mercoledì 11 agosto 2021

Wolfgang Bueschel: Log of 20.00-20.30 UT on August 10

Log of 20.00-20.30 UT on August 10, taken at remoted SDR in Brisbane
Queensland and VK6QS Kiwi-SDR installation at Perth western Australia
in deep winter path downunder:

5020even SLM Solomon Islands BC at Honiara, noted at 20.02 UT Aug 10
S=8 or -76dBm, excellent nice English spoken program like
R Australia {low-}accent.
5055 kHz AUS Probably local domestic Radio 4KZ operation, at 20.07 UT
S=7 or -82dBm, pop mx program.
4965.002 ZMB Voice of Hope Africa in English px#1 from Lusaka, 20.10 UT,
S=9+5 or -66dBm, suprisingly strong signal across Indian Ocean
from Africa into western Australia. ID 'VoHope', proper 18 kHz
wideband excellent signal. Never heard such VoHope signal here
in central Europe before.
4930even BOT US AGM Botswana Selebi-Phikwe, S=9+10dB or -62dBm 20.15 UT
music program.
4890.004 KOR Echo of Hope in Korean at 20.23 UT on Aug 10, excellent
signal, north-south path from East Asia, S=9 or -78dBm strong.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10)