** BANGLADESH. 15505, another check for BB April 22: nothing on until *1357:26 carrier, soon applying hum and interval signal; timesignal ending at 1359:39 and opening Urdu, poor signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 11990, April 22 at 1254, something new here: carrier with tones on and off, typical tune-up procedure from Russia/CIS transmitters, so I stay with it to hear what develop by 1300? 1256, CNR1 jammer comes on making fast SAH. Tones stop circa 1259.5 to music, but can`t copy what, as too much jamming, after 1300 timesignal with ZRGD/CJKT ID.
Nothing in today`s Aoki update to account for this either; however HFCC as of April 22 shows:
11990 1300 1500 44 NVS 250 120 0 216 1234567 310313 271013 D RUS IBB GFC 7237
I.e. a US government transmission via Novosibirsk, RUSSIA to CIRAF 44 = the eastern third of China. So it`s probably VOA in Mandarin (as this timeblock is for VOA not RFA), and not Tibetan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake, April 22:
11825, poor at 1253 in heavy mix with CNR1 jamming and VOA Chinese via Philippines. All off after 1300.
NO OTHER Firedrake heard on traditional FD frequencies, but instead CNR1 program audio as jamming, as has been the case also the past two days. As before, I am not including mostly inband frequencies which were already occupied by CNR1 jamming,
Before 1300:
16360, very poor at 1243, initial catch confirmed by // 11785 CNR1 jamming, but not in synch with it. Note that propagation is below par this morning, and local line noise level is above par!
16250, very poor at 1243; none in the 17s, 18s, 15s, 14s
13970, fair at 1249
13830, poor at 1249
12500, fair at 1249
12370, very poor at 1249
Before 1400, still CNR1 rather than FD, not a full search:
15970, very poor at 1357
16160, very poor at 1358
After 1400:
13850, fair at 1423; none in the 12s
15525, fair at 1420; none in the 14s
15570, fair at 1420
15870, good at 1420
15900, very good at 1420
16160, good at 1421
17370, good at 1422 with utebeeps; none in the 18s
Also, CNR1 jamming on a strange frequency:
12000, poor at 1251, mixing with presumed V. of Vietnam, only thing scheduled here, going from Russian to Chinese at 1300. Did SOH also show up on 12000, or are the ChiCom also afraid of what fellow Commies in Vietnam have to say, or mistaking it for a greater enemy? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 11736, 11744, 11752, 11768, 11776, 11784, April 22 at 1304, JBA carriers/hets are back here, 8-kHz-multiple spurs out of CNR1 jammer on 11760 under Cuba.
These were not audible before 1300, nor anywhere else on the 25m band. I was checking 11954 and 11962, where Dave Valko heard Firedrake carriers April 9 from 1120, but unknown why: to me, that means the 8-kHz-spur-producer was on 11970 at that time, and there probably would have been more of them also on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COSTA RICA. 5954+, April 21 at 2356, nothing detectable from R. República, altho there is some Cuban jamming noise around 5955. Since R.R. has had the bigsig on 9490 via GUF and now ISS at 00-02 daily, there is not much need for this little CR transmitter, and not reported lately, so had assumed it was out of service.
However, Giampiero Bernardini & Dario Monferini from their coastal DXpedition in Italy reported it April 9 at 2352 on 5953.9, Spanish fair signal, low modulation, but any ID? It used to be steady on the hi side of 5954 circa 5954.3 as heard last year. Maybe I tuned in too late at 2356, as even if active they would go off by 0000, which is now more than an hour before sunset here.
Of course, don`t confuse it with Bolivia`s Radio Pio XII nearby on 5952.40v as logged by Ron Howard April 17 until 0230* with the Col. Bogey/River Kwai whistling march (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 6010, April 22 at 0522, RHC English is severely disrupted, audible only at distorted modulation peaks, while normal on 5040, 6060, 6125 and 6165. Wiggle that patchcord! Meanwhile, we can enjoy the big het this makes with presumed COLOMBIA, not MEXICO, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. 15190, April 22 at 1410, gospel huxter in English, presumed KTWR GUAM as scheduled, which raises the question, is anyone still hearing R. Africa on 15190 at any time?? I have not for some weeks, but better chances here were around 0600 or 1900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 17650, April 21 at 2340, JBA carrier, maybe KSDA. I was trying to confirm whether AWR Wavescan is on now as allegedly scheduled at 2330 UT Sundays. Usually more reliable at 2230 on 15320, unchecked lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6010, yes, XEOI Radio Mil is definitely off the air again. April 22 set alarm to get me up by 1147 to check for any signal, and nothing there between the Juche jammers. I had discovered it back on the air March 8, as in DXLD 13-11, and it was gone by April 19. Will it be away again for another year, or forever? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 530, fake callsign ``K530AM``, Vance AFB has been on the air continuously since first discovered in February. And there has still never been any mention of Enid`s newest radio station in Scoop, the weekly base newspaper published by the Eagle, nor in the Eagle itself. Allegedly 10 watts, on caradio it`s quite good all over Enid in the daytime. The KTA TIS in southern KS is covered up. At night it`s weak enough to be nullable for Cuba on the DX-398.
April 22 at 1648-1651 UT, I take three minutes to copy the PSA/ID loop to see if there have been any changes:
Wireless Amber alerts, Ad Council
Internet risky for kids, ncpc.org USDOJ and Ad Council
Vance AFB Harrison Gate is open 24 hpd; Baker 0630-0900 M-F excluding federal holidays
Crimestoppers on Vance: call hotline 580-213-7200; or emergency 911
Large commercial vehicles go to Search gate: open M-F 0630-1830; Sat 0630-1430 or call if needed elsewhen
FEMA`s new Guide to Preparedness, fema.gov or 800-480-2520
ID: ``This is K530AM ---`` but cut off for another ID but with background noise, why? ``K530AM, operated by Vance Air Force Base``
Amber alert, again ---
Previously there were a few other PSAs in rotation which might still appear at other dayparts (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1120, April 22 at 1447 and 1647 UT, KEOR Catoosa / Sperry / Tulsa remains absent, as it has been for a few days now. When it came back as ``Radio Victoria`` with praise music in Spanish, we expected it to stay, but no (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1610, April 22 and for weeks now, no trace in Enid of the TIS at Great Salt Plains State Park, suspect off the air. WQCL720 had been JBA on caradio at quiet spots in Enid outskirts, and easily audible a few miles north on US 81/60/64, but lastly with nothing but hum, previously with NWS relay, and before that with axual info about the area, including selenite crystal-digging. Must check for sure next time I head northward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325, April 22 at 1217, Wantok Radio Light still very weak but clear of CRI QRM during its maintenance period; and not much ACI from Magadan 7320. Vocal music, probably hymn; 1222 announcements, 1225 more music; 1229 announcement with yelping, praise song; 1233 still no recognizable `Back to the Bible` nominally from 1230, as Ron Howard says it is scheduled; but at 1235 ``Welcome to Back to the Bible`` --- the only clear and definite English copy I have had from WRL.
Mike Gilchrist replies to my query about whether they use other languages: ``Usually in Pidgin before 11 or so. Sometimes TOA [?] and other times 1115 when English syndicated programs start`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, April 22 at 0056, R. Chaski carrier is audible in noise level and splash from CRI/Cuba 5990. As expected, carrier cut at 0104:05*, which is 5.5 seconds later than last night. Will this precession ever reach 0105 this cycle before resetting the timer back to 0100+? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9665, UT Sunday April 21 at 2339, Radio PMR is on, in German, music; 2358 ID, usual het from off-frequency Brazilian: great frequency choice! Just before 2400, another clear ID for Radio Pridnestrovye, and seamless transition without any break to V of Russia, Chariots-of-Fire and opening English to ``Latin`` America.
Ever since someone discovered that Radio PMR had been rescheduled from 21-22 UT in B-12 to 23-24 UT in A-13, allegedly Monday-Friday, I have been suspecting the TRUE UT days are Sunday-Thursday, following their previous strange practice of saying ``Monday-Friday`` along with UT times, except the days of the week apply to local time where it is after midnite. Thus we may also confidently expect that this will NOT be on the air UT Friday as well as Saturday. The misassumption that it is M-F has been widely quoted without comment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA [non]. 11530, April 22 at 1252, VOR in English with QRM from WEWN English 11520 squishy spur circa 11529; in addition to the perpetual humroar out of this transmitter in TAJIKISTAN. VOR knows how to pick `em for their legacy service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [non]. 11560, April 22 at 0510, clip in English as I tune in, soon voiced-over in Arabish; fair with deep fades, then mentions ``Miraya`` and ``Sudaniya``. Per Aoki, this is the Arabic/English R. Miraya FM transmission at 0300-0600, 50 kW, 195 degrees from Kostinbrod, BULGARIA (which we also heard well in B-12 on ex-9940).
However, Ivo Ivanov & Georgi Bancov reported April 16 in DX Re-Mix News: ``All other transmissions from Kostinbrod are cancelled!!`` except for two Brother Scare broadcasts. So is Miraya now from somewhere else, or Bulgaria again? Only Ludo Maes knows for sure?
However2, on April 22, DX Re Mix reports Radio Miraya:
0300-0600 on 11560 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf English/Arabic
SCB means ``SecretBrod`` site, as opposed to SOF = Sofia for sure
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1665 monitoring: Starts at 2328:42 UT Sunday April 21 on WTWW-2 9930, early enough to end well before 2400, i.e. 2358:42, *then* off the air promptly. QSY to 5085 which was still on the air an hour later this UT Monday. Next for WOR:
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955; also UT Thursday 0330 unless new 1666 is ready by then, both always jammed; tnx a lot, Arnie! But if awake Tuesday at 1100, please check. Also Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB, if on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5920, UT Monday April 22 after 0000, WHRI is on the air, but not DXing with Cumbre; 7385 is not on the air at all. At 0056, 7315 is on the air with praise music. At 0452, 11635 is on with only fair signal, music, not DWC, and off the air after 0500. I was checking for real SW airings of DWC vis-à-vis previous and alleged scheduling, but none found this Sunday evening. However, it might have been on some frequency at 0100 or 0200. Marie makes no effort whatsoever to research and publish when she is really on the *air* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5050, UT Monday April 22 at 0056, WWRB is not on the air, unlike 24 hours earlier; seems it depends on business, which client wants the extra frequency, so maybe on Saturday nights only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 9330-CUSB, noticed NO signal from WBCQ circa 0500 UT April 22, but could be `long` propagation, with e.g. Greece 9420 in well. However at 1236 over day path, still no trace of a 9330 signal, when e.g. 9370 WWRB is in well. Nor at 1407. So conclude 9330 transmitter, nominally 24 hours, is really off the air. WBCQ still missing at 1646, but 9370 WWRB is weak, and 9479 WTWW attenuated; must be propagation disturbance too. WWV reported at 1500:
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 21 April follow.
Solar flux 109 and estimated planetary A-index 3.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1500 UTC on 22 April was 1.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.``
Now`s our chance to hear SYRIA?? R. Damascus allegedly scheduled 16-20 UT, one hour each in Turkish, Russian, German, French; after break, 21-22 English but aimed eastward unlike the other languages; and 22-23 Spanish reversed toward the west. But is this still on the air at all, 2+ years into the civil war? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 690, April 22 at 0532 UT, open carrier/dead air, no doubt from KGGF Coffeyville KS, as happens frequently (always?) after local midnite, making slow SAH with presumed KTSM El Paso underneath. What does the KGGF program schedule show? Who knows? Cannot find any website. I should listen at 0500, when I am instead trying the 960 Fox-hole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 660, UT Monday April 22 at 0531 UT, dead air except for big hum here again from somestation in US or Mexico; loops NNE/SSW. I should listen at 0500, when I am instead trying the 960 Fox-hole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 11990, April 22 at 1254, something new here: carrier with tones on and off, typical tune-up procedure from Russia/CIS transmitters, so I stay with it to hear what develop by 1300? 1256, CNR1 jammer comes on making fast SAH. Tones stop circa 1259.5 to music, but can`t copy what, as too much jamming, after 1300 timesignal with ZRGD/CJKT ID.
Nothing in today`s Aoki update to account for this either; however HFCC as of April 22 shows:
11990 1300 1500 44 NVS 250 120 0 216 1234567 310313 271013 D RUS IBB GFC 7237
I.e. a US government transmission via Novosibirsk, RUSSIA to CIRAF 44 = the eastern third of China. So it`s probably VOA in Mandarin (as this timeblock is for VOA not RFA), and not Tibetan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake, April 22:
11825, poor at 1253 in heavy mix with CNR1 jamming and VOA Chinese via Philippines. All off after 1300.
NO OTHER Firedrake heard on traditional FD frequencies, but instead CNR1 program audio as jamming, as has been the case also the past two days. As before, I am not including mostly inband frequencies which were already occupied by CNR1 jamming,
Before 1300:
16360, very poor at 1243, initial catch confirmed by // 11785 CNR1 jamming, but not in synch with it. Note that propagation is below par this morning, and local line noise level is above par!
16250, very poor at 1243; none in the 17s, 18s, 15s, 14s
13970, fair at 1249
13830, poor at 1249
12500, fair at 1249
12370, very poor at 1249
Before 1400, still CNR1 rather than FD, not a full search:
15970, very poor at 1357
16160, very poor at 1358
After 1400:
13850, fair at 1423; none in the 12s
15525, fair at 1420; none in the 14s
15570, fair at 1420
15870, good at 1420
15900, very good at 1420
16160, good at 1421
17370, good at 1422 with utebeeps; none in the 18s
Also, CNR1 jamming on a strange frequency:
12000, poor at 1251, mixing with presumed V. of Vietnam, only thing scheduled here, going from Russian to Chinese at 1300. Did SOH also show up on 12000, or are the ChiCom also afraid of what fellow Commies in Vietnam have to say, or mistaking it for a greater enemy? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 11736, 11744, 11752, 11768, 11776, 11784, April 22 at 1304, JBA carriers/hets are back here, 8-kHz-multiple spurs out of CNR1 jammer on 11760 under Cuba.
These were not audible before 1300, nor anywhere else on the 25m band. I was checking 11954 and 11962, where Dave Valko heard Firedrake carriers April 9 from 1120, but unknown why: to me, that means the 8-kHz-spur-producer was on 11970 at that time, and there probably would have been more of them also on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COSTA RICA. 5954+, April 21 at 2356, nothing detectable from R. República, altho there is some Cuban jamming noise around 5955. Since R.R. has had the bigsig on 9490 via GUF and now ISS at 00-02 daily, there is not much need for this little CR transmitter, and not reported lately, so had assumed it was out of service.
However, Giampiero Bernardini & Dario Monferini from their coastal DXpedition in Italy reported it April 9 at 2352 on 5953.9, Spanish fair signal, low modulation, but any ID? It used to be steady on the hi side of 5954 circa 5954.3 as heard last year. Maybe I tuned in too late at 2356, as even if active they would go off by 0000, which is now more than an hour before sunset here.
Of course, don`t confuse it with Bolivia`s Radio Pio XII nearby on 5952.40v as logged by Ron Howard April 17 until 0230* with the Col. Bogey/River Kwai whistling march (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 6010, April 22 at 0522, RHC English is severely disrupted, audible only at distorted modulation peaks, while normal on 5040, 6060, 6125 and 6165. Wiggle that patchcord! Meanwhile, we can enjoy the big het this makes with presumed COLOMBIA, not MEXICO, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. 15190, April 22 at 1410, gospel huxter in English, presumed KTWR GUAM as scheduled, which raises the question, is anyone still hearing R. Africa on 15190 at any time?? I have not for some weeks, but better chances here were around 0600 or 1900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 17650, April 21 at 2340, JBA carrier, maybe KSDA. I was trying to confirm whether AWR Wavescan is on now as allegedly scheduled at 2330 UT Sundays. Usually more reliable at 2230 on 15320, unchecked lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6010, yes, XEOI Radio Mil is definitely off the air again. April 22 set alarm to get me up by 1147 to check for any signal, and nothing there between the Juche jammers. I had discovered it back on the air March 8, as in DXLD 13-11, and it was gone by April 19. Will it be away again for another year, or forever? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 530, fake callsign ``K530AM``, Vance AFB has been on the air continuously since first discovered in February. And there has still never been any mention of Enid`s newest radio station in Scoop, the weekly base newspaper published by the Eagle, nor in the Eagle itself. Allegedly 10 watts, on caradio it`s quite good all over Enid in the daytime. The KTA TIS in southern KS is covered up. At night it`s weak enough to be nullable for Cuba on the DX-398.
April 22 at 1648-1651 UT, I take three minutes to copy the PSA/ID loop to see if there have been any changes:
Wireless Amber alerts, Ad Council
Internet risky for kids, ncpc.org USDOJ and Ad Council
Vance AFB Harrison Gate is open 24 hpd; Baker 0630-0900 M-F excluding federal holidays
Crimestoppers on Vance: call hotline 580-213-7200; or emergency 911
Large commercial vehicles go to Search gate: open M-F 0630-1830; Sat 0630-1430 or call if needed elsewhen
FEMA`s new Guide to Preparedness, fema.gov or 800-480-2520
ID: ``This is K530AM ---`` but cut off for another ID but with background noise, why? ``K530AM, operated by Vance Air Force Base``
Amber alert, again ---
Previously there were a few other PSAs in rotation which might still appear at other dayparts (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1120, April 22 at 1447 and 1647 UT, KEOR Catoosa / Sperry / Tulsa remains absent, as it has been for a few days now. When it came back as ``Radio Victoria`` with praise music in Spanish, we expected it to stay, but no (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1610, April 22 and for weeks now, no trace in Enid of the TIS at Great Salt Plains State Park, suspect off the air. WQCL720 had been JBA on caradio at quiet spots in Enid outskirts, and easily audible a few miles north on US 81/60/64, but lastly with nothing but hum, previously with NWS relay, and before that with axual info about the area, including selenite crystal-digging. Must check for sure next time I head northward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325, April 22 at 1217, Wantok Radio Light still very weak but clear of CRI QRM during its maintenance period; and not much ACI from Magadan 7320. Vocal music, probably hymn; 1222 announcements, 1225 more music; 1229 announcement with yelping, praise song; 1233 still no recognizable `Back to the Bible` nominally from 1230, as Ron Howard says it is scheduled; but at 1235 ``Welcome to Back to the Bible`` --- the only clear and definite English copy I have had from WRL.
Mike Gilchrist replies to my query about whether they use other languages: ``Usually in Pidgin before 11 or so. Sometimes TOA [?] and other times 1115 when English syndicated programs start`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, April 22 at 0056, R. Chaski carrier is audible in noise level and splash from CRI/Cuba 5990. As expected, carrier cut at 0104:05*, which is 5.5 seconds later than last night. Will this precession ever reach 0105 this cycle before resetting the timer back to 0100+? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9665, UT Sunday April 21 at 2339, Radio PMR is on, in German, music; 2358 ID, usual het from off-frequency Brazilian: great frequency choice! Just before 2400, another clear ID for Radio Pridnestrovye, and seamless transition without any break to V of Russia, Chariots-of-Fire and opening English to ``Latin`` America.
Ever since someone discovered that Radio PMR had been rescheduled from 21-22 UT in B-12 to 23-24 UT in A-13, allegedly Monday-Friday, I have been suspecting the TRUE UT days are Sunday-Thursday, following their previous strange practice of saying ``Monday-Friday`` along with UT times, except the days of the week apply to local time where it is after midnite. Thus we may also confidently expect that this will NOT be on the air UT Friday as well as Saturday. The misassumption that it is M-F has been widely quoted without comment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA [non]. 11530, April 22 at 1252, VOR in English with QRM from WEWN English 11520 squishy spur circa 11529; in addition to the perpetual humroar out of this transmitter in TAJIKISTAN. VOR knows how to pick `em for their legacy service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [non]. 11560, April 22 at 0510, clip in English as I tune in, soon voiced-over in Arabish; fair with deep fades, then mentions ``Miraya`` and ``Sudaniya``. Per Aoki, this is the Arabic/English R. Miraya FM transmission at 0300-0600, 50 kW, 195 degrees from Kostinbrod, BULGARIA (which we also heard well in B-12 on ex-9940).
However, Ivo Ivanov & Georgi Bancov reported April 16 in DX Re-Mix News: ``All other transmissions from Kostinbrod are cancelled!!`` except for two Brother Scare broadcasts. So is Miraya now from somewhere else, or Bulgaria again? Only Ludo Maes knows for sure?
However2, on April 22, DX Re Mix reports Radio Miraya:
0300-0600 on 11560 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf English/Arabic
SCB means ``SecretBrod`` site, as opposed to SOF = Sofia for sure
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1665 monitoring: Starts at 2328:42 UT Sunday April 21 on WTWW-2 9930, early enough to end well before 2400, i.e. 2358:42, *then* off the air promptly. QSY to 5085 which was still on the air an hour later this UT Monday. Next for WOR:
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955; also UT Thursday 0330 unless new 1666 is ready by then, both always jammed; tnx a lot, Arnie! But if awake Tuesday at 1100, please check. Also Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB, if on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5920, UT Monday April 22 after 0000, WHRI is on the air, but not DXing with Cumbre; 7385 is not on the air at all. At 0056, 7315 is on the air with praise music. At 0452, 11635 is on with only fair signal, music, not DWC, and off the air after 0500. I was checking for real SW airings of DWC vis-à-vis previous and alleged scheduling, but none found this Sunday evening. However, it might have been on some frequency at 0100 or 0200. Marie makes no effort whatsoever to research and publish when she is really on the *air* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5050, UT Monday April 22 at 0056, WWRB is not on the air, unlike 24 hours earlier; seems it depends on business, which client wants the extra frequency, so maybe on Saturday nights only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 9330-CUSB, noticed NO signal from WBCQ circa 0500 UT April 22, but could be `long` propagation, with e.g. Greece 9420 in well. However at 1236 over day path, still no trace of a 9330 signal, when e.g. 9370 WWRB is in well. Nor at 1407. So conclude 9330 transmitter, nominally 24 hours, is really off the air. WBCQ still missing at 1646, but 9370 WWRB is weak, and 9479 WTWW attenuated; must be propagation disturbance too. WWV reported at 1500:
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 21 April follow.
Solar flux 109 and estimated planetary A-index 3.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1500 UTC on 22 April was 1.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.``
Now`s our chance to hear SYRIA?? R. Damascus allegedly scheduled 16-20 UT, one hour each in Turkish, Russian, German, French; after break, 21-22 English but aimed eastward unlike the other languages; and 22-23 Spanish reversed toward the west. But is this still on the air at all, 2+ years into the civil war? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 690, April 22 at 0532 UT, open carrier/dead air, no doubt from KGGF Coffeyville KS, as happens frequently (always?) after local midnite, making slow SAH with presumed KTSM El Paso underneath. What does the KGGF program schedule show? Who knows? Cannot find any website. I should listen at 0500, when I am instead trying the 960 Fox-hole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 660, UT Monday April 22 at 0531 UT, dead air except for big hum here again from somestation in US or Mexico; loops NNE/SSW. I should listen at 0500, when I am instead trying the 960 Fox-hole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)