sabato 18 agosto 2012

Papua New Guinea SW Radio - Thank You

Radio Heritage Foundation
August 17 2012

Papua New Guinea
Shortwave Radio

I'd like to thank radio listeners and others from around the world who contributed monitoring reports of short wave radio broadcasts from Papua New Guinea following our requests in July.

Your patient listening and ear for detail has helped us considerably with updating the Papua New Guinea country file in the World Radio TV Handbook 2013 edition.

In the space of 10 days during their national elections, two long silent provincial SW stations returned to the air, another provincial station temporarily transferred its SW transmitter for national radio use on a long unused regional SW channel, and for a few hours, another national SW frequency came back on the air from Port Moresby. Four new signals in total.

The future of the 19 provincial NBC studios is coming under review, and it's likely some will no longer remain as NBC stations. The biggest growth is with FM radio across the country, and NBC is now installing three separate FM program channels as engineering upgrades take place.

Radio in PNG is still a 'work-in'progress' but you can be sure that we'll do our best to continue accurate reporting of the situation with NBC, commercial and community radio across the country, on SW, MW and FM.

Thanks again to everyone who made our work a little easier this year, and please keep monitoring the radio dials for more broadcasts from Papua New Guinea.

You'll enjoy for a colorful overview of contemporary broadcasting in Papua New Guinea. An audio visual version of this feature is also available.

David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting radio, popular culture, history & heritage at

We supply 30 Pacific country files for the World Radio TV Handbook as a service to the global broadcasting and listening community.