** ANDORRA [non]. 6180, Aug 7 at 1750, another R. Andorra revival is underway, via 100 kW AUSTRIA, VG via UTwente. Too much else going on now so I only check occasionally, mostly rock music so what is the excitement about? 1752 talking in French. Never going to make it direct to deep North America on such a schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Aug 7 around 1450, tune in via Brasil remote, LRA36 is in progress, active again on Saturday after missing the last two. After breakfast, listening again at 1528 ID, S4-S6, usual pop music and frequent IDs past 1540; 1549 YL talking about the bases or greeting them; 1549 OM ``es todo por hoy`` fake sign-off; 1551 Antártida song, immediately followed 1554 by more music; will it be for another 3.5 hours like Wed? 1604 ``sign-on`` of `El Lejano Sur` Wed program. About something happening on 30 June 1810. Manuel Méndez soon explains that:
``Día de la Prefectura Naval Argentina 30 de junio --- El 30 de junio de 1810, por decreto de la Primera Junta, redactado por Mariano Moreno, el Coronel Martín Jacobo Thompson es nombrado primer Capitán de Puerto de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata. Este hito histórico equivale al acta de nacimiento oficial de la actual Prefectura, siendo por ello que el 30 de junio de cada año, es conmemorado el Día de la Prefectura Naval Argentina http://www.marambio.aq/diaprefecturanaval.html Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain``
MM had been listening since 1410 direct. He keeps hearing it past 1734; as I do when checked at 1700, 1713, 1743, 1803, 1830; and still at 2017 S3-S5 ID, gone by 2052 next check.
Not only running much longer now but on additional days of week. Wojtek Zaremba, Poland, was also hearing it direct on THURSDAY, August 5 at 1915, And FRIDAY August 6 at 1913 as reported on HCDX (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ARGENTINA [non]. 9395, UT Sat Aug 7 at 0124, tuning in WRMI early before WOR at 0130, RAE, Argentina to the World, in English is wrapping up a program dated Tuesday July 13! I wonder if they can`t keep producing new shows every week or day; or a mixup in playback, an old show not overwritten? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. Re decommissioning more and more LW/MW ND beacons, ```That site also purports to explain why this ``modernization`` is being undertaken, but is unclear to me and unconvincing. But then I am not a pilot. ``Completion date of the project is planned for May 2024`` (via Glenn Hauser, WOR)``` --- Walt Salnaniw, who commutes between Victoria and Masset BC, replies:
``Glenn, I happen to be a pilot, and here's my take: Most pilots use GPS for navigation with fancy Garmin units in the cockpit. I never really did, preferring a map in my lap and nav aids (VOR and NDBs) to help with navigation. I always enjoyed using NDBs, both the official ones, and the unofficial (read AM stations on 530 to 1700 kHz) ones. They were surprisingly useful and simple to use. The NDB signal when heard would point directly to the station, so it was very easy to turn the aircraft directly to the signal, and if you flew over it, it would immediately swing 180 degrees. One could also triangulate one's position by tuning several stations. VORs more or less worked the same way, but in the VHF range. I always found them a bit more complicated to use. I foresee the day when GPS satellites are disabled for natural or man-made means, and then there'll be a whole lot of pilots who will be utterly incapable of navigating! 73, Walt`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6060, Aug 7 at 0622, RHC English with modulation somewhat distorted but not the usual humbuzz. 6100 is OK; 6165 & 6000 are off Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. At 0214 UT Sat Aug 7 I posted to WOR iogroup:
``Cupid Radio on 7780 and 5800 now --- Hearing the TRSW relay of Neth pirate Cupid Radio after 0200 UT Sat Aug 7 as publicized on 5800 only, from WRMI, but rather poor here in noise level and local blobs. Say, why wouldn`t it be also on 7780 since during this hour the two are normally // as on UT Mondays for WOR at 0230?
Guess what, it IS also on 7780, which is much better here, S9+20/30, which is abnormally strong for that frequency on their NE antenna. Guess what2, 7570 is off again, and I bet 7780 is now on the NW antenna instead. Glenn``
Also sent to TRSW and to Cupid with some more details for QSL:
``0205 announcement says has been on air for 29 years, 6265 or 15070 or 21460; 3-element beam antenna in any direxion for higher frequencies; inverted V for 48 & 76 mb, 3-9 MHz range. 0208+ dance music. 0221 homebrew transmitter of 75 watts 3-21 MHz. etc., more transmitter and antenna info. My Receiver: R75, Antenna: 30m E-W longwire. However, WRMI is so strong on 7780 that I get you well on ATS-909 with a few meters of clip on wire 73, Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO`` -- Also heard to the end with YROT theme of TRSW at 0258.
Cupid Radio replies: ``Hello Glenn, Thank you very much for the reception report, too bad 5800 khz work out not that well last night. Propagation have been not really helping so far, it seems the higher bands are opening a bit now and then. Well it was lot of fun being relayed by the transmitters of WRMI, I saw the video on the internet from the station and it`s very impressive. The antenna park have been guarded by alligators under the wires. I don`t know with how much power I was being relayed, assume 5 kW or so. For this broadcast I made a very rare QSL card, I hope you will like this one. Check out My Facebook page for more information, movies, and all things what happens here around the studio. https://www.facebook.com/Cupid-Radio-Shortwave-1719305095057496. Kind Regards from The Netherlands, Cupid Radio``
O no, WRMI is rated 100 kW or 50, and surely close to that, not 5. Viz.: https://www.w4uvh.net/CupidviaTRSWRMI58007780.jpg or #129 via: http://www.worldofradio.com/QSL.html
TRSW also replied:
``Ahoy Glenn - That sneaky Jeff White! Thanks for the tip. We wonder how many others found the better signal on 7780 kHz. We hope you'll send Cupid a report for 7780. He certainly won't be expecting it! He has a great looking eQSL that would make a nice addition to your collection. Sent from Cap'n Ric's iiPad``
Terry Colgan also replied: ``An email to Jeff White at radiomiami9 (at) gmail (dot) com asking him to keep TRSW on this freq might not be amiss. According to TRSW's current program schedule, Europirate relays on WRMI end their run on 5800 kHz at the end of August, but a second series begins September 5 UTC on TRSW's "regular" frequency of 5950 kHz.
The new series runs through the end of November and airs at Midnight UTC, and changes to 0100 UTC on November 14. Along with returning stations like Radio Monique International and Cupid Radio, other stations like the UK's Radio Clash and The Netherlands' Radio Pamela join the lineup. It looks like the broadcast schedule hasn't been finalized; there are three dates still available.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. 515-MCW kHz, Aug 7 at 0618, PN Ponca City is OFF (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. 92.3, Aug 7 at 1850 UT on caradio, two stations, the stronger one with dead air; by 1858 it`s KMZE, Z-92 Woodward, so the other one would be the Wichita KS ESPN (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2097 monitoring: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, reviews the previous week: ``From, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF. Antenna: random long wires in the trees. Dear Glenn: You posted already the tables of contents and notes for #2097, I hope I am still posting my confirmation that I heard the recent times on WRMI, except for Wednesday at 2200 UTC now there is playing AWR Wave scan, recent one #649, Details:
0130-0159, static noise, 5850 kHz, confirmed hearing World of Radio 2097, 0159, 5850 kHz, July 30 UTC 2021 [Fri]
0130-0159, QRN, static noise heard, 9395 kHz, 0130 - (45343), 0159, 9395 kHz, July 31 UTC 2021 [Sat]
2230-2259, much better voice, fading, 9955 kHz, 2230, 2258 (45432), 2259, 9955 kHz, August 1 UTC 2021 [Sun]
0030-0059, QRN, static, 7730 kHz, 0044 (45442), 0059, 7730 kHz, August 2 UTC 2021 [Mon]
0230-0259, static QRN, 5800 kHz, 0230 (55433), (55334), 0230, 5800 kHz, August 2 UTC 2021 [Mon]
5850 kHz, 1030, over comer a few seconds, heard World of Radio #2097, S 9 signal, 1059, 5850 kHz, August 4 UTC [Wed] (Lemke, Richard -AB)``
WORLD OF RADIO 2098 monitoring: confirmed UT Sat Aug 7 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, VG S9+10/20. Started a few sex late after music.
Also confirmed Sat Aug 7 at 1600 on WRN webcast to N America.
Also confirmed Sat Aug 7 at 1800:34 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 918 kHz, Granze, S9+22 via Noale SDR; following Aida theme from 1759 and brief sign-on.
However, NOT confirmed on IRRS SW 7290 via Bulgaria: listening from 1758 hearing only weak Chinese station via UTwente, but warble on USB only, timesignal at 1800 and continuing until it cuts off at 1805* as scheduled, still no IRRS/WOR for at least 10 minutes; recheck at 1820 now we`re on 7290 running in progress at S9+15/25.
Also confirmed Sat Aug 7 at 1940 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, about 10 minutes into so started on time about 1930, VG S9+9 into nearby KB0FX remote.
NOT confirmed Sat Aug 7 at 2000 on WRMI 15770, replaced without notice by a gospel huxter, as also shown now on skedgrid. So in a few weeks we went from one to two to three to two to one to zero airings on that frequency. Next, be sure to check for the secret airing discovered last week by Hj. Biener at 0030 UT Sunday on 5950:
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 [NEW]
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy
2230 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0300 UT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW [ex-Sun 2200]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: no new contributions this week which might have been via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com
One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7780, UT Sat Aug 7 at 0300, see NETHERLANDS [non], after Cupid Radio via TRSW via WRMI, VG signal continues unlike the NE antenna and believed to be on the NW antenna since 7570 is AWOL from there. But this semi-hour is World Music fill, with 0318 BBB ID for ``9395`` -- NOT: TOMBS is there. Until 0330 Slovakia in English. And after 0300, 7780 is no longer // 5800 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5850, Aug 7 at 0620, this WRMI is OFF, as well as 7570 which would have been TOMBS. Problems, or have TOMBS $$$ and hours been reduced? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also ARGENTINA [non]
** U S A. 5980, Aug 7 at 0626, JBA talk vs remnant pulse jamming. No doubt it`s the WWCR leapfrog mixing product of 5890 TOMBS over 5935 DGS/PMS, another 45 kHz beyond, both of which are VG tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0027 UT August 8