** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 18 I tune in early at 1352 to find when BB may come on: *1353:30 carrier on and immediately also hum plus tone test; 1357:30 change to hum plus Bangladesh Betar interval signal; hum plus timesignal ending 17 seconds early at 1359:43, then hum and usual theme and opening Urdu service; hum and a bit of music circa 1410, more hum and talk; after 1415 hum and mostly music; 1429:30 hum and announcement; 1430 hum and parasitic noise circa plus/minus 4.4 kHz stop at the same time, so they come from the modulation input, while now clean carrier stays on a few sex longer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BELARUS [and non]. 11930, April 18 at 0523, BR 1 music is underneath pulse jamming from the stupid Cubans when R. Martí is never on this frequency, Commies vs pseudo-Commies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. Re my hearing R. MEC IDs on 11780, Jorge Freitas explains:
``A Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Rádio MEC, Rádio Nacional de Brasília e outras fazem parte da EBC, Empresa Brasil de Comunicação. Veja o site: http://www.ebc.com.br/sobre-a-ebc/veiculos-da-ebc/2012/09/radios
A Rádio Nacional da Amazônia possui uma programação independente, mas algumas vezes e por motivos tantos, a RNA retransmite a programação de outras emissoras do grupo, na maioria das vezes da Rádio Nacional de Brasília. Às vezes tentar entender quando a RNA irá retransmitir esse ou aquele programa de uma de suas emissoras coligadas é impossível e imprevisível. O certo é que oficialmente as frequências de 11780 kHz e 6180 kHz são da Rádio Nacional da Amazônia; qualquer ID em qualquer horário de alguma das outras emissoras do grupo nessas frequências deve ser considerado apenas como uma retransmissão em substituição de algum programa da RNA que não pode ir ao ar ou algum acontecimento extraordinário que esteja sendo coberto por umas das outras emissoras do grupo. 73`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 6020, April 18 at 1122, Korean, 1127 music, poor signal, per Aoki the CNR8 service this hour, 100 kW, 63 degrees from Beijing 491 site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake April 18, before 1330:
11500, good at 1329; none lower
12670, very good at 1326
12870, very good at 1326
13795, poor at 1326
13920, fair at 1326
14700, very good at 1324
14750, very good at 1324
15565, poor at 1322, het on hi side, also propeller noise
15605, poor at 1322 with het on hi side, RTTY on lo side
15970, very good at 1324; none in the 16s
That makes a dizaine at once (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 11768 & 11744, April 18 at 1331, weak Chinese audible, // 11785 CNR1 jammer fundamental, but the fundamental for these 8-kHz-separated spurs is 11760, under Habana; also detectable as hets or JBA carriers on 11728, 11736, 11744, 11752, 11776, 11784, 11792 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 17580, April 18 at 1238, surprised to find RHC in English! plugging their misnamed ``Real Audio`` webcast starting at 9 pm, EDT presumably. I then check all other frequencies and find // English on 9850 and 6150 (mixed with Australian English!), while all the others continue in Spanish: 17730, 15230, 11860, 11760, 11690, 9550, 9540. 1242 on to `Mid-week Mailbag` i.e. Wednesday programming replayed on Thursday morning, then a cultural report.
1300 back to Spanish? NO, reopens English hour on 17580, but 9850 and 6150 have gone off as scheduled, replaced by 13780 and 11750 which are now in English. Missed checking whether there was yet more English after 1400. So what is going on? Wrong playback feed? Experiment? Permanent change? What do you bet it`s all back to Spanish tomorrow morning. English in the AM has happened rarely before.
The anomalies today are not over: 15482 approx., April 18 at 1316, very weak and distorted RHC Spanish spur as I tune by, instantly recognizing an RHC riff; fades down as I start to check whether it`s coming from 15340 or 15230, which themselves are an echo apart, so from different sites. At 1319, 15482 fades in enough to tell it matches 15340, not 15230. Previously have had such spurs around 15510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 18 at 1335, NO signal at all from VOI during scheduled English hour. Atsunori Ishida shows it was last heard April 16 at 1910, nothing on April 17 or 18 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 2910, April 18 at 1135 UT, can make out a carrier vs band noise, presumably still third harmonic of XEVT, 970, Villahermosa, Tabasco. DXing MW harmonix on the 2 MHz band with their very weak signals is rather out of the question in the stormy months, but best chances with least noise before sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [and non]. 6010-, April 18 at 1118, R. Mil morning news show with W&M anchors, Obama clip in English as I tune in, voiced-over to Spanish. A het on hi side, perhaps HJDH Colombia not faded out yet? Too late for Brasil. Altho they vary somewhat, Thomas Nilsson, SW Bulletin, Sweden measured these as follows, April 13 at 0230:
Colombia 6009.87
Mexico 6009.96
Brasil 6010.096
Altho the last two were tentative. The het I am hearing is above, not below Mexico, so maybe something Asian close to 6010.0. Per Aoki, the only other thing on at this time is 20 kW, ND R. Rossii, Blagovestchensk/Yakutsk RUSSIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1570, April 18 at 1145 UT, Spanish station playing ``Mañanitas`` soulful song customary among Mexicans (and other Latinos?) to greet the day, especially for those celebrating births. How closely do stations coördinate this with local sunrise? It so happens that today`s SR in Tulsa OK is 1146 UT, but I really doubt that KZLI would be doing this, altho could have just bumped up to day power.
Strong and steady signal, the only Spanish audible, surely XERF still skywaving, so when is sunrise there? Gaisma.com lists many smaller towns, but not Ciudad Acuña! Fortunately it does list Del Rio TX: 1214 UT.
Here are the lyrix of Mañanitas, plus translation, and quite a different performance than the one I just heard:http://www.cancionfeliz.com/mananitas.php
You might want to Google up a more traditional version (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1520, April 18 at 0530 UT, KOKC `Redeye Radio` pauses for one-minute CBS news special report on West TX explosion; and again with heavy QRM from unknown source Mexican music, making fast SAH (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325-, April 18 1109, can`t sleep so might as well try for Wantok Radio Light, currently unimpeded by the ChiComs since their 7325 transmitter site carrying CRI Japanese at 10-13 is down for maintenance, as reported by Hiroshi Inoue and Sei-ichi Hasegawa to the DXLD yg. Now problem is the bigsig on adjacent 7320 from R. Rossii, Magadan, RUSSIA, 100 kW aimed USward at 45 degrees.
But I can detect the WRL carrier, and as Ron Howard reports it on 7324.96, it is indeed slightly on the lo side, compared to 9325 RFA Saipan. 1130 it`s a little stronger, as I make out a fanfare perhaps introducing some program; 1158 some talk past 1200, meanwhile with timepips from 7320 audible about a dekasecond late. After more music, at 1230 going into talk, perhaps `Back to the Bible` as Ron has logged, if it`s on daily. Now the signal has surged to very poor.
BTW, Aoki shows the off-period for the Jinhua-Youbu 831 site of CRI 7325 at 10-13 UT is April 15 to May 25. Meanwhile more 7325 CRI Japanese from 13 to 14 UT continues from a different site, Xi`an, but note this: Aoki already shows it will be off from June 17 to July 29. In mid-summer that will probably be too late for WRL propagation to here, but helpful further west; the continuous hiatus 1400-1430 is already way too late for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, April 18 at 0056, despite heavy storm noise from further south in OK, even tornados (only lite rain here), R. Chaski carrier is still detectable with BFO; 5990 CRI/Cuba splash is off by 0100, and Chaski cutoff timed at 0103:44, which is 5.5 sex later than last nite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020-, April 18 at 1125, JBA carrier detectable in sidesplash from Cuba 5025; and it`s slightly on lo side as SIBC is measured by others. 1158 still the same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. 5965, April 18 at 0529, REE relay is on correct frequency tonight, unlike 5995 two nights ago; not noted which, one night ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1665: confirmed first airing on WRMI webcast, UT Thursday April 18 after 0330. Next:
Thursday 2100 on WTWW 9479; UT Friday 0330v on WWRB 3195 (and maybe 5050); UT Saturday 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB; Saturday 1500 on WRMI 9955; Saturday 2330v on WTWW 9930; UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5830; Sunday 2330v on WTWW 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185, April 18 at 1110, no signal from WWRB which ought to be propagating this early if on the air; nor on 9370, the nite & day frequencies dedicated exclusively to Brother Scare. By 1337, 9370 is on with distorted modulation, edited clips (from Weather Channel?) of tornado warnings to countless counties in IN, TN, MS. By 1341 it`s clearly a survivalist show, and NOT // Brother Scare on 9980 WWCR --- not merely out of synch, but totally different. So WWRB has departed from The Overcomer Ministry! Which is obsessed with *not* surviving as soon as possible (on this Earth).
1735 recheck, 9370 is awfully weak, but on fade-ins still seems survivalist, and not // 9980 BS, neighbor WWCR inbooming as usual. Homepage http://www.overcomerministry.org/ still shows both WWRB frequencies
** U S A. 6823-USB, April 18 at 1343, Army MARS net, discussing Field Day (two months ahead?); strongest signal requiring some attenuation is the NCS, AAM6TTX (often just ``TTX``), also AAR6UD, and AA#6GJ, AA#6UK --- assuming I missed a third letter in those prefixes. 1345 goes into ``comments period``, i.e. less formal part of net.
Would you believe that AAM6TTX gets about 65,000 Google hits? Where to start? Near the top. Not surprisingly, it`s Texas Army MARS, also involved with TX Emergency Management. One site shows ``Training: AAM6TTX: Scott Hamende``. It would take a lot more digging, possibly pointless, to find his location. AAR6UD comes up as a password rather than a callsign (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 930, April 18 at 1211 UT, checking inhabitant with WKY OKC nulled --- it`s still WTAD Quincy IL, with river levels at Quincy & Hannibal; it seems there is some flooding. Now WTAD is legitimately on non-direxional day pattern since 1130 UT in April (1045 in May), but we also hear it at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1020, April 18 at 1215 UT, with semi-local KOKP Perry nulled, Spanish suddenly switches to heavily-accented English for legal ID at odd time: ``KMMQ, Plattsmouth-Omaha, la estación oficial de la celebración del 5 de mayo en Ómaja``. How could you say Plattsmouth in Spanish? It refers to the Platte River flowing into the Missouri, but I wouldn`t call that a boca (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1420, April 18 at 1141, UT M&M DJs talking about Merle Haggard`s appearance sometime in June at the Civic Center Theater; TC for 6:41, then `This Day in History` capsule introduced by Rocky the Flying Squirrel, starting with Paul Revere in 1775y. Checking the tour dates for Merle at http://www.songkick.com/artists/366005-merle-haggard/calendar?page=2
he`s all over Canada in April-May, resuming USA in June-July and this is the match but maintaining Canadian orthography:http://www.songkick.com/venues/101646-memorial-civic-centre-arena
i.e., Lubbock TX on 19 June.
Therefore this station is: KJDL, non-direxional 500/140/191 watts per NRC AM Log. It`s after 6 am CDT, so the PSRA power should be in effect. However FCC info athttp://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/getimportletter_exh.cgi?import_letter_id=4210
shows KJDL PSRA starting at 6 am local every month is only 147 watts, except for June bumped up to a hefty 168 watts, the ``limiting station`` in all cases being XEF in Juárez (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Maybe also the earlier 1420 UNIDENTIFIED, q.v.
** U S A. 1560, April 18 at 0553 UT tune-in, ID immediately as ``KLTI, Today`s True Country``. Slogan confirmed at http://www.kltiradio.com/ rather than (former?) ``Real Country``, as in NRC-AM Log; i.e. Macon MO, non-direxional 1000 watts day, 41 watts night: wonder which I was really hearing? Macon is west of Hannibal, south of Kirksville, but address is in Brookfield, some 38 miles further west where I daresay the 41 watts night are not going to reach; so where is the transmitter site? Own coverage map (from Radio Locator for day signal) shows right in Macon, and even then, Brookfield is beyond the ``local`` contour. Topo map at FCC shows a radio tower 3 km south of Macon, but is it KLTI`s? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM. 12000, April 18 at 1327 something in Chinese with big hum, 1328 just hum until off at 1329:05*. Aoki shows it`s the end of VOV`s alternating Russian/Chinese services, 100 kW, 27 degrees from Hanoi-Sontay site, so also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM [non]. 6175, April 18 at 0526, VOV via WHRI with traditional instruments and wailing; wish I had intuned earlier. 0527:45 cut to BaBcoCk music loop for less than a quarter-minute, 0528 WHR promotion which they tack on to relay clients. Usual VG signal eclipsing even Brasília 6180. Yet for English earlier in the evening, VOV makes us listen to Woofferton 12005 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST
** BELARUS [and non]. 11930, April 18 at 0523, BR 1 music is underneath pulse jamming from the stupid Cubans when R. Martí is never on this frequency, Commies vs pseudo-Commies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. Re my hearing R. MEC IDs on 11780, Jorge Freitas explains:
``A Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Rádio MEC, Rádio Nacional de Brasília e outras fazem parte da EBC, Empresa Brasil de Comunicação. Veja o site: http://www.ebc.com.br/sobre-a-ebc/veiculos-da-ebc/2012/09/radios
A Rádio Nacional da Amazônia possui uma programação independente, mas algumas vezes e por motivos tantos, a RNA retransmite a programação de outras emissoras do grupo, na maioria das vezes da Rádio Nacional de Brasília. Às vezes tentar entender quando a RNA irá retransmitir esse ou aquele programa de uma de suas emissoras coligadas é impossível e imprevisível. O certo é que oficialmente as frequências de 11780 kHz e 6180 kHz são da Rádio Nacional da Amazônia; qualquer ID em qualquer horário de alguma das outras emissoras do grupo nessas frequências deve ser considerado apenas como uma retransmissão em substituição de algum programa da RNA que não pode ir ao ar ou algum acontecimento extraordinário que esteja sendo coberto por umas das outras emissoras do grupo. 73`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 6020, April 18 at 1122, Korean, 1127 music, poor signal, per Aoki the CNR8 service this hour, 100 kW, 63 degrees from Beijing 491 site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake April 18, before 1330:
11500, good at 1329; none lower
12670, very good at 1326
12870, very good at 1326
13795, poor at 1326
13920, fair at 1326
14700, very good at 1324
14750, very good at 1324
15565, poor at 1322, het on hi side, also propeller noise
15605, poor at 1322 with het on hi side, RTTY on lo side
15970, very good at 1324; none in the 16s
That makes a dizaine at once (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 11768 & 11744, April 18 at 1331, weak Chinese audible, // 11785 CNR1 jammer fundamental, but the fundamental for these 8-kHz-separated spurs is 11760, under Habana; also detectable as hets or JBA carriers on 11728, 11736, 11744, 11752, 11776, 11784, 11792 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 17580, April 18 at 1238, surprised to find RHC in English! plugging their misnamed ``Real Audio`` webcast starting at 9 pm, EDT presumably. I then check all other frequencies and find // English on 9850 and 6150 (mixed with Australian English!), while all the others continue in Spanish: 17730, 15230, 11860, 11760, 11690, 9550, 9540. 1242 on to `Mid-week Mailbag` i.e. Wednesday programming replayed on Thursday morning, then a cultural report.
1300 back to Spanish? NO, reopens English hour on 17580, but 9850 and 6150 have gone off as scheduled, replaced by 13780 and 11750 which are now in English. Missed checking whether there was yet more English after 1400. So what is going on? Wrong playback feed? Experiment? Permanent change? What do you bet it`s all back to Spanish tomorrow morning. English in the AM has happened rarely before.
The anomalies today are not over: 15482 approx., April 18 at 1316, very weak and distorted RHC Spanish spur as I tune by, instantly recognizing an RHC riff; fades down as I start to check whether it`s coming from 15340 or 15230, which themselves are an echo apart, so from different sites. At 1319, 15482 fades in enough to tell it matches 15340, not 15230. Previously have had such spurs around 15510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 18 at 1335, NO signal at all from VOI during scheduled English hour. Atsunori Ishida shows it was last heard April 16 at 1910, nothing on April 17 or 18 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 2910, April 18 at 1135 UT, can make out a carrier vs band noise, presumably still third harmonic of XEVT, 970, Villahermosa, Tabasco. DXing MW harmonix on the 2 MHz band with their very weak signals is rather out of the question in the stormy months, but best chances with least noise before sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [and non]. 6010-, April 18 at 1118, R. Mil morning news show with W&M anchors, Obama clip in English as I tune in, voiced-over to Spanish. A het on hi side, perhaps HJDH Colombia not faded out yet? Too late for Brasil. Altho they vary somewhat, Thomas Nilsson, SW Bulletin, Sweden measured these as follows, April 13 at 0230:
Colombia 6009.87
Mexico 6009.96
Brasil 6010.096
Altho the last two were tentative. The het I am hearing is above, not below Mexico, so maybe something Asian close to 6010.0. Per Aoki, the only other thing on at this time is 20 kW, ND R. Rossii, Blagovestchensk/Yakutsk RUSSIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1570, April 18 at 1145 UT, Spanish station playing ``Mañanitas`` soulful song customary among Mexicans (and other Latinos?) to greet the day, especially for those celebrating births. How closely do stations coördinate this with local sunrise? It so happens that today`s SR in Tulsa OK is 1146 UT, but I really doubt that KZLI would be doing this, altho could have just bumped up to day power.
Strong and steady signal, the only Spanish audible, surely XERF still skywaving, so when is sunrise there? Gaisma.com lists many smaller towns, but not Ciudad Acuña! Fortunately it does list Del Rio TX: 1214 UT.
Here are the lyrix of Mañanitas, plus translation, and quite a different performance than the one I just heard:http://www.cancionfeliz.com/mananitas.php
You might want to Google up a more traditional version (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1520, April 18 at 0530 UT, KOKC `Redeye Radio` pauses for one-minute CBS news special report on West TX explosion; and again with heavy QRM from unknown source Mexican music, making fast SAH (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325-, April 18 1109, can`t sleep so might as well try for Wantok Radio Light, currently unimpeded by the ChiComs since their 7325 transmitter site carrying CRI Japanese at 10-13 is down for maintenance, as reported by Hiroshi Inoue and Sei-ichi Hasegawa to the DXLD yg. Now problem is the bigsig on adjacent 7320 from R. Rossii, Magadan, RUSSIA, 100 kW aimed USward at 45 degrees.
But I can detect the WRL carrier, and as Ron Howard reports it on 7324.96, it is indeed slightly on the lo side, compared to 9325 RFA Saipan. 1130 it`s a little stronger, as I make out a fanfare perhaps introducing some program; 1158 some talk past 1200, meanwhile with timepips from 7320 audible about a dekasecond late. After more music, at 1230 going into talk, perhaps `Back to the Bible` as Ron has logged, if it`s on daily. Now the signal has surged to very poor.
BTW, Aoki shows the off-period for the Jinhua-Youbu 831 site of CRI 7325 at 10-13 UT is April 15 to May 25. Meanwhile more 7325 CRI Japanese from 13 to 14 UT continues from a different site, Xi`an, but note this: Aoki already shows it will be off from June 17 to July 29. In mid-summer that will probably be too late for WRL propagation to here, but helpful further west; the continuous hiatus 1400-1430 is already way too late for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, April 18 at 0056, despite heavy storm noise from further south in OK, even tornados (only lite rain here), R. Chaski carrier is still detectable with BFO; 5990 CRI/Cuba splash is off by 0100, and Chaski cutoff timed at 0103:44, which is 5.5 sex later than last nite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020-, April 18 at 1125, JBA carrier detectable in sidesplash from Cuba 5025; and it`s slightly on lo side as SIBC is measured by others. 1158 still the same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. 5965, April 18 at 0529, REE relay is on correct frequency tonight, unlike 5995 two nights ago; not noted which, one night ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1665: confirmed first airing on WRMI webcast, UT Thursday April 18 after 0330. Next:
Thursday 2100 on WTWW 9479; UT Friday 0330v on WWRB 3195 (and maybe 5050); UT Saturday 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB; Saturday 1500 on WRMI 9955; Saturday 2330v on WTWW 9930; UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5830; Sunday 2330v on WTWW 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185, April 18 at 1110, no signal from WWRB which ought to be propagating this early if on the air; nor on 9370, the nite & day frequencies dedicated exclusively to Brother Scare. By 1337, 9370 is on with distorted modulation, edited clips (from Weather Channel?) of tornado warnings to countless counties in IN, TN, MS. By 1341 it`s clearly a survivalist show, and NOT // Brother Scare on 9980 WWCR --- not merely out of synch, but totally different. So WWRB has departed from The Overcomer Ministry! Which is obsessed with *not* surviving as soon as possible (on this Earth).
1735 recheck, 9370 is awfully weak, but on fade-ins still seems survivalist, and not // 9980 BS, neighbor WWCR inbooming as usual. Homepage http://www.overcomerministry.org/ still shows both WWRB frequencies
** U S A. 6823-USB, April 18 at 1343, Army MARS net, discussing Field Day (two months ahead?); strongest signal requiring some attenuation is the NCS, AAM6TTX (often just ``TTX``), also AAR6UD, and AA#6GJ, AA#6UK --- assuming I missed a third letter in those prefixes. 1345 goes into ``comments period``, i.e. less formal part of net.
Would you believe that AAM6TTX gets about 65,000 Google hits? Where to start? Near the top. Not surprisingly, it`s Texas Army MARS, also involved with TX Emergency Management. One site shows ``Training: AAM6TTX: Scott Hamende``. It would take a lot more digging, possibly pointless, to find his location. AAR6UD comes up as a password rather than a callsign (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 930, April 18 at 1211 UT, checking inhabitant with WKY OKC nulled --- it`s still WTAD Quincy IL, with river levels at Quincy & Hannibal; it seems there is some flooding. Now WTAD is legitimately on non-direxional day pattern since 1130 UT in April (1045 in May), but we also hear it at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1020, April 18 at 1215 UT, with semi-local KOKP Perry nulled, Spanish suddenly switches to heavily-accented English for legal ID at odd time: ``KMMQ, Plattsmouth-Omaha, la estación oficial de la celebración del 5 de mayo en Ómaja``. How could you say Plattsmouth in Spanish? It refers to the Platte River flowing into the Missouri, but I wouldn`t call that a boca (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1420, April 18 at 1141, UT M&M DJs talking about Merle Haggard`s appearance sometime in June at the Civic Center Theater; TC for 6:41, then `This Day in History` capsule introduced by Rocky the Flying Squirrel, starting with Paul Revere in 1775y. Checking the tour dates for Merle at http://www.songkick.com/artists/366005-merle-haggard/calendar?page=2
he`s all over Canada in April-May, resuming USA in June-July and this is the match but maintaining Canadian orthography:http://www.songkick.com/venues/101646-memorial-civic-centre-arena
i.e., Lubbock TX on 19 June.
Therefore this station is: KJDL, non-direxional 500/140/191 watts per NRC AM Log. It`s after 6 am CDT, so the PSRA power should be in effect. However FCC info athttp://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/getimportletter_exh.cgi?import_letter_id=4210
shows KJDL PSRA starting at 6 am local every month is only 147 watts, except for June bumped up to a hefty 168 watts, the ``limiting station`` in all cases being XEF in Juárez (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Maybe also the earlier 1420 UNIDENTIFIED, q.v.
** U S A. 1560, April 18 at 0553 UT tune-in, ID immediately as ``KLTI, Today`s True Country``. Slogan confirmed at http://www.kltiradio.com/ rather than (former?) ``Real Country``, as in NRC-AM Log; i.e. Macon MO, non-direxional 1000 watts day, 41 watts night: wonder which I was really hearing? Macon is west of Hannibal, south of Kirksville, but address is in Brookfield, some 38 miles further west where I daresay the 41 watts night are not going to reach; so where is the transmitter site? Own coverage map (from Radio Locator for day signal) shows right in Macon, and even then, Brookfield is beyond the ``local`` contour. Topo map at FCC shows a radio tower 3 km south of Macon, but is it KLTI`s? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM. 12000, April 18 at 1327 something in Chinese with big hum, 1328 just hum until off at 1329:05*. Aoki shows it`s the end of VOV`s alternating Russian/Chinese services, 100 kW, 27 degrees from Hanoi-Sontay site, so also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM [non]. 6175, April 18 at 0526, VOV via WHRI with traditional instruments and wailing; wish I had intuned earlier. 0527:45 cut to BaBcoCk music loop for less than a quarter-minute, 0528 WHR promotion which they tack on to relay clients. Usual VG signal eclipsing even Brasília 6180. Yet for English earlier in the evening, VOV makes us listen to Woofferton 12005 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST