domenica 28 aprile 2013

Retro Radio Dial Queensland Australia

Radio Heritage Foundation
April 27 2013

Media Release

Australia 1988
Queensland AM
Retro Radio Dial

A fascinating look back 25 years ago to 1988 and radio stations that could be heard in Queensland Australia has just been released by the Radio Heritage Foundation at

As well as a complete list of AM stations along the dial, the new feature includes the name of the radio station owners of that era, nearly all of which were local corporations and individuals in the days before mergers and acquisitions led to big changes in what Australians could listen to.

Retro Radio Dial Queensland Australia 1988-2013 is the latest of a new series exploring all Australian & US states in the coming months, as well as other parts of the world.

The feature includes the Top 20 music Hits of 1988, popular movies and books and other aspects of popular culture that add to the flavor of the AM & FM radio dials of the past 25-50 years.

The Retro Radio Dial series also includes features exploring radio as early as 1928 in California, Japan and Shanghai in 1941, Hawaii in 1961, Idaho and Texas in 1963, ACT/NSW and Victoria/Tasmania Australia in 1988 and many new titles are currently in preparation.

The Radio Heritage Foundation is an independent non-profit organization with no connections to the broadcasting industry or any government agency, and is supported by people worldwide who think it's important to protect radio memories for the future. Content at is free.

Come along and visit the Queensland Australia AM radio dials in 1988 with us. There's even a place for you to share your own radio memories of those times.

Radio Heritage Foundation
The Global Radio Memories Project
'where today's people connect with yesterdays radio'