AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 21740 2132 GMT English 444 Aug 5 Two OMs with comments on the Mars landing spacecraft.
CHILE CVC La Voz 17680 2220 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Band music with YL singing. OM with comments 2223GMT. Noisy frequency!!
COSTA RICA REE Relay 17850 2203 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Two YLs and OM with comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 17750 2210 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Two OMs with comments plus music in the background. YL singing 2112 GMT. YL with RHC ID 2213 GMT. //17705[444].
FRENCH GUIANA Radio France Relay 21690 2137 GMT French 333 Aug 5 Two OMs with comments. Very noist freq.
KUWAIT Radio Kuwait 17550 2225 GMT Arabic 444 Aug 5 Arabic music plus YL and OM with comments.
NEW ZEALAND RNZI 15720 2242 GMT English 444 Aug 5 Two YLs in a conversation. Music heard often then they go back to their conversations.
SPAIN REE 21510 2143 GMT Spanish 4333 Aug 5 YL with comments, mention espana often. Music in the background. YL singing 2150GMT. YL and OM with comments. IS 2156 GMT and suddenly off the air at 2157 GMT.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
CHILE CVC La Voz 17680 2220 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Band music with YL singing. OM with comments 2223GMT. Noisy frequency!!
COSTA RICA REE Relay 17850 2203 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Two YLs and OM with comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba RHC 17750 2210 GMT Spanish 444 Aug 5 Two OMs with comments plus music in the background. YL singing 2112 GMT. YL with RHC ID 2213 GMT. //17705[444].
FRENCH GUIANA Radio France Relay 21690 2137 GMT French 333 Aug 5 Two OMs with comments. Very noist freq.
KUWAIT Radio Kuwait 17550 2225 GMT Arabic 444 Aug 5 Arabic music plus YL and OM with comments.
NEW ZEALAND RNZI 15720 2242 GMT English 444 Aug 5 Two YLs in a conversation. Music heard often then they go back to their conversations.
SPAIN REE 21510 2143 GMT Spanish 4333 Aug 5 YL with comments, mention espana often. Music in the background. YL singing 2150GMT. YL and OM with comments. IS 2156 GMT and suddenly off the air at 2157 GMT.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"