On Jan 18 heard in remote SDR rxs in Massachusetts, Cape Canaveral, Bonaire,
Paraguay, and Sao Paulo Atlantic Ocean coast station.
4954.993 PRU Likely R Cultural Amauta, Huanta - in DBS_21 mentioned
"CVC La Voz en radio Huanta 2000”, "Desde la ciudad de Huanta,
en la Cordillera de los Andes, esta es Radio Cultural Amauta".
poor S=6 signal string at 00.35 UT on Jan 18.
4747.597 PRU R Huanta 2000, Huanta, Ayacucho, S=5-6 poor, 00.40 UT.
4775.046 PRU R Tarma, Tarma, Junín, 'la primerísima' in DBS_21.
R Tarma ID at 01.15 UT S=7 or -84dBm in remote Bonaire SDR rx.
At 00.43 UT also co-channel poor signal of likely
4774.859 BRA R Congonhas, Congonhas, MG, S=5-6, 00.44 UT.
4875.022 BRA R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR, in DBS_21, S=9+20 -52dBm
signal strength in remote Kiwi SDR rx at Bonaire island. 0045 UT
4885.025 BRA One of the two Brazilians, fq not stable tonight, wandered
5 Hertz up and down. S=8 at 00.48 UT in SPaulo remote Kiwi set,
S=7 or -81dBm in remote Bonaire Kiwi_rx.
Probably ZYG362 R Clube do Para, Belem PR,
doesn't checked tonight Jan 18 with
\\ MW local 690 kHz AM, <www.radioclubedopara.com.br/radio/#>
4905.038 BRA R Relógio Federal, São Gonçalo RJ, S=5 poor, at 00.50 UT
S=6-7 in Paraguay remote Kiwi set.
S=9 or -73dBm strong in SP remote Kiwi set.
S=7 or -84dBm in remote Bonaire island rx set.
4924.980 BRA R Educação Rural, Tefé, AM, noted at 00.53 UT on Jan 18.
S=7 or -82dBm in remote Paraguay Kiwi set.
S=6 or -93dBm fair in remote Bonaire island Kwii set.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 18)