martedì 2 luglio 2019

Wolfgang Bueschel: Voice of Nigeria news

Mail of Februar 2014 by Ampegon / Thomcast technician DF8DX, HB9EHJ, 5N7Q, when visited Abuja (he built up this antennas erection in 2012 year)

3 Sender of type Thomcast TSW2300 erected once, one was faulty 6 months after erection - nice performance of the local Nigerian technicians, remained  t w o   units at Abuja still. Seldom both TXs are on air in \\

Now July 2nd at 08.12 UT VoNigeria in English, not bad scheduled at 007 degrees to NoWeAfrica /Western Europe once, but the revolving Ampegon antenna set/kept/fixed/parked now  f a u l t y  towards NoAM for ever.

The actuator for the large rotating antenna was 'destroyed' by the Nigerian technicians also 5 years ago.

This morning English section on air at 11769.902 kHz S=9 in remote SDR at Blackpool England, or even S=8 in Detroit MI state US. Mostly female presenter talk noted.

73 wb df5sx