** ALBANIA. 9850, May 5 at 0130, R. Tirana in English is sufficient with no QRM here from much stronger 9860 WHRI; but since 9845 is free, I still think it should get further away, for benefit of listeners with wider bandwidth and/or lesser relative signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. As expected, HCJB made its transmitter/frequency swaps today Sunday May 5:
15490, new frequency is on at 1158, presumably Indonesian, 1203 ``Softly & Tenderly`` hymn tune, and nothing on ex-15340. Malayalam is scheduled Sundays only 1200-1230, otherwise Indonesian; 1230-1300 daily in Rawang. 15490 is off at 1303 check, as now scheduled until 1300 only.
As I said before, HCJB made exactly the wrong choice in jumbling frequencies. They had to get off 15400 due to Iran, but should have moved that service which runs until 1530, to 15490 instead of re-colliding with Cuba on 15340 after 1300. Of course, they may think CubaRM is irrelevant on the other worldside, but why take chances?
15340, ex-15400 at 1226 with ``commence shortly`` loop and same orchestral music as always, one segment of which sounds like it`s starting ``What`s it All About, Alfie?`` but turns into something else. 1230 sign-on in English mentioning this frequency correctly, then first program to S Asia continues in English, ``Family Care`` with YL Sheridan (or I suppose she must be an XYL). 1245 check now has switched to non-English, i.e. Hindi scheduled on Sundays. At 1258, RHC is already on 15340, covering almost completely what had seemed to be a strong signal from Kununurra, with conclusion of `Cuba Campesina` music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. 9580, May 5 at 1306, `Sunday Night` religious show from RA has guest explaining the politico-ethnic backstory to the Malaysian elexions where the polls are closing. Seems the country is (only) 60% Moslem, and different faxions within that are vying for control. Ethnic identity is just as critical as religious. But soon on to other topix, Boston`s bombers, Anglican/Catholic dissension. 1327 music break with ``House of the Rising Sun`` --- except lyrix of ``Amazing Grace`` are set to it, a perfect fit metrically! Make that ``Rising Son``? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH. 15505, May 5 at 1357, BB is on with IS on poor signal; off-time signal ends at 1359:49, opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9800, May 5 at 0055, some Chinese music, poor with flutter. So is this the National Emergency Broadcast which started April 22 following the Sichuan earthquake? Aoki shows it 24 hours except Mondays at 1735-1955; but also, already on 9800 was CRI Spanish via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN at 2300-0057, which would be more likely here. Did they really leave CRI on 9800 when they activated the NEB? And for how much longer if at all? Nothing audible on the other NEB channel 12000, not even Cuban jamming against defunct VOA Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake, May 5 before 1230:
13795, fair at 1224 with CCI. All the other `FD` frequencies still occupied by CNR1 jamming instead:
16600, very poor at 1220; none in the 17s, 16m almost dead anyway
14980, JBA at 1220; none in the 15s
14870, poor at 1220
14800, poor-fair at 1220
13970, fair at 1221
13920, fair at 1220 with flutter; really all are fluttery somewhat
13830, poor at 1220
12370, poor at 1226
After 1230 May 5, not a full search:
11500, very poor at 1239
** CUBA. 6110, May 5 at 0057, RHC Spanish is here // 6060 about Spain`s activities in Cuba. Still on 6110 at 0103. But 6100 is missing, where this was supposed to be. Perhaps punched double-1 instead of double-0? We`ll see what happen 24 hours later.
Next anomaly: 6165 English is absent at 0103 May 5, but going on 6000 undermodulatedly; at 0107, 6165 has come on in English, and no CCI from a second RHC transmitter as had been mishappening.
Circa 0500 is time for more mixups: 6010, which only starts at 0500 for English, is really in music from Spanish service at 0507 // 5040. 6000, where English is supposed to stop at 0500, is still on at 0507 // English on 6060, 6165, but 6125 is missing. 6010 goes off at 0509, but 6125 carrier does not come on until *0514:08, adding modulation finally at 0516. Meanwhile, 11760 has stayed on again past 0500 and switched from Spanish to English, VG signal still at 0510, unknown for how much longer. A higher channel in the summer makes sense, but they never seem to schedule it explicitly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 9490, May 5 at 0059 referring to Húber Matos of Cuba Independiente y Democrática, but it`s not La Voz del CID revived, as immediately followed by full ID for Radio República during the 00-02 daily transmission via RMI via MBR via Issoudun, FRANCE. Vs wall-of-noise jamming but RR is somewhat above it, altho tends to lose out before sign-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, May 5 at 0524, Byzantine chanting from ERT as usual on Sunday mornings, but should be somewhat special as this is Orthodox Easter (wow, their calendar is way off this year from the Romans a month earlier: must have been calculated on different moon phases a month apart). Unfortunately reception is subnormal tonight, only fair with fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 15400, May 5 at 1303, VIRI with Qur`an, poor with flutter but finally in the clear now that HCJB Australia has finally moved off, after colliding with IRIB since A-13 began; that should have been evitable if they had worked it out at the last HFCC meeting, or even figured out it would be a big problem. Not that it was as essential for Iran, as they have a // 15300 already in clear, and which is stronger here for the Urdu sesquihour from 1300. See AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. 5910, UT Sunday May 5 at 0423, R. Japón in Spanish mailbag via FRANCE, replying to someone in Colombia who wants to learn Japanese. As always on this frequency vs. het and CCI from COLOMBIA!! Whence NHK ignored occupancy already by HJDH; not a hint of irony, but their Colombian listener should bring it up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MICRONESIA. 4755+, May 5 at 1159 I quickly tune here from the Sarawak stuff, to hear PMA The Cross carrier cut off about 1159.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, UT Sunday May 5 at 0049, rock music, very good signal but selective fading distortion. 0100, KBC jingle ID, ``rocking over the ocean and all over Europe, we are the mighty KBC``, back to music. A prudent move up from 7375 for the summer months, just like Croatia did, now via Nauen, GERMANY. Continues UT Sundays only at 00-02 with Kim`s Radiograms, digital text tests circa 0130 and 0159 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 9700, May 5 at 1243, the Timorese are deprived for a fifth day of their RNZI signal, as obviously still on the Pacific antenna putting very good signal into deep North America instead, now reviewing Susan Sarandon`s latest movie (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-AM, May 5 at 0432, very poor signal with music, so not all pirates are skittish about transmitting, following the bust in Ohio. Especially if they are allegedly in Canada, as when rechecked at 0447, this now has peaked to a good S9+12 signal with a song the lyrix of which lead to: Sting`s inarticulate ``De Doo Doo Doo, De Da Da Da``. I hope I spelt that right.
And 0449 ID by robo-voice YL as Radio True North, with gmail eddress and Merlin pddress. ``Free music on shortwave, Radio Truth North``, and next one sounds like Pink Floyd. At 0455 it`s sunk into the noise level again (assuming all these were the same station, as not monitored continuously) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 930, May 5 at 1212 UT, WKY`s Sunday-only token English pubaffs show, `Sunday Morning Magazine` is back with discussion of taxes, need for CPAs, unlike last week when filled by Spanish ads earlier than this. By 1224 however, it`s back to that indominantable (indominable?) Mexican music (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 4 at 2102 UT on caradio, KEOR Catoosa is on again with what else but PMS - praise music in Spanish. Continues to be quite sporadic, unpredictably off or on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 93.1 WBFM, May 4 at 1920 UT noticed local Enid translator is back on the air, without straw-sucking-on-almost-empty-cup sound, but clearly without the input being fully quieted, continuous hiss! ID as ``The Gospel Station network``, after ads including for something in El Reno; then full ID for KIMY 93.9 Watonga, and three translators including one in Enid, too fast to copy, so try again at 2100: ``K227AT`` in Enid, but that was for the former frequency of 93.3! Correct call for 93.1 now is K226BR per FCC. The others are in Edmond and OKC. Wikipedia shows: K297BB 107.3 Edmond, and K268BR 101.5 OKC. Another ID at 1515 UT May 5 starts with 101.5 in OKC as if it were the source (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 5 at 0053, JBA carrier from R. Chaski vs the hash and noise; cuts off at 0105:13* which is 10.5 seconds later than two nights ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SARAWAK [non]. 17840, May 5 at 1157, nothing audible if R. Free Sarawak was there from 1100; quick switch to 15500 to find that carrier already on at 1157:30, but if modulated, only just barely tho signal is very good; after 1200, normal modulation with rustic instrument music, ID mentioning London. I was not hearing 15430 or 15460 before 1200, but at 1202, 15430 is barely audible, and 15460 is jut barely audible with algo.
Amazingly, per quick E-mail search, since I first reported this new frequency 15500 at 1200-1300 for RFS on May 2, no one else had reported it or even referenced my log until Ron Howard today. It`s by far the best signal from RFS here, presumably PALAU.
I listen for a while from 1206. The language sounds more like Indo/Malay than Iban now, as I recognize a few words, but they may have just been overflow from Malay. At 1206:50, 15500 dumps off the air; still on 15430, but 15460 sounds like something unrelated. 15500 back on at 1208 so I listen for a while and intermittently during the next hour:
1208, M&W discussing berita2, ``propaganda``. Unlike most days, songs are interspersed including at 1212. 1215, phone call put on air. At 1232, 15500 again in music, while 15460 has something weakly talking. 1234 discussing different parties by their English initials: SWP, PKR, also the word ``lima`` frequently, nothing to do with Perú and certainly not Ohio. At 1246, 15460 is very poor but now sounds like RFS too; at 1250, 15500 has another song, 1252 talking about BN (the ruling party nemesis). All off by 1300.
It remained for R. Australia, q.v. to explain the politico-ethnic background to the Malaysian elexions. I also tried for the special RFS elexion broadcast scheduled on 15500 for 1600 today only (midnite in Malaya), but nothing audible vs the noise level (Jorge Freitas did hear it at 1558-1700, but on the Twente SDR with electronic music QRM from 15499.50).
However, BBCWS news at 1700 via KCSC-FM said that with two thirds of the vote counted, the ruling party had won a simple majority. Looks like more clandestine radio activity is called for, if they are not too demoralised. See my yesterday`s report for plans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SERBIA [non]. 9685, May 5 at 0048 check, IRS is still missing. What has happened? Was last heard here UT May 2, but missing on May 3, and not checked on May 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN [and non]. 15265, May 5 at 1237, open carrier with flutter, and continues until 1258 finally starts Chinese, 1300 timesignal and more Chinese now hit with het and jamming. Aoki shows: ``15265* R.TAIWAN INT. 1300-1400 1234567 Chinese 250 225 Tanshui TWN 12125E 2511N CBS2 a13`` but why run the carrier that early? The jammers need only a second to tune up on it once modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TATARSTAN [non]. 15110, May 5 at 0446, Tatarstan Wave via Samara, narration with music, good but fluttery; 0457 the narration is quite emotional, in presumed Tatar, off by 0500. Christer Brunström says this is for the Tatar diaspora elsewhere in Russia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1667 monitoring: checking WTWW-2, 9930 as early as 2140 UT Saturday May 4, `Martha Garvin`s Musical Memories` is playing, 2159 dead air, 2202 ID and `Red Letter Edition` preaching. Around 2310 surprised to hear WORLD OF RADIO already playing, but it`s last week`s 1666, so will 1667 follow at 2330? No, 2331 dead air and at 2333, into `Unshackled`. Again a problem getting the latest edition. 0001 UT Sunday May 5, opening a `QSO` playback, but cut off air at 0002, and QSY to 5085, but by 0051 recheck that is playing `Red Letter Edition` again instead, with Spanish crosstalk weakly underneath, probably from the WTWW-3 12105 service. 0103 rerecheck, 5085 has gone off.
Confirmed nominal at next time on WTWW-1, 5830, UT Sunday May 5 after 0400. Try again for 1667: Sunday circa 2330 on 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13830, May 4 at 2141, one WEWN transmitter is still out of service, nothing here, but still on 12050 in Spanish, 15610 in English.
Still one frequency missing at 0513 May 5: now nothing in Spanish on 11870, while English on 11520 is better than usual in the nightmiddle.
And at 1241 May 5: 12050 Spanish is missing but 11550 is present; at 1254, 15610 English may be missing too; all I hear is a weak carrier and het, V of Tibet probably via Tajikistan. At 1304, WEWN open carrier is on 15610, still het on lo side. Modulation does not start until 1318 piano music.
TDP reminds us that WEWN originally had four x 500 kW Continental 429C installed in 1992, but only three max have been on air for many years:
``WEWN Vandiver, AL 86.28W 33.30N 4 500 CON 420C 1992`` per history athttp://www.swcountry.be/usa.html
** U S A. 5050, UT Sunday May 5 at 0052, WWRB is NOT on this frequency as it had been for a few Saturday evenings, but is on 3215, sounds like same preacher as before when he had both frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490-AM & 9330-CUSB, May 5 at 0058, WBCQ with Rod Hembree pontificating about Philistines on both. With one receiver on the porch I can`t tell if they are synchronized, but probably not. On Sat/UT Sun, GFRN gets both transmitters, but originally for separate services (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Hunting for DXing with Cumbre, UT Sunday May 5: at 0101, WHRI is on 7315 // much stronger 9860, but not DWC. At 0211, 5920 sounds like a pirate relay, which makes up so much of DWC time these days, so presumably confirmed as from 0200. At this time, no 7 or 9 MHz frequencies found (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. As expected, HCJB made its transmitter/frequency swaps today Sunday May 5:
15490, new frequency is on at 1158, presumably Indonesian, 1203 ``Softly & Tenderly`` hymn tune, and nothing on ex-15340. Malayalam is scheduled Sundays only 1200-1230, otherwise Indonesian; 1230-1300 daily in Rawang. 15490 is off at 1303 check, as now scheduled until 1300 only.
As I said before, HCJB made exactly the wrong choice in jumbling frequencies. They had to get off 15400 due to Iran, but should have moved that service which runs until 1530, to 15490 instead of re-colliding with Cuba on 15340 after 1300. Of course, they may think CubaRM is irrelevant on the other worldside, but why take chances?
15340, ex-15400 at 1226 with ``commence shortly`` loop and same orchestral music as always, one segment of which sounds like it`s starting ``What`s it All About, Alfie?`` but turns into something else. 1230 sign-on in English mentioning this frequency correctly, then first program to S Asia continues in English, ``Family Care`` with YL Sheridan (or I suppose she must be an XYL). 1245 check now has switched to non-English, i.e. Hindi scheduled on Sundays. At 1258, RHC is already on 15340, covering almost completely what had seemed to be a strong signal from Kununurra, with conclusion of `Cuba Campesina` music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. 9580, May 5 at 1306, `Sunday Night` religious show from RA has guest explaining the politico-ethnic backstory to the Malaysian elexions where the polls are closing. Seems the country is (only) 60% Moslem, and different faxions within that are vying for control. Ethnic identity is just as critical as religious. But soon on to other topix, Boston`s bombers, Anglican/Catholic dissension. 1327 music break with ``House of the Rising Sun`` --- except lyrix of ``Amazing Grace`` are set to it, a perfect fit metrically! Make that ``Rising Son``? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH. 15505, May 5 at 1357, BB is on with IS on poor signal; off-time signal ends at 1359:49, opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9800, May 5 at 0055, some Chinese music, poor with flutter. So is this the National Emergency Broadcast which started April 22 following the Sichuan earthquake? Aoki shows it 24 hours except Mondays at 1735-1955; but also, already on 9800 was CRI Spanish via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN at 2300-0057, which would be more likely here. Did they really leave CRI on 9800 when they activated the NEB? And for how much longer if at all? Nothing audible on the other NEB channel 12000, not even Cuban jamming against defunct VOA Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake, May 5 before 1230:
13795, fair at 1224 with CCI. All the other `FD` frequencies still occupied by CNR1 jamming instead:
16600, very poor at 1220; none in the 17s, 16m almost dead anyway
14980, JBA at 1220; none in the 15s
14870, poor at 1220
14800, poor-fair at 1220
13970, fair at 1221
13920, fair at 1220 with flutter; really all are fluttery somewhat
13830, poor at 1220
12370, poor at 1226
After 1230 May 5, not a full search:
11500, very poor at 1239
** CUBA. 6110, May 5 at 0057, RHC Spanish is here // 6060 about Spain`s activities in Cuba. Still on 6110 at 0103. But 6100 is missing, where this was supposed to be. Perhaps punched double-1 instead of double-0? We`ll see what happen 24 hours later.
Next anomaly: 6165 English is absent at 0103 May 5, but going on 6000 undermodulatedly; at 0107, 6165 has come on in English, and no CCI from a second RHC transmitter as had been mishappening.
Circa 0500 is time for more mixups: 6010, which only starts at 0500 for English, is really in music from Spanish service at 0507 // 5040. 6000, where English is supposed to stop at 0500, is still on at 0507 // English on 6060, 6165, but 6125 is missing. 6010 goes off at 0509, but 6125 carrier does not come on until *0514:08, adding modulation finally at 0516. Meanwhile, 11760 has stayed on again past 0500 and switched from Spanish to English, VG signal still at 0510, unknown for how much longer. A higher channel in the summer makes sense, but they never seem to schedule it explicitly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 9490, May 5 at 0059 referring to Húber Matos of Cuba Independiente y Democrática, but it`s not La Voz del CID revived, as immediately followed by full ID for Radio República during the 00-02 daily transmission via RMI via MBR via Issoudun, FRANCE. Vs wall-of-noise jamming but RR is somewhat above it, altho tends to lose out before sign-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, May 5 at 0524, Byzantine chanting from ERT as usual on Sunday mornings, but should be somewhat special as this is Orthodox Easter (wow, their calendar is way off this year from the Romans a month earlier: must have been calculated on different moon phases a month apart). Unfortunately reception is subnormal tonight, only fair with fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 15400, May 5 at 1303, VIRI with Qur`an, poor with flutter but finally in the clear now that HCJB Australia has finally moved off, after colliding with IRIB since A-13 began; that should have been evitable if they had worked it out at the last HFCC meeting, or even figured out it would be a big problem. Not that it was as essential for Iran, as they have a // 15300 already in clear, and which is stronger here for the Urdu sesquihour from 1300. See AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. 5910, UT Sunday May 5 at 0423, R. Japón in Spanish mailbag via FRANCE, replying to someone in Colombia who wants to learn Japanese. As always on this frequency vs. het and CCI from COLOMBIA!! Whence NHK ignored occupancy already by HJDH; not a hint of irony, but their Colombian listener should bring it up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MICRONESIA. 4755+, May 5 at 1159 I quickly tune here from the Sarawak stuff, to hear PMA The Cross carrier cut off about 1159.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, UT Sunday May 5 at 0049, rock music, very good signal but selective fading distortion. 0100, KBC jingle ID, ``rocking over the ocean and all over Europe, we are the mighty KBC``, back to music. A prudent move up from 7375 for the summer months, just like Croatia did, now via Nauen, GERMANY. Continues UT Sundays only at 00-02 with Kim`s Radiograms, digital text tests circa 0130 and 0159 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 9700, May 5 at 1243, the Timorese are deprived for a fifth day of their RNZI signal, as obviously still on the Pacific antenna putting very good signal into deep North America instead, now reviewing Susan Sarandon`s latest movie (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-AM, May 5 at 0432, very poor signal with music, so not all pirates are skittish about transmitting, following the bust in Ohio. Especially if they are allegedly in Canada, as when rechecked at 0447, this now has peaked to a good S9+12 signal with a song the lyrix of which lead to: Sting`s inarticulate ``De Doo Doo Doo, De Da Da Da``. I hope I spelt that right.
And 0449 ID by robo-voice YL as Radio True North, with gmail eddress and Merlin pddress. ``Free music on shortwave, Radio Truth North``, and next one sounds like Pink Floyd. At 0455 it`s sunk into the noise level again (assuming all these were the same station, as not monitored continuously) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 930, May 5 at 1212 UT, WKY`s Sunday-only token English pubaffs show, `Sunday Morning Magazine` is back with discussion of taxes, need for CPAs, unlike last week when filled by Spanish ads earlier than this. By 1224 however, it`s back to that indominantable (indominable?) Mexican music (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 4 at 2102 UT on caradio, KEOR Catoosa is on again with what else but PMS - praise music in Spanish. Continues to be quite sporadic, unpredictably off or on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 93.1 WBFM, May 4 at 1920 UT noticed local Enid translator is back on the air, without straw-sucking-on-almost-empty-cup sound, but clearly without the input being fully quieted, continuous hiss! ID as ``The Gospel Station network``, after ads including for something in El Reno; then full ID for KIMY 93.9 Watonga, and three translators including one in Enid, too fast to copy, so try again at 2100: ``K227AT`` in Enid, but that was for the former frequency of 93.3! Correct call for 93.1 now is K226BR per FCC. The others are in Edmond and OKC. Wikipedia shows: K297BB 107.3 Edmond, and K268BR 101.5 OKC. Another ID at 1515 UT May 5 starts with 101.5 in OKC as if it were the source (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, May 5 at 0053, JBA carrier from R. Chaski vs the hash and noise; cuts off at 0105:13* which is 10.5 seconds later than two nights ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SARAWAK [non]. 17840, May 5 at 1157, nothing audible if R. Free Sarawak was there from 1100; quick switch to 15500 to find that carrier already on at 1157:30, but if modulated, only just barely tho signal is very good; after 1200, normal modulation with rustic instrument music, ID mentioning London. I was not hearing 15430 or 15460 before 1200, but at 1202, 15430 is barely audible, and 15460 is jut barely audible with algo.
Amazingly, per quick E-mail search, since I first reported this new frequency 15500 at 1200-1300 for RFS on May 2, no one else had reported it or even referenced my log until Ron Howard today. It`s by far the best signal from RFS here, presumably PALAU.
I listen for a while from 1206. The language sounds more like Indo/Malay than Iban now, as I recognize a few words, but they may have just been overflow from Malay. At 1206:50, 15500 dumps off the air; still on 15430, but 15460 sounds like something unrelated. 15500 back on at 1208 so I listen for a while and intermittently during the next hour:
1208, M&W discussing berita2, ``propaganda``. Unlike most days, songs are interspersed including at 1212. 1215, phone call put on air. At 1232, 15500 again in music, while 15460 has something weakly talking. 1234 discussing different parties by their English initials: SWP, PKR, also the word ``lima`` frequently, nothing to do with Perú and certainly not Ohio. At 1246, 15460 is very poor but now sounds like RFS too; at 1250, 15500 has another song, 1252 talking about BN (the ruling party nemesis). All off by 1300.
It remained for R. Australia, q.v. to explain the politico-ethnic background to the Malaysian elexions. I also tried for the special RFS elexion broadcast scheduled on 15500 for 1600 today only (midnite in Malaya), but nothing audible vs the noise level (Jorge Freitas did hear it at 1558-1700, but on the Twente SDR with electronic music QRM from 15499.50).
However, BBCWS news at 1700 via KCSC-FM said that with two thirds of the vote counted, the ruling party had won a simple majority. Looks like more clandestine radio activity is called for, if they are not too demoralised. See my yesterday`s report for plans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SERBIA [non]. 9685, May 5 at 0048 check, IRS is still missing. What has happened? Was last heard here UT May 2, but missing on May 3, and not checked on May 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN [and non]. 15265, May 5 at 1237, open carrier with flutter, and continues until 1258 finally starts Chinese, 1300 timesignal and more Chinese now hit with het and jamming. Aoki shows: ``15265* R.TAIWAN INT. 1300-1400 1234567 Chinese 250 225 Tanshui TWN 12125E 2511N CBS2 a13`` but why run the carrier that early? The jammers need only a second to tune up on it once modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TATARSTAN [non]. 15110, May 5 at 0446, Tatarstan Wave via Samara, narration with music, good but fluttery; 0457 the narration is quite emotional, in presumed Tatar, off by 0500. Christer Brunström says this is for the Tatar diaspora elsewhere in Russia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1667 monitoring: checking WTWW-2, 9930 as early as 2140 UT Saturday May 4, `Martha Garvin`s Musical Memories` is playing, 2159 dead air, 2202 ID and `Red Letter Edition` preaching. Around 2310 surprised to hear WORLD OF RADIO already playing, but it`s last week`s 1666, so will 1667 follow at 2330? No, 2331 dead air and at 2333, into `Unshackled`. Again a problem getting the latest edition. 0001 UT Sunday May 5, opening a `QSO` playback, but cut off air at 0002, and QSY to 5085, but by 0051 recheck that is playing `Red Letter Edition` again instead, with Spanish crosstalk weakly underneath, probably from the WTWW-3 12105 service. 0103 rerecheck, 5085 has gone off.
Confirmed nominal at next time on WTWW-1, 5830, UT Sunday May 5 after 0400. Try again for 1667: Sunday circa 2330 on 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13830, May 4 at 2141, one WEWN transmitter is still out of service, nothing here, but still on 12050 in Spanish, 15610 in English.
Still one frequency missing at 0513 May 5: now nothing in Spanish on 11870, while English on 11520 is better than usual in the nightmiddle.
And at 1241 May 5: 12050 Spanish is missing but 11550 is present; at 1254, 15610 English may be missing too; all I hear is a weak carrier and het, V of Tibet probably via Tajikistan. At 1304, WEWN open carrier is on 15610, still het on lo side. Modulation does not start until 1318 piano music.
TDP reminds us that WEWN originally had four x 500 kW Continental 429C installed in 1992, but only three max have been on air for many years:
``WEWN Vandiver, AL 86.28W 33.30N 4 500 CON 420C 1992`` per history athttp://www.swcountry.be/usa.html
** U S A. 5050, UT Sunday May 5 at 0052, WWRB is NOT on this frequency as it had been for a few Saturday evenings, but is on 3215, sounds like same preacher as before when he had both frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490-AM & 9330-CUSB, May 5 at 0058, WBCQ with Rod Hembree pontificating about Philistines on both. With one receiver on the porch I can`t tell if they are synchronized, but probably not. On Sat/UT Sun, GFRN gets both transmitters, but originally for separate services (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Hunting for DXing with Cumbre, UT Sunday May 5: at 0101, WHRI is on 7315 // much stronger 9860, but not DWC. At 0211, 5920 sounds like a pirate relay, which makes up so much of DWC time these days, so presumably confirmed as from 0200. At this time, no 7 or 9 MHz frequencies found (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)