AUSTRALIA Ultra tiny small amateurish signal noted in Perseus server net
at Neil's place in Brisbane Queensland at 11.55 UT on Tuesday Febr 8th at
2368.429 kHz. Greek immigrants, background stn, S=3 or -109.7dBm.
Checked against WWVH 2500 and 5000, and CHU Ottawa 3330 and 7850 kHz.
UZBEKISTAN Also checked 03.00-13.00 UT
RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center;
Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station,
usual oddly frequency on lower sideband flank,
fq is regular some 70 to 90 Hertz less.
Afghanistan International (Volant Media UK)
0300-1300 on 7599.9vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Pashto, not 0230-1430UT
1300-0300 on 7600.0 ERV 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Pashto, not 1430-0230UT
7599.933 kHz exact measured, today at 12.06 UT on Febr 8.
73 wb df5sx