converted to English, 9965 via PALAU, as presumably 9475 has also been.

``Jonathan Short``, China has a nice tribute to this defunct service:
including faces of RA Chinese staff 30 years ago here:

** BANGLADESH. 15505, July 21 at 1356, BB is on with tone; 1357+ the IS starts, and mis-timesignal ends already at 1359:24, opening Urdu; very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Sporadic E analog TVDX July 20 sporadically exceeds 54 MHz for bits of channel 2 video, sometimes audio, no higher, UT:

2257, algo fades in, peaks north rather than south, so not Mexico

2301, Double Jeopardy on screen, either promo or program

2314, fades in enough to make out Global bug (the word) in lower right, translucent so hard to see but for the local viewer less obtrusive than many others. Video is letterboxed, in and out past 2350, peaks north rather than northeast, so must be CKND-TV-2 in Manitoba rather than Ontario. Also can see narrow 20-kHz CCI beat bars, so know this signal is offset plus or minus 10. Hepburn`s channel 2 map shows CKND as -(+) so not sure which? While CIII is plus.

UT July 21, looks like still the same:
0142, ad in English from north, letterboxed

** CHINA. Firedrake, July 21 before 1400:
13795, trace at 1350

Rest are CNR1 jammers instead; none in the 12s, 13s or 14s:
15540, poor at 1352
15560, poor at 1352
15800, good at 1352
16360, fair at 1353
17450, fair at 1353
18970, very good! At 1354
Reminding me never to stop at 18.2 or 18.3 MHz. None in the 19s or 20s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SPAIN

** COLOMBIA. 5910-, July 21 at 0527, Alcaraván Radio is missing from its regular occupancy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA [and non]. 9600-9630-9660, July 21 at 0111, REE DRM is off! So it`s not QRDRMing itself on 9620 direct from Spain. Breakdown, or did they come to their senses? Supposed to be 00-02 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6010, July 21 at 0523, RHC English service with music at the moment, but horribly suppressed and distorted on this frequency unlike the overkill // 5040, 6060 and 6165, while 6125 is AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. OTH radar heavily pulsing intruders, typical 25-kHz width which has been pinned on this country:
15088-15113, July 20 at 2015
 9828-9853,  July 21 at 0112

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, Saturday July 20 at 1357, tuned in KBSWR too late, only to hear Kevin O`Donovan say he will be off for two weeks while others do the DX spot (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, July 21 at 0059.5 I tune in for R. Chaski, but it`s already off. Their cutoff timer has probably been reset just before it precessed to 6 minutes late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA. 15275, July 21 at 0514, NO signal from DW English, normally good here at 0500-0630; and plenty of other Paciafroeurasian signals are in on 19m. Change, or avoiding a T-storm? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 9690, July 21 at 0320, CRI relay in English is // overloading 9790 via Cuba, obvious from usual CRI announcer. Had been meaning to check this earlier, as Grayson Watson, Dallas, had been hearing CNBC TV channel in English `Cash Flow` with Asian focus, instead on 9690 at 02-04 on July 16/18. Seemed to me Spain must have dialed up wrong satellite feed channel, altho Beijing master control could also have fed the wrong one to Spain but not to Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 11835, July 21 at 1409, JBA carrier, presumably the weekly Sunday PCJ Radio broadcast at 1330-1430 via Trincomalee, SRI LANKA is still running; maybe it will become daily. BTW on this week`s RHC DX program, Pedro Sedano claimed the site is still Ekala, defunct (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15730, July 20 at 2019, VOA French with discussion about Trayvon hosted by Mathieu LaVoie, and one of the speakers is obviously fluent in vocabulary and grammar, yet imposes his heavy American accent upon it! With just a little more effort he could have sounded more like a native, but why bother? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15420-CUSB, Saturday July 20 at 2017, WBCQ with gospel huxter, not the androgynous anapaestic one; altho frequency was off earlier this day when Brother Scare used to appear from 1400 for Sabbath service.

5110v-CUSB, UT Sunday July 21 at 0101, instead of scheduled `The Lumpy Gravy Show`, Area 51 is // 7490 with `VSI Radio International`, guy talking about Swedish pirates. With one receiver on the porch I can`t be sure they are synchronized, but close. Also at 0230 with special broadcast of World of Radio on 5110 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, WTWW-3 continues to be absent whenever checked: July 20 at 2025, July 21 at 1407. Maybe something to do with maintenance which George McClintock has documented photographically.

9930, WTWW-2 airtime has also been reduced, but it`s on July 20 at 2028, gospel music in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1678 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, Saturday July 20 starting at 2329:59. Confirmed on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, UT Sunday July 21 at 0230 (a special make-good time this week only). Also UT Sunday July 21 at 0400.5 on WTWW-1 5830. Next: Sunday 1830 on HLR 15785-CUSB; Sunday 2330v on 9930. Also could appear any day, any time 17-24 UT on 9930, 00-01 on 5085. Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955; Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB, maybe 1630 on 15785-CUSB.

BTW, Ivo Ivanov reports that WRMI has resumed Brother Scare during very long hours, adding up to 54 per week, including 1730 Saturdays, so the WOR via WRN via WRMI 9955 is gone again. New WRMI program grid dated July 22 confirms WOR remains at the other times, Thu 0330, Sat 1500, Tue 1100.

With Brother Scare keeping the SW transmitter on again all day, the silent period has been moved to 05-10 UT daily when there is nothing but WRN on the webcast. Unfortunately this used to be the best time here for 9955 reception, including RFI`s only English broadcasts on SW, 05-06, and 09-10 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15225, July 21 at 0455, nice ME music, but then into Christian hymn, 0459 dead air, 0500 AWR IDs in English, French, German, Italian; back to English to introduce Arabic. HFCC shows it`s already Arabic at 04-06, 130 degrees from Nauen, GERMANY. Aoki still shows site as Wertachtal, which we know is defunct! Aoki still has about 18 Wertachtal entries which need to be weeded out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11979, July 21 I am standing by at 0519 to ascertain just when the CW single-number intruder starts up: *0520.4 and tonight`s number is: four! ....- sent in groups of three between pauses, and stops at usual time 0535*, meanwhile beating against Turkey 11980. Why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15290, July 21 at 0514, fair signal in Swahili; nothing listed, but Riyadh is in Swahili on 15285 at 04-07, so one of us was 5 kHz off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)