Checked the 15300 kHz - on "usual RFI TDF Issoudun France requested channel", but now planned request for NUG Myanmar transmission:
noted only t h r e e seconds of antenna matching shortwave TX crash S T R I N G appeared on air screen at 13.32:04 to 13.32.07 UTC in SDR Perseus unit at Delhi and Kiwi_net at Japan remotedly.
19 mb to use at this 13.30 UT hour is exellent, see other different AWR religious and US AGM Mandarin and Tibetan outlets in 19 mb, noted today in India and Japan target:
15090even KWT Dari sce to AFG and IRN
15164.973 THA US AGM Udorn Thani relay in Chinese, CNR1 on 15165even
15244.956 KRE Voice of Korea Kujang in English
15325.002 PHL BBC Burmese, via US AGM Tinang relay
15440even TJK AWR Yangi Yul in Thai language.
15470even TJK US AGM Tibetan sce via Orzu site
15550even UZB AWR Tashkent, Hmong?Assamese? religious
15629.834 UZB IRAN International Persian, via Tashkent
15669.901 UZB AWR Tashkent Korean religious, noted piano mx
and also metallic digital local Beijing area jamming against western broadcaster, {noted against BBCWS since February 2013, - not every day and on rather lower power.}
{like Cuban noise scratching jamming against US AGM opposition R Marti in Spanish language in 49 and 41 mb }
noise noted this Aug 29, at 13.30 UT on 15110, 15130, 15310, and 15470 kHz.
73 wb df5sx