7520,R Farda IRN,1730 24Mar, px nx +id on/off continuos for2 minutes,44444
4835,VL8A AUS Alice Springs,1740 24Mar, px mx "country music" //2485khz ,33333
7175,Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea ERI Asmara,1755 24Mar,music antem end oFF 1802utc //4700khz,44444
15345,RAE ARG Buenos Aires,1755 and 2001 24Mar,px nx in S 2001 "Argentina se informa",33333
15720,R Japan MDG Talata Volonondry,1810 24Mar,px in E list of frequency,55555
5915,Zambia National BC Corp ZMB Lusaka,1820 24Mar, px mx in vernacular better USB,33333
15190,R Pilipinas Oversaes PHL Tinang, 1915 24Mar,px in pilipino,33333
15670,VOA Radiogram test ,1930 24Mar,radiogram PSK31 and other type of mode digit end tx OFF 2000utc,33333
13363.6,LTA Argentina Armed Forces ARG Buenos Aires,2010 24Mar,LSB mode px relay + ID "Continental",23333
11945,R Australia AUS shepperton,0905 31MAR,px talk sport,33333
5000,CSP I Torino , 0930 31Mar , commemorative Trasmission IENGF // 155 MHz only rx near Torino ,33333
15670,VOA Radiogram test ,1930 31Mar,Voa radiogram mode digit end tx OFF 2000utc,33333
15345,RAE ARG Buenos Aires,2012 31Mar,px musical,44444
11780,R Nacional de Amazonia B Brasilia ,2025 31 Mar, px local,33333
4319,AFN DGA Diego Garcia,2035 31 Mar,USB px loc relay,33333
13362,AFRTS GUM Barrigada,2035 31 Mar,USB px loc relay,33333
6055,R Rwanda RRW Kigali,2040 31 Mar,px in vernacular and tribal song,3333
5915,Zambia National BC Corp ZMB Lusaka,2045 31 Mar,px mx afro music,33333
4835,VL8A AUS Alice Springs,1740 24Mar, px mx "country music" //2485khz ,33333
7175,Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea ERI Asmara,1755 24Mar,music antem end oFF 1802utc //4700khz,44444
15345,RAE ARG Buenos Aires,1755 and 2001 24Mar,px nx in S 2001 "Argentina se informa",33333
15720,R Japan MDG Talata Volonondry,1810 24Mar,px in E list of frequency,55555
5915,Zambia National BC Corp ZMB Lusaka,1820 24Mar, px mx in vernacular better USB,33333
15190,R Pilipinas Oversaes PHL Tinang, 1915 24Mar,px in pilipino,33333
15670,VOA Radiogram test ,1930 24Mar,radiogram PSK31 and other type of mode digit end tx OFF 2000utc,33333
13363.6,LTA Argentina Armed Forces ARG Buenos Aires,2010 24Mar,LSB mode px relay + ID "Continental",23333
11945,R Australia AUS shepperton,0905 31MAR,px talk sport,33333
5000,CSP I Torino , 0930 31Mar , commemorative Trasmission IENGF // 155 MHz only rx near Torino ,33333
15670,VOA Radiogram test ,1930 31Mar,Voa radiogram mode digit end tx OFF 2000utc,33333
15345,RAE ARG Buenos Aires,2012 31Mar,px musical,44444
11780,R Nacional de Amazonia B Brasilia ,2025 31 Mar, px local,33333
4319,AFN DGA Diego Garcia,2035 31 Mar,USB px loc relay,33333
13362,AFRTS GUM Barrigada,2035 31 Mar,USB px loc relay,33333
6055,R Rwanda RRW Kigali,2040 31 Mar,px in vernacular and tribal song,3333
5915,Zambia National BC Corp ZMB Lusaka,2045 31 Mar,px mx afro music,33333
- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-