martedì 9 aprile 2013

Glenn Hauser logs April 8-9, 2013

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 6150, April 9 at 1231, R. Australia`s new frequency is atop co-channel RHC, which will continue for another semi-hour or so. I told Nigel Holmes about this, but of no concern there as long as RHC does not QRM in SW Pacific target. Aoki assumes Cuba 6150 is on 160 degree antenna toward S America. Meanwhile, RA in the clear on much weaker 6080 which is aimed north; but we still have much better 9580 and new 12065 anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15105, April 9 at 1237, Bangladesh Betar, English service is still too poor to hear much except the humwhine.

15505, April 9 at 1358 nothing yet from BB; *1358:50 with IS and crosstalk, from some talk modulation in unknown language, distorted, cutting on and off but ruining its intentional modulation: one tone at 1359:55 maybe remnant of timesignal, Urdu service theme under the crosstalk, unusable! Maybe mistuned studio-transmitter link? This was far worse than the usual hum up with which we must put (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. Regarding my query whether 6180 & 11780 ever carry any Amazonian programming any more, Jorge Freitas in Feira de Santana, Bahia replies in translation:

``As far as I know, the relays of R. Nacional AM on RNA are during the early mornings or when there are football games, Wednesday evenings, Saturday & Sunday afternoons. I`m not sure, but the times I heard RN relayed by RNA were after 0500 UT. This could be altered by something out of the ordinary.``

Manuel Méndez in Reinante, Lugo, Spain, also recently logged 6180 thus at 2100 UT April 5: Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília, 2057-2120, 05-04, male, Portuguese, "A música popular brasileira", identification: "Rádio Nacional", at 2100: "Nacional informa, Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, a sua voz na rádio brasileira". 24422`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11728, 11736, 11744, 11752, 11768, 11776, 11784 --- April 9 at 1310, they`re baaaack! The panoply of 8-kHz spurs from the ChiCom jammer on 11760, as we figured out last year. Quite weak carriers, but 11752 and 11768 the strongest. Most obvious by the hets some of them make with even-frequency stations on 11735, 11745, 11750, 11775, 11785, the last two with identical 1-kHz hets but on opposite sides.

But what`s to jam on 11760? CRI English via Kunming is scheduled in HFCC! The answer needs Aoki, a hi-power Sound of Hope too:
11760*SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 0900-1100 1.....7 Chinese 300 325 Tanshui               
11760*SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 1300-1500 1234567 Chinese 300 325 Tanshui TWN 12125E 2511N SOH a13

Jamming content here is probably CNR1 rather than Firedrake. Of course, 11760 itself remains dominated by Habana here. These were last heard on November 19, 2012 as in DXLD 12-47. Wolfgang Büschel and Ivo Ivanov also found a bunch of other frequencies at different dayparts with the same 8-kHz constellations, surely from the same wacko transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 9, before 1300:
15800, fair at 1234 (not 15795 where jamming against AIR Chinese would be expected, but nothing audible), 15800 vs SOH 100-watt nuisance. No further search at this time.

Fellow FD fanatic Steve Handler in IL questioned my frequency measurements yesterday of 15610 and 15570 at 1351 and 1352 since a few minutes earlier, he had them on 15605 and 15565. I pointed out that these ones against V. of Tibet split frequencies often jump around, as documented in Aoki.

So today finding FD in progress at 1341 on 15605 and 1342 on 15565, I keep monitoring. 15605 is badly squeezed by RTTY on lo side and WEWN on hi side, so I stay on 15565, which is fair with VOT het on the hi side. FD stops on 15565 at 1345, and carrier cut a few sex later, altho VOT carrier continues on 15568. Then I check 15605 and it is also off. Back to 15570 waiting for that to cut on, which it does at *1348, on and off, back on and 1349 adding FD modulation which also stops and starts again, then stays going. At this time WEWN is too strong on 15610 to tell if the other FD is under it now like yesterday.

Back to bandscanning for others before 1400:
13970, very good at 1355; none in the 14s, 12s, 11s
15970, good at 1350
16160, very poor at 1351
16360, good at 1350
16600, very good at 1350
17250, poor at 1351
17450, very poor at 1351

** CUBA [and non]. 9885, April 9 at 0101, wall-of-noise jamming from the Cubans clueless that VOA Spanish is kaput, and if it were still active, would have signed off at 0100 anyway. With BFO an undercarrier is detected, presumably RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan or more likely the ChiCom jamming already upon it. Every little bit helps.

11680, April 9 at 0105, this RHC transmitter suffers from a squeal, à la WEWN Spanish.

6060 is tonight`s missing frequency from RHC English, April 9 at 0526; thus leapfrog over 6165 is also missing from 6270 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15040, April 9 at 1243-1255+, S Asian vocal music, good with flutter, i.e. AIR Burmese service, 500 kW, 60 degrees from Bengaluru at 1200-1315 per HFCC. Really starts at 1215 per WRTH 2013 with site listed then as Delhi. Some ACI from CHR VOLMET on 15034-USB.

BTW, I see in HFCC that the Sinhala service on 15050 at 1245-1500 from Delhi is still shown as D = not DRM which noise only for Victor Goonetilleke`s decoding we often hear! Really starts at 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 9 at 1300, it`s Tuesday, and VOI is audible! Almost sufficient modulation level, fair with flutter. Whee! Get to hear ``Exotic Indonesia`` hookup with RRI Banjarmasin. Hmm, still in Japanese, running a little late with ID, song; 1302 still in Japanese but at least employing English words with contact info. 1303 dead air pause: here we go. No, 1304:20 back with more Japanese, 1306 news sounder and spe-cial Japanese slow news; 1314 and 1323 chex, still Japanese. Grrrr! Over to KOSU special, but rerecheck at 1339, now VOI sounds like English intonation, but weakened. *1356:15 CRI cuts on 9525.0 putting an end to any hope of hearing VOI.

Atsunori Ishida agrees that Japanese ran way late, English started sometime in the hour, but Indonesian started on-time at 1400. See his site also for observations of RRI domestics including: no Wamena in the local evenings this month, and no Fak2 since March 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 6600 & 6518, April 9 at 1229, assertive Korean from V. of the People, from the South, and *no* Juche jamming audible!

6348, April 9 at 1229, Echo of Hope, another SK cland to the north, is also jammingless.

6360, April 9 at 1230, yet another S-to-N cland, MND Radio has ute QRM but apparently no jamming either. What happened? Aoki shows the jammers are all 250 kW transmitters at Kujang, same site as VOK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, April 9 at 1234, open carrier already on from KBSWR; finally at 1255 starts IS with English & Korean IDs which talk over the music. Quite a waste of watts, and too bad they did not modulate before 1255, as by 1344, the English hour on 15575 has faded way down (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 600, April 9 at 1206 UT, several ads and government PSAs, jingle, all mentioning Sinaloa, 1209 ``Línea Directa``, call-in program. Momentarily has frequency to self at sunrise here. Cantú:
600 XEHW La Mejor + FM 102.7 Mazatlán, Sin. 5,000 1,000
See my previous circumstantial log of March 27 at same hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 9655, April 9 at 1258:05* RNZI cuts off mid-word, back to correct schedule after staying on 9655 past 1400 yesterday. 6170 comes on with Bell Bird at *1258:50 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 4747, April 9 at 0055, JBA carrier here detectable, so answering my previous query, apparently R. Huanta 2000 is still active, tho much weaker than the other ``station on the sevens``, BOLIVIA 4717, the latter typically achieving some musical modulation audibility. Huanta may sign off about 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, April 9 at 0054, R. Chaski carrier is JBA with BFO vs noise level. (It`s 73 degrees and cloudy so my streetlite fires on with initial additional noise burst at 0100, a few minutes earlier than it would have with a clear sunset. Fortunately, once the starter has finished, that noise abates.) By 0101, the splash from CRI/Cuba 5990 is off, and now a bit of modulation is detectable from 5980; carrier cut at 0102:57* which is 5 seconds later than last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SARAWAK [non]. 15420, April 9 at 1233, R. Free Sarawak is still here for the third day, poor with Iban talk, and nothing on 15430. Checking the website sometime between 1430 and 1520 the April 8 audio file was replaced with April 9, but still did not correct the frequency displayed instead of 15430. Ivo Ivanov assumes the site for this is now 100 kW, 200 degrees from Tainan, TAIWAN; rather than Sri Lanka (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 11795, UT Tuesday April 9 at 0106, big open carrier already on from REE prior to weekly Sephardic to South America at 0115. I could barely detect the first broadcast around 1430 Monday on 15385 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 11650, April 9 at 0517, R. Dabanga good signal via VATICAN, but with het on lo side about 11648, suspect jamming. And below that much weaker Greece on 11645 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 11980, April 9 at 0516, TRT music and Turkish talk is back on its proper frequency tonight, ex-11698 mispunched last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, April 9 at 0057, WTWW-2 is on with music, ballad/hymn, very strong carrier wobbling a bit, methinx. Unusual for this to be active on a Monday night rather than weekend (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)