NEW ZEALAND/USA 13840 / 13845 kHz as neighbours of 4978 Hertz distance in A-21.
An observer with good SDR display VISIBILITY of few Hertz spacing has clearly an ADVANTAGE. Why does NZ_PACIFIC have to position 5 kHz BELOW 13845 kHz WWCR fq request?
On Aug 26, 27, and 28 noted
13840.009 kHz R NZ Pacific Rangitaiki, S=7-8 at 22.49 and 00.49 UT.
On Aug 28
13844.987 kHz also few Hertz odd fq of WWCR Nashville TN, religious talk at 22.53 UT.
Also noted
KOREA Dem.Peoples Republic 13760.211 Voice of Korea Kujang towards western Europe, Iberian peninsula at 325 degr azimuth, S=7 in Edmonton, Alberta at 22.45 UT on Aug 28.
13870even NPG US Navy digital signal S=7-8 at 22.26 UT, and covered by CODAR like screen wiper sound too.
There are a lot of 22 meterband shortwave channels empty during US night time ... why this crowd jostling? WWCR uses that 13845 channel for decades now.
73 wb df5sx