** BANGLADESH. 15105, Aug 26 at 1255 I can hear some signal for a change, presumably BB in English. At 1400, 15505 is very poor, fluttery with S Asian music in Urdu service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake August 26, before 1300, all with flutter:
12230, poor at 1252
12670, fair at 1252
13920, good at 1252
14700, good at 1254
14800, good at 1254
14870, good at 1254
15555, good at 1255
16100, poor at 1257; none in the 17s, 18s
16600, good at 1257; new frequency. The only previous 16600 mentioned in DXLD was issue 8-026, quoting an ITU monitoring entry from 17 October 2007, probably either Firedrake or Sound of Hope:
``K 16600.00 17 10 1827 1827 4.3 UNKNOWN BC 0.299 A3E 11 ????``
** COLOMBIA. 14950+, Aug 26 at 1254 while hunting Firedrakes, instead hear Spanish gospel music mentioning ``corazón``, so Salem Stereo again lux out against likely CCI from FD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Aug 26 at 0549, R. Africa is on with hymn; nothing there a few minutes earlier. 0550 over to YL gospel huxter. Recheck 0604, it`s dead air past 0607 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. 13765, Aug 26 at 0458, VR IS without any squeals or meaows/miaux, 0500 opening African service in English also sounds OK. Recheck at 0527 during brief pause after program and start of Vatican IS again, I can barely hear a ``mosquito whine`` on the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ZIMBABWE [non]
** MAURITANIA. 7245, Aug 26 at 0509, IGIM is on and chanting, good signal; still doing it at 0543, and even final check 0608, at least an hour of this! Are we awake yet? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Aug 26 at 0528, VON is audible now, tho it was not closer to or before 0500: hum, crowd shouting, YL narration about poetry(?); it was a festival by some ethnic group; 0529 outro program `Celebrations`, ID, 0530 intro `Reflexions`. Reads S7 to S9+5, undermodulated. 0600 as I am awaiting SW Radio Africa on 15115, VON on 15120 airs a timecheck for 0600, `world news` introduced by drumming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-SSB, Aug 26 at 0514 I find one pirate active, very poor signal with song. Matched frequency to WWCR 5935 exactly 1000 kHz below. 0520 fiddlin` at first seemed country hoedown, then Celtic. 0524 ID as ``Blue Ocean Radio,`` maybe three times (that`s the way to do it when you are low-power with lots of storm noise to combat), more music, soul; 0544 still going (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1631 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1 5755, UT Sunday August 26 at 0400. Unfortunately, the program feed line is still distorted as it had been all afternoon (except for the locally inserted ID at 0400 interrupting the start of WOR).
Remaining SW airings: on WRMI 9955, Sun 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130.
On HLR 5980: Tue 0930. Also:
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sunday 1730
** U S A. 9955, Sunday August 26 at 0503, Roberto Scaglione, Sicily is introducing his `Studio DX` Italian DX program, mentioning being on WRMI 9955. Fair signal, no jamming. Fingers crossed for WOR 24 hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7811-USB, Aug 26 at 0513, AFN is audible with poor signal, but not at 1248; 5446.5-USB audible at 0610 concluding a CBS feature, and also very poor at 1242; 12133.5-USB audible at 1253. TS/Hurricane Isaac is about to cross the Florida Keys, so we`ll see if it knox this SW station off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490, UT Sunday August 26 at 0510, it`s another Saturday night and another ad-hoc late-nite extension of WBCQ playing music. It`s great to hear WBCQ`s only full-AM, full-power transmitter with very nice modulation fidelity, and *not* devoted to Brother Scare at the moment. However, first song heard is a hymn ``O Lord, You`re Beautiful``. Checked WWCR 5890 just in case but not // to the strident non-BS TOM gospel huxter there. Periodic chex later: 0531, country song with steel guitar, harmonica, segués. 0538, YL announces ``We`re Antenna Album Rock``. 0554 another break, she says ``You`re listening to antenna4.com``. 0609 final check still on with music.
That website shows this was a special broadcast on WBCQ starting at 0400, ``Portable Concert``, Grateful Dead, originally live at Missoula MT in 1974. To be repeated UT Monday Aug 27 at 0000 on 7490. (Durations not given). Antenna4 apparently streams via Live365.com and other means, and has commercial sponsorship but I never heard anything but music and IDs on WBCQ. Too bad there was no advance notice of the first airing, but now there is of the second. Maybe by 0510 it was back to `normal` Antenna4.com programming rather than G. Dead special, as never heard that mentioned, tho I was hardly listening continuously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12050, Aug 26 at 1401 check, WEWN Spanish is back on the frequency it is supposed to use at this hour, instead of 13830 where it had appeared 25 hours earlier. Very poor but // 11550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. 15115, Sunday August 26 at 0600 I am awaiting SW Radio Africa to start up via MADAGASCAR as scheduled on Sat & Sun only; tune halfway between this and 15120 Nigeria, I hear a het/carrier come on at *0600:48. Poor signal as expected since R. Dabanga on 15400 before that hour from same site, likely same transmitter, was also poor tonight. After some mbira, I can make out that once again SWRA is just replaying an evening show in English, mentioning 4880 and http://www.swradioafrica.com 0603, ``Good evening`` and part 2 of something, talk about a constitution. Deep fading was louder than the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11776, Aug 26 at 1402, mystery carrier het is louder than usual and Anguilla 11775 is weaker than usual. I expect the others at 8 kHz intervals above and below 11760 were also there at various levels, but too busy to hunt them today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake August 26, before 1300, all with flutter:
12230, poor at 1252
12670, fair at 1252
13920, good at 1252
14700, good at 1254
14800, good at 1254
14870, good at 1254
15555, good at 1255
16100, poor at 1257; none in the 17s, 18s
16600, good at 1257; new frequency. The only previous 16600 mentioned in DXLD was issue 8-026, quoting an ITU monitoring entry from 17 October 2007, probably either Firedrake or Sound of Hope:
``K 16600.00 17 10 1827 1827 4.3 UNKNOWN BC 0.299 A3E 11 ????``
** COLOMBIA. 14950+, Aug 26 at 1254 while hunting Firedrakes, instead hear Spanish gospel music mentioning ``corazón``, so Salem Stereo again lux out against likely CCI from FD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Aug 26 at 0549, R. Africa is on with hymn; nothing there a few minutes earlier. 0550 over to YL gospel huxter. Recheck 0604, it`s dead air past 0607 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. 13765, Aug 26 at 0458, VR IS without any squeals or meaows/miaux, 0500 opening African service in English also sounds OK. Recheck at 0527 during brief pause after program and start of Vatican IS again, I can barely hear a ``mosquito whine`` on the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ZIMBABWE [non]
** MAURITANIA. 7245, Aug 26 at 0509, IGIM is on and chanting, good signal; still doing it at 0543, and even final check 0608, at least an hour of this! Are we awake yet? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Aug 26 at 0528, VON is audible now, tho it was not closer to or before 0500: hum, crowd shouting, YL narration about poetry(?); it was a festival by some ethnic group; 0529 outro program `Celebrations`, ID, 0530 intro `Reflexions`. Reads S7 to S9+5, undermodulated. 0600 as I am awaiting SW Radio Africa on 15115, VON on 15120 airs a timecheck for 0600, `world news` introduced by drumming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-SSB, Aug 26 at 0514 I find one pirate active, very poor signal with song. Matched frequency to WWCR 5935 exactly 1000 kHz below. 0520 fiddlin` at first seemed country hoedown, then Celtic. 0524 ID as ``Blue Ocean Radio,`` maybe three times (that`s the way to do it when you are low-power with lots of storm noise to combat), more music, soul; 0544 still going (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1631 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1 5755, UT Sunday August 26 at 0400. Unfortunately, the program feed line is still distorted as it had been all afternoon (except for the locally inserted ID at 0400 interrupting the start of WOR).
Remaining SW airings: on WRMI 9955, Sun 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130.
On HLR 5980: Tue 0930. Also:
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sunday 1730
** U S A. 9955, Sunday August 26 at 0503, Roberto Scaglione, Sicily is introducing his `Studio DX` Italian DX program, mentioning being on WRMI 9955. Fair signal, no jamming. Fingers crossed for WOR 24 hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7811-USB, Aug 26 at 0513, AFN is audible with poor signal, but not at 1248; 5446.5-USB audible at 0610 concluding a CBS feature, and also very poor at 1242; 12133.5-USB audible at 1253. TS/Hurricane Isaac is about to cross the Florida Keys, so we`ll see if it knox this SW station off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490, UT Sunday August 26 at 0510, it`s another Saturday night and another ad-hoc late-nite extension of WBCQ playing music. It`s great to hear WBCQ`s only full-AM, full-power transmitter with very nice modulation fidelity, and *not* devoted to Brother Scare at the moment. However, first song heard is a hymn ``O Lord, You`re Beautiful``. Checked WWCR 5890 just in case but not // to the strident non-BS TOM gospel huxter there. Periodic chex later: 0531, country song with steel guitar, harmonica, segués. 0538, YL announces ``We`re Antenna Album Rock``. 0554 another break, she says ``You`re listening to antenna4.com``. 0609 final check still on with music.
That website shows this was a special broadcast on WBCQ starting at 0400, ``Portable Concert``, Grateful Dead, originally live at Missoula MT in 1974. To be repeated UT Monday Aug 27 at 0000 on 7490. (Durations not given). Antenna4 apparently streams via Live365.com and other means, and has commercial sponsorship but I never heard anything but music and IDs on WBCQ. Too bad there was no advance notice of the first airing, but now there is of the second. Maybe by 0510 it was back to `normal` Antenna4.com programming rather than G. Dead special, as never heard that mentioned, tho I was hardly listening continuously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12050, Aug 26 at 1401 check, WEWN Spanish is back on the frequency it is supposed to use at this hour, instead of 13830 where it had appeared 25 hours earlier. Very poor but // 11550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. 15115, Sunday August 26 at 0600 I am awaiting SW Radio Africa to start up via MADAGASCAR as scheduled on Sat & Sun only; tune halfway between this and 15120 Nigeria, I hear a het/carrier come on at *0600:48. Poor signal as expected since R. Dabanga on 15400 before that hour from same site, likely same transmitter, was also poor tonight. After some mbira, I can make out that once again SWRA is just replaying an evening show in English, mentioning 4880 and http://www.swradioafrica.com 0603, ``Good evening`` and part 2 of something, talk about a constitution. Deep fading was louder than the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11776, Aug 26 at 1402, mystery carrier het is louder than usual and Anguilla 11775 is weaker than usual. I expect the others at 8 kHz intervals above and below 11760 were also there at various levels, but too busy to hunt them today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)