Happy 2020 and thank you for your long-term support of FTIOM and UBMP.
I am pleased to inform you that starting February 2, a new program, Radio Free Chicago, will fill the open space between Uncle Bill's Melting Pot and Harry Shearer's Le Show on Sundays on WBCQ The Planet 7490 Khz from 6:30-7:00pm Eastern US Time (currently 2330-0000 UTC). A joint production of Hard Lens Media and Tilford Productions, Radio Free Chicago will be an eclectic combination of current affairs, weird history and (mostly) Chicago-based cultural segments of interest to listeners worldwide. The program will have multiple regulars and guests, and it will create a continuous entertaining program block between Marion's Attic, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, Radio Free Chicago and Le Show. We'll send an email address for eQSLs closer to air date.
Thanks again for your support.
William "Bill" Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC
5713 N. St. Louis Av
Chicago IL 60659-4405
email: bill@tilfordproductions.com
phone: 773.267.6548
website: www.tilfordproductions.com