** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Thursday Aug 9 at 1345, RA is replaying the `Rear Vision` documentary heard earlier about the persecuted Hazara, now at the scheduled RV time. Seems they are subject to being killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan merely for looking ``oriental`` as they are easily separated visually from S Asian ethnicities. They are also despised for being more progressive than the Pashtuns, so some of them try to escape to Europe or Australia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake August 9, after 1300:
15485, very poor at 1315, also noise jamming
15570, fair at 1314, het on hi side
Before 1400:
15490, poor at 1353, also noise jamming, het on lo side; up from 15485
15600, poor at 1354
15900, good at 1354
16100, very good at 1355; none in the 17s, 14s, 13s, 12s
11615, August 9 at 1358, VOA in Yankee-Doodle-Dandy sign-on, fair signal and clear, but at 1400 sharp, hit by ChiCom Chinese language jamming, presumably CNR1 program. VOA is attempting to broadcast in Chinese this hour only, 250 kW, 332 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES. And yet we allow the ChiCom to broadcast CRI over our domestic radio stations! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 9810, Aug 9 at 0236, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, but an improvement over no modulation at all last night; also unusually poor signal strength.
11760, Aug 9 at 1303, RHC modulation is breaking up somewhat; 11750 not until *1303 with OC, then JIP programodulation. At 1305, 11760 dumps off the air.
11860, Aug 9 at 1308, undermodulated but not breaking up or distorted; however, bothered by bleed from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 11845 against R. Martí, but with noise field extending also down to 11830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9280-9325, Aug 9 at 0232, big buzz out to here from extremely distorted monstrous R. Cairo Arabic frequency 9305, diminished only around 9315 by the big very undermodulated R. Cairo English frequency with singing. 9265 WINB and 9330 WBCQ escape it. By 0448, samebuzz from 9305 but weaker so the sidefields are inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Aug 9 at 0229, fair signal in Spanish with Chinese accent, i.e. RTI; also a lo hum on the transmitter, from Montsinéry, 02-03, 500 kW, 195 degrees to Chile & Argentina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN. 15195, Aug 9 at 0453, Japanese poor signal, i.e. NHK, 300 kW, 290 degrees from Yamata at 01-07 per HFCC, yet seldom audible here. Also amid intruding OTH radar buzz QRM extending from 15190 to 15215, Cyprus? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. 13765, Aug 9 at *0454:30, Talata turning on later than usual and thus avoiding the feed mixups we have heard lately, just open carrier until starting Vatican IS at 0457 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1140, Aug 9 at 0500 I suspend SW monitoring to try to catch a definite ID from XEMR. Initially good dominant signal belying the ``nothing to the north`` pattern, music which stops at 0500 with no ID, right into Mexican NA, choral multiverse lasting until 0505; finally, when it has faded a bit, very quick and hard to copy ID by YL, with self-imposed QRMusic, but includes XEMR, 1140-AM, 50 kilovatios, street address (apparently a mandatory part of legal IDs in Mexico), and right back to music. Did not hear ``Radio Esperanza`` mentioned (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Analog TVDX: nothing more came of the Aug 8 Es opening past 1638.
Aug 9 at 1443 UT, fades in Spanish talk show on ch 2; it`s the Azteca-13 bug in UR, with Venga Alegría program bug in LR, and CDT clock. Has CCI beat bars of about 4 kHz accompanied by same pitch whine out of the speaker. Barely lasts past 1500 before fading out; peaks SSW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Aug 9 at *0455, VON has just come on with drumming, very undermodulated, 0456 NA, S9+5 peaks, then announcing transmission schedule of English, I think. Weakening as minutes tick away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. [Re previous item on KOSU] Subject: Thanks for your comments! Dear Mr. Hauser, First of all, thank you for listening to "The Living Room with Gerry Bonds" and for your longtime loyalty. I am glad that our new website makes it more convenient for you to catch the program.
The goal of the Energy program was primarily to acquaint our listeners with the "energy renaissance" taking place in Oklahoma and in North America, largely due to fracking, as well as exploring the prospects for American independence from foreign oil, including the role that wind power might play here in Oklahoma. It was not meant to debate the
environmental pros and cons.
However, your suggestion for a future program of that nature is a good one, and my producer and I will definitely explore it.
Let me also assure you that the program's only connection to OPUBCO is that we record at their audio facility. Thanks again for your interest! (Gerry Bonds, OK, reply to my previous note, via DXLD)
Dear Ms Bonds, And thanks for your kind reply. I see that a previous guest was Bill Moyers, so perhaps I was a bit too sensitive about the politics of the latest guests, altho I don`t know if he got into such issues. I believe I missed it and will have to hear it now. Regards, Glenn Hauser (via DXLD)
** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9430, August 9 at 0234, Russian with humbuzz, similar pitch to Cairo 9305 but not nearly so bad (presumably related to 50 Hz power frequency). Also somewhat undermodulated. HFCC-listed as KCH = Moldova = Grigoriopol`, Pridnestrovye, site for V. of Russia, on the air all the way from 22 to 04, 500 kW, 296 degrees for Mexico, Central America, Caribbean. But Aoki diminishes it to 23-03 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1629: ready in time for first airing on WRMI UT Thursday August 9 at 0330; repeats: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130.
On WTWW: Thu 2100 on 9479, UT Sun 0400 on 5755
On WWRB: UT Fri 0330v on 5050
On WBCQ: UT Sat 0130v on 5110v-CUSB Area 51
On HLR: Sat 0630 on 7265, Tue 0930 on 5980
Full schedule including many more webcasts:http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
** U S A. 7506.4, Aug 9 at 0237, WRNO is again dead air, except for some hum; ho hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 17605, Aug 9 at 1318, YFR Burmese loud & clear, little fading, presumably still KCH = PRIDNESTROVYE site substituting for TAC = Uzbekistan during this hour only, altho the HFCC registration for this has never been changed. Still at 1355 with ``Old Rugged Cross`` on piano/keyboard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Aug 9 at 1300 I am looking again for the mystery carriers on 25m, but none heard at first. But at 1305, now there is a JBA one on 11776 vs Anguilla 11775, and an obvious higher-pitched one on 11751.5 against Cuba 11750 which did not come on until 1303. But could not hear any on 11734 or 11784 today. By 1402, could detect carrier on 11784 after the Chinese radio war went off 11785, and 11776, 11751.5 were still going, but all very weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13832 approx., Aug 9 at 1312, the big ute noise blob is here again intruding into the SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15425, Aug 9 at 0451, S9+15 open carrier with some deep fades, continues past 0501 until 0511:55* cut off. Always bandscanning around this time, never heard before. Suspect it`s Pet/Kam, VOR English to NAm transmitter left on after normal closing at 0400 (and 13775 is also on the air as usual with VOR English). HFCC shows CRI Russian, 500 kW, 292 degrees via Xi`an also on 15425 at 03-05 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17800, Aug 9 at 1320, good signal in Russian, loud and clear; at first assumed R. Liberty via Thailand, as previously logged but that was before 1300 when it is scheduled. During the 13-14 hour 17800 is supposed to be DW in Hausa via Rwanda, and if that were on I would surely be hearing it. Maybe feed mixup or late change not yet in the online schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake August 9, after 1300:
15485, very poor at 1315, also noise jamming
15570, fair at 1314, het on hi side
Before 1400:
15490, poor at 1353, also noise jamming, het on lo side; up from 15485
15600, poor at 1354
15900, good at 1354
16100, very good at 1355; none in the 17s, 14s, 13s, 12s
11615, August 9 at 1358, VOA in Yankee-Doodle-Dandy sign-on, fair signal and clear, but at 1400 sharp, hit by ChiCom Chinese language jamming, presumably CNR1 program. VOA is attempting to broadcast in Chinese this hour only, 250 kW, 332 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES. And yet we allow the ChiCom to broadcast CRI over our domestic radio stations! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 9810, Aug 9 at 0236, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, but an improvement over no modulation at all last night; also unusually poor signal strength.
11760, Aug 9 at 1303, RHC modulation is breaking up somewhat; 11750 not until *1303 with OC, then JIP programodulation. At 1305, 11760 dumps off the air.
11860, Aug 9 at 1308, undermodulated but not breaking up or distorted; however, bothered by bleed from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 11845 against R. Martí, but with noise field extending also down to 11830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9280-9325, Aug 9 at 0232, big buzz out to here from extremely distorted monstrous R. Cairo Arabic frequency 9305, diminished only around 9315 by the big very undermodulated R. Cairo English frequency with singing. 9265 WINB and 9330 WBCQ escape it. By 0448, samebuzz from 9305 but weaker so the sidefields are inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Aug 9 at 0229, fair signal in Spanish with Chinese accent, i.e. RTI; also a lo hum on the transmitter, from Montsinéry, 02-03, 500 kW, 195 degrees to Chile & Argentina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN. 15195, Aug 9 at 0453, Japanese poor signal, i.e. NHK, 300 kW, 290 degrees from Yamata at 01-07 per HFCC, yet seldom audible here. Also amid intruding OTH radar buzz QRM extending from 15190 to 15215, Cyprus? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. 13765, Aug 9 at *0454:30, Talata turning on later than usual and thus avoiding the feed mixups we have heard lately, just open carrier until starting Vatican IS at 0457 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1140, Aug 9 at 0500 I suspend SW monitoring to try to catch a definite ID from XEMR. Initially good dominant signal belying the ``nothing to the north`` pattern, music which stops at 0500 with no ID, right into Mexican NA, choral multiverse lasting until 0505; finally, when it has faded a bit, very quick and hard to copy ID by YL, with self-imposed QRMusic, but includes XEMR, 1140-AM, 50 kilovatios, street address (apparently a mandatory part of legal IDs in Mexico), and right back to music. Did not hear ``Radio Esperanza`` mentioned (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Analog TVDX: nothing more came of the Aug 8 Es opening past 1638.
Aug 9 at 1443 UT, fades in Spanish talk show on ch 2; it`s the Azteca-13 bug in UR, with Venga Alegría program bug in LR, and CDT clock. Has CCI beat bars of about 4 kHz accompanied by same pitch whine out of the speaker. Barely lasts past 1500 before fading out; peaks SSW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Aug 9 at *0455, VON has just come on with drumming, very undermodulated, 0456 NA, S9+5 peaks, then announcing transmission schedule of English, I think. Weakening as minutes tick away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. [Re previous item on KOSU] Subject: Thanks for your comments! Dear Mr. Hauser, First of all, thank you for listening to "The Living Room with Gerry Bonds" and for your longtime loyalty. I am glad that our new website makes it more convenient for you to catch the program.
The goal of the Energy program was primarily to acquaint our listeners with the "energy renaissance" taking place in Oklahoma and in North America, largely due to fracking, as well as exploring the prospects for American independence from foreign oil, including the role that wind power might play here in Oklahoma. It was not meant to debate the
environmental pros and cons.
However, your suggestion for a future program of that nature is a good one, and my producer and I will definitely explore it.
Let me also assure you that the program's only connection to OPUBCO is that we record at their audio facility. Thanks again for your interest! (Gerry Bonds, OK, reply to my previous note, via DXLD)
Dear Ms Bonds, And thanks for your kind reply. I see that a previous guest was Bill Moyers, so perhaps I was a bit too sensitive about the politics of the latest guests, altho I don`t know if he got into such issues. I believe I missed it and will have to hear it now. Regards, Glenn Hauser (via DXLD)
** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9430, August 9 at 0234, Russian with humbuzz, similar pitch to Cairo 9305 but not nearly so bad (presumably related to 50 Hz power frequency). Also somewhat undermodulated. HFCC-listed as KCH = Moldova = Grigoriopol`, Pridnestrovye, site for V. of Russia, on the air all the way from 22 to 04, 500 kW, 296 degrees for Mexico, Central America, Caribbean. But Aoki diminishes it to 23-03 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1629: ready in time for first airing on WRMI UT Thursday August 9 at 0330; repeats: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130.
On WTWW: Thu 2100 on 9479, UT Sun 0400 on 5755
On WWRB: UT Fri 0330v on 5050
On WBCQ: UT Sat 0130v on 5110v-CUSB Area 51
On HLR: Sat 0630 on 7265, Tue 0930 on 5980
Full schedule including many more webcasts:http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
** U S A. 7506.4, Aug 9 at 0237, WRNO is again dead air, except for some hum; ho hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 17605, Aug 9 at 1318, YFR Burmese loud & clear, little fading, presumably still KCH = PRIDNESTROVYE site substituting for TAC = Uzbekistan during this hour only, altho the HFCC registration for this has never been changed. Still at 1355 with ``Old Rugged Cross`` on piano/keyboard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Aug 9 at 1300 I am looking again for the mystery carriers on 25m, but none heard at first. But at 1305, now there is a JBA one on 11776 vs Anguilla 11775, and an obvious higher-pitched one on 11751.5 against Cuba 11750 which did not come on until 1303. But could not hear any on 11734 or 11784 today. By 1402, could detect carrier on 11784 after the Chinese radio war went off 11785, and 11776, 11751.5 were still going, but all very weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13832 approx., Aug 9 at 1312, the big ute noise blob is here again intruding into the SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15425, Aug 9 at 0451, S9+15 open carrier with some deep fades, continues past 0501 until 0511:55* cut off. Always bandscanning around this time, never heard before. Suspect it`s Pet/Kam, VOR English to NAm transmitter left on after normal closing at 0400 (and 13775 is also on the air as usual with VOR English). HFCC shows CRI Russian, 500 kW, 292 degrees via Xi`an also on 15425 at 03-05 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17800, Aug 9 at 1320, good signal in Russian, loud and clear; at first assumed R. Liberty via Thailand, as previously logged but that was before 1300 when it is scheduled. During the 13-14 hour 17800 is supposed to be DW in Hausa via Rwanda, and if that were on I would surely be hearing it. Maybe feed mixup or late change not yet in the online schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)