venerdì 26 luglio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs July 25-26, 2013

** ANGUILLA. 11775, July 25 at 2040, Caribbean Beacon is back on after missing 24 hours earlier, and tho only fair now, with poor propagation cannot make out any co-channel from Nauen with Brother Scare, as started recently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 28482-USB, July 25 at 1945, altho there is hardly anything on 21 MHz, I decide to try 28 MHz, and do find one weak signal, maybe closer to 28481: PY5EW with calls frequently in English fonetix, from ``southern Brasil`` with quick contest-like contacts, mostly with other Brasilians. Quick tunearound found NO other 10m signals. lookup shows:
CEP 86047 - 720 - LONDRINA - PR.

PR = Paraná where it`s been snowing! With Araucária DX Group also mentioned on his lush QSL illustration, not a flake in sight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Sporadic E is fitful July 26, UT:

1543 on 2, finally fade-in of some weak video with antenna NE, as I have been monitoring for an hour since 6m Es maps show lots of activity in that direxion from here; right back out

1557 on 2, another fade in and out with audio definitely in English, surely one of the Ontarians

1611 on 2, some video again and stronger, audio in English; letterboxed during ad but no bug to be seen

1615 on 2, CCI with same offset, at least one with news, appropriate for noon EDT. Same offset points to the two CTVs, CHBX and CKCO-TV-2, both minus. 1622, CTV is mentioned in passing IDs of correspondents

1616 on 2, ad for Comfort Plus in Waterloo. That town next to Kitchener is west of Toronto, not directly served by any of the ch 2 stations, probably just on the Toronto feed to all of them

1631 on 2, ad for Northern Nationals, August dates [Googling leads to a drag race in Wawa, Aug 9-11]

1633 on 2, world news continues, but with that small-town feel; is this really from CTV Toronto HQ or a regional centre? M anchor has a rather high voice. Clip from ABC [USA] News; Lincoln Monument vandalised overnight

1634 on 2, another ABC News segment, exclusive interview with apologetic Trayvon juress. Besides ABC bug during this in UR, some kind of bug in LR I can`t make out. I never recognize any CTV bug.
Then report from CNN on Pope in Brasil.

1641 on 2, ID as CTV News; 1642 ad for Kapuskasing festival (lumberjack & motorcycle?). That town is further up in NW Ontario beyond Timmins; a name I have always found cute. Surely too far to be of interest to Toronto viewers.

1644 on 2, health segment starts sponsored by something in North Bay/Timmins/Sudbury, so bolsters my theory that this cast is originating regionally; the closest ch 2 CTV to this area is CHBX Sault Sainte-Marie, no doubt with strings of relays elsewhere

1651 on 2, clearance sale at Illio`s; pretty sure of spelling, but doesn`t Google to Ontario

1655 fadeout. MUF had just peaked at 113 MHz around Chicago says the 6m map. Also tried FM 88.1, but nothing other than KWOU Woodward OK occasionally in by airplane scatter with rapid Doppler fading

Also monitoring for DTV on 3, but as usual not even a `bad` signal registers. These analog 2s, tho generally weak, difficultize decoding of what should be a good target in DTV, CKPR in Thunder Bay, a once-common catch here in analog (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, July 26 before 1400:
13795, JBA at 1345, presumed FD altho talking target is a bit louder

Only CNR1 jammers found in poor propagation:
13970, fair at 1345; no others 12-19 MHz except:
15115, poor at 1346, not ex-FD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Today`s anomalies from RHC, July 26, a big day in the Greatest of the Antilles:

6125, July 26 at 0523, English modulation is ``fuzzy`` while the others including 6165 are OK, not Spanish like 24 hours earlier.

The sixtieth anniversary of the attack on the Cuartel Moncada is a Big Deal in Cuba today, July 26, 2013: 9550 & 9850, at 1235 tune-in, fiery anti-American speech in Spanish until 1239, no outro ID, but not a Cuban and implied he is Ecuadorian so probably Pres. Correa, who is firmly in the Cuban commie camp (HCJB`s pro-American? efforts over the decades notwithstanding, for naught). It`s a live broadcast from the festivities in Santiago de Cuba.

Then we are treated to two speeches in English with consecutive Spanish translation from two itty bitty countries who have allied themselves with Cuba (American tourists, take note!), at 1239 the PM of St. Vincent & the Grenadines, ``I am a Palestinian``, and at 1255 the PM of St. Lucia who mentions in passing the presence of other allied leaders from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Uruguay, Antigua, Dominica, SVG (and I may have missed a couple). St. Lucia is indebted to Fidel for training enough nurses so none need to be imported.

What will happen at QSY time of 1300 for the 9 MHz frequencies? They stay on, as the St. Lucian keeps speaking until 1312, and still stay on for music break, a song about Martí, and 1316 another song morphing into poetic recitation by W&M, 1319 more music, and at 1324 Raúl starts, blah3, so time to tune out.

Further chex show 9550 & 9850 remain on, and so does 6150 at 1343 underneath Australia; extra one is undermodulated 11840, which is normally a tarde channel only, along with 11860, 11760, 11750, 11690 on that band; I don`t find another frequency missing on any other band to account for 11840. Meanwhile, HCJB Australia gets another hour free of QubaRM on 15340! Finally at *1403, back to normal programming, 13780 and 15340 come on and the 9 MHz have gone off, an hour later than usual. At 1408, 11840 RHC is also gone but the jamming against nothing on 11845 is audible. Perhaps there will be more 26 de Julio schedule variations today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 15155, Thursday July 25 at 1938, very poor signal, with talk in unID language; 1947 can also make out DRM noise jamming. Programming continued until 1959, the last few seconds with music. No signals at all on 15150, 15160, 15165, 15170, 15175, 15180. I was looking for yet another new clandestine which Ivo Ivanov has been reporting, and 15155 matches for the frequency in use today, as it switches from one to another depending on day of week. His report:

``BELGIUM (non) Some changes of BRB (former TDP) stations:
Dimtsachin Yisema, new clandestine station [whose name I neglected to mention, let alone spell on this week`s WORLD OF RADIO 1679]:

1930-2000 on 15165 "secret transmitter" to EaAf Amharic from 15150 to 15180. Different frequencies, in different days and different weeks like ESAT Radio:
Dimtsachin Yisema: ESAT Radio 1700-1800
Thu July 18 on 15155 Thu July 18 on 15390
Fri July 19 on 15165 Fri July 19 on 15375
Sat July 20 on 15175 Sat July 20 on 15360
Sun July 21 on 15150 Sun July 21 on 15380
Mon July 22 on 15160 Mon July 22 on 15365
Tue July 23 on 15180 Tue July 23 on 15385
Wed July 24 on 15170 Wed July 24 on 15370
Jammed by Ethiopia with broadband DRM-like white noise.

Radio Assenna, ex Voice of Assenna: 1700-1800 on 15245 "secret transmitter" to EaAf Tigrinya Mon, ex Mon/Wed/Fri Transmissions are jammed by Ethiopia with broadband DRM-like white noise (Ivo Ivanov, July 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

``Secret transmitter`` implies probably Bulgaria. So on Friday 26 it should also be found on 15165. Why bother, when the opposition jamming has no trouble following the regular jumparounds? It would be a little more difficult if the day`s frequency were chosen at random, or even jumped during a broadcast.

None of the Yisemas were in HFCC as of July 18, but except for wooden listing of REE Costa Rica on 15170, nothing else scheduled on any of the seven channels at 1930-2000, so a good fit for such shenanigans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 9885-9890-9895, July 26 at 1230, DRM noise, no doubt RNZI, much stronger than AM on 9700 aimed the other way. But the DRM keeps going past 1300, at 1318, 1340, even 1414! Per own schedule, 9890 DRM is at 0651-1200, NO DRM in a break until *1551 on 6135. Failed to turn off transmitter or deliberate for some reason? One never knows (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESTE)

** PERU. 5980, July 26 at 0025, carrier from R. Chaski is starting to show vs storm noise level. This time I am staying inside with the FRG-7 rather than submit mysquin to mosquitos on the porch (lots of rain here lately, otherwise welcome). Cuts off at 0059:40.5* which is five seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 9685, July 26 at 0024, IRS is still AWOL. Are all their other transmissions absent too? If anyone hear them back on, please report! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. 7275, July 26 at 0524, IWT is back on after missing 24 hours earlier, with improved signal and modulation in Arabic wailing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 4930, July 26 at 0521, poor signal talking, must be VOA BOTSWANA, but language? Scheduled as English only, but unseems; Portuguese or French?? Much weaker signal on 4960 which is VOA SÃO TOMÉ, scheduled this semihour in Hausa. BTW, Aoki shows the English segments on these frequencies as *jammed, but surely not by China as in the key, rather Zimbabwe (inspired/aided by the ChiCom). What kind of jamming? They *could* put CNR1 on there from satellite feed just for giggles (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1679 monitoring: confirmed Thursday July 25 at 2100.5 on WTWW-1 9479, usual super signal (BTW, if anyone is still unaware that Pastor Pete Peters is passé, they need only listen to the standard fragment of the SFAW announcement between the WTWW local ID and the start of WOR.)

WWRB missed airing WORLD OF RADIO again: tuned in 5050 at 0328 UT Friday July 26, and vs very hi storm noise level, Dave was saying something about ``WOR has to be suspended until next week``, internet problem, back to music fill. Normally goes off at 0400, so I was quite surprised to hear 5050 still on the air at 0520 with big band music; I wonder if WOR aired after all in the meantime?

Hamburger Lokalradio had been testing 15785-CUSB on Wednesdays, but not this week; Tom Taylor notified that it was on Thursday instead this week, July 25 at 1400-2000; and Wolfgang Büschel caught WOR at 1530, instead of 1630 as had been the time previously. Maybe this will be on again Sunday with WOR at 0730, 1030, 1430, 1830; as well as the usual 7265-CUSB broadcasts on Saturday at 0630, 1430. Otherwise:

UT Saturday 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Saturday 1500 on WRMI 9955
Saturday 2329v on WTWW-2 9930
UT Sunday 0400.5 on WTWW-1 5830
Sunday 2330v on WTWW-2 9930
Also any day, any time from 17 to 24 on 9930, 00-01 on 5085 (however 9930 was not on, this Thursday afternoon at 2100, 2341 chex; you never know) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11979, July 26 at 0526, cannot detect any CW single-number intruder, and Turkey 11980 is very poor. Maybe due to propagation with K=4 at 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)