giovedì 11 aprile 2013

Glenn Hauser logs April 9-10, 2013

** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 10 at 1358, Bangladesh Betar on with IS, crosstalk but not quite as bad as yesterday; fast timesignal to 1358:48.5, theme and opening Urdu mostly with hum, but also with those parasitic buzzes peaking about 4.4 kHz above and below (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA [and non]. 17510, April 10 at 1306, CCI between Chinese and something else, and maybe a third signal. The CC is // 11785 CNR1 jammer. I bet this is BBC`s Uzbek service at 1300-1330, which the ChiCom jam anyway, interfering in the internal affairs of Uzbekistan.

Yes! HFCC A-13 shows ``17510 1300 1330 30S,40NE SLA  250 10 0 146 1234567 310313 271013 D 13650 Uzbek OMA BBC BAB 5515 UZBKA`` So that`s via OMAN; and whence else? 15330 from Oman and 17735 from Thailand.

11752 & 11768, April 10 at 1311, JBA carriers from the 8-kHz-spur-producing CNR1 jammer on 11760, but none audible further out; despite VG CNR1 jammer signals including 11785; must be from quite different site or azimuth.

Firedrake April 10, after 1300:
6030, poor at 1317 over some other audio, i.e. per Aoki, Sound of Hope at 13-14 only, 100 kW, 325 degrees from Tanshui, TAIWAN.

Firedrake April 10, before 1400:
13970, very good at 1354; none in the 12s, 11s, 10s
14700, very good at 1352
14800, very good at 1352
14970, JBA at 1354
15570, good at 1349
15610, good at 1349 over WEWN also with noise; by 1358 under WEWN
15800, very good at 1347
16160, very good at 1346
16920, very poor at 1346
17080, poor at 1351
17170, very poor at 1351 with flutter
17300, fair at 1351; none in the 18s
Again totaling at least a dozen transmitters at once

** CUBA. 9490, April 10 at 0519, the DentroCuban Jamming Command is still pulsing, also with continuous noise, altho not full-bore. Just in case R. República decides to broadcast at any time other than 0000-0200 via France, not likely!

15340, April 10 at 1403 tuning by RHC, caught end of frequency announcement claiming ``hasta las 16 UTC``, so we know it`s still outdated info, as for the past month the morning broadcast has been ending at 15 on all frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 10 at 1309, VOI has managed to get English on air instead of Japanese yesterday at this time; fair signal but undermodulated and with flutter, insufficient (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 13750, April 10 at 0523, YL in Russian, flutter; soon found weaker // 15480 at 0524, ID, i.e. VIRI at 0500-0530. 13750 is 500 kW, 321 degrees from Kamalabad; 15480 is 500 kW, 320 degrees from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 13760, April 10 at 0522, poor signal in Spanish about Corea del Sur, no doubt Voz de Corea del Norte.

6600, 6518, 6348, 6015, April 10 at 1317, Juche jamming continuous noise has resumed after yesterday`s absence, burying the clandestines from Korea South (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9950, April 10 at 1325, Korean laboriously spelling out websites ending in .jp, letters pronounced in English but not the punxuation, with musical background and then music only until 1330 switching to Japanese; better signal than adjacent 9955 WRMI. These are the abduxion-clandestines from Japan via TAIWAN, as in Aoki, 100 kW, 2 degrees from Taipei: at 1300-1330, Nippon no Kaze, a.k.a. ``Ilbon-e Baram`` [as spelt by WRTH, not Aoki], and then 1330-1357 Furusato no Kaze. See yesterday`s note explaining why they can`t broadcast from Japan, while Shiokaze can (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, April 10 at 0517, XEPPM still on with dead carrier as often after nominal 0500 sign-off during DST; amazingly, this is stronger than Brasil 6180, also tightly squeezed by Vietnam/WHRI on 6175 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1390, April 10 at 0533 UT, KCRC Enid is in open carrier/dead air, but nulling it as best I can, nothing readable underneath the remaining hum, just traces of understations. Still OCDA past 0600; normally with ESPN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5025, April 10 at 0103 after my Chaski-check, notice that R. Rebelde is absent, but a very weak carrier can be detected in the approaching storm noise level; probably R. Quillabamba, Perú, normally covered by CMBA. Notified DXLD yg of it right away, but at my next check 0142, Cuba was back. Someone got it!

``Ciao from Italy, I am at Bocca di Magra village with Dario Monferini for our BOC 29 DX nights. Radio Rebelde was off air this night till 0105. So we could tune on 5024.917 with Excalibur Pro Radio Quillabamba, Cusco. ID at 0101. 73 Giampiero Bernardini``

Rebelde was off again in the morning: Mike Gilchrist in rural East Central Iowa reports: ``130410, 1030, 5024.923. R. Quillabamba (presumed), Perú, Rebelde off air???
130410, 1047, 5025, Rebelde, Cuba, Off air, and Peruvian (?) with talk in Spanish until 1047 back on with hum on audio.``

** PERU. 5980, April 10 at 0059, R. Chaski carrier still detectable in the noise level and splash from 5990, which is off after 0100. Then I time the Chaski cutoff at 0103:02* which is another five seconds later than last night, like clockwork. In fact, it is clockwork, but it slips (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9665, April 9 at 2310, Radio PMR in English, same big hum as with Voice of Russia relay after 0000. Ex- 21-22 UT M-F for PMR. The question is, according to previous practice, whether this is really in effect on UT Sunday-Thursday, since at 2300 UT it`s Monday-Friday local time. Need to check whether it exist on UT Friday. Via Wolfgang Büschel:

``The programs of PMR Pridnestrovye are still there, namely 2300-2400 UT Mon-Fri (i.e. 0100-0200 CEST) on 9665 kHz. Observed on 4 and 7 April (for UT). Also, the program flow has changed: 2300-2316 English, 2316-2332 French, 2332-2348 German, 2348-2400 music. The repetition of English falls away, and German and French language sections have swapped places. As a target area is announced "Europe and America".
(Hans Weber-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 9)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SARAWAK [non]. 15420, April 10 at 1258, R. Free Sarawak is still here, nothing on 15430, with speech like yesterday, 1259 a bit of music fill until 1300*. Still as of 1614 UT April 10 their website thinx they are on 11600 or 15430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17705, April 10 at 1302, like my April 5 log, weak BSKSA accompanied by chirping-sounds, irregular averaging three per second, and more on the hi than lo side; with BFO, no specific carrier; not there at 1313 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 11650, April 10 at 0521, R. Dabanga in the clear with ID in passing, which they do so frequently, via VATICAN, and no het/jamming, unlike last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, April 9 around 2100, WTWW-2 is on the air with music; seems considerably weaker than WTWW-1 on 9479. I understand from George McClintock, that #2 will be running more now, from as early as 1700 UT (altho still not on at 1720 April 10); and also after 0000 for a further while on 5085. If 9930 stays on an hour later in May, it will be a problem with The Mighty KBC on 9925 once a week.

9930 is available to WTWW between 12 and 24 UT. No more possible collision with IBB on 9930, but FCC has also availablized it to HBN = T8WH PALAU between 13 and 24 UT (but as with all WHR registrations, probably not in use for anywhere near the whole span. FCC A-13:

In fact, Aoki, now linkable directly for daily updates,
shows 9930 not in use by Palau after 1230, except weekends, and then only until 1400.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 960, April 10 at 0500-0505 UT, KGWA Enid has repaired its Fox-hole after last night`s messup with the Dial Global satellite channel loop; now all I hear is ABC News with slight echo, no doubt from KGKL and KMA. Just before 0600, there is another pause in KGWA modulation, neatly audiblizing another full ID from ``The Voice of the Concho Valley``, KGKL San Angelo TX, also mentioning it`s with ESPN (but not all the time). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival season is back, 13 episodes April-May-June like each spring recorded last year, leading up to the new July-August 2013 season in Santa Fe itself. See
Heard Monday April 8 at 17-18 UT on Yellowstone Public Radio; KCSC-FM 90.1 here in OK promotes it as Sundays 11 am = 16-17 UT.

Episode details are here:
Also on many other stations with a classical bent.
shows it on only 7 stations, not including the above two, but it must be on many more. These 13-week series alternate with three others during each year, hard to keep up with. In past years, some stations have run the SFCMF May-July (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)