venerdì 2 dicembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 30-December 2, 2011

** ALBANIA [and non]. 7425, Dec 1 at 0033 check, R. Tirana`s only Albanian hour left to North America at 00-01, continues to have moderate to heavy CCI from CHINA, and I continue to recommend that if China will not move, Albania should, to 7420. This would also avoid V. of Russia adjacent on 7430, with nothing adjacent any more on 7415. There was a JBA carrier on 7420, presumably Hohhot, China, which Tirana can easily overcome here in deep North America. If Tirana causes QRM to that around China, tough luck, they`ve got it coming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, another Thursday no-show by LRA36, not even a JBA carrier when checked at 1316, 1455 December 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 9625, Dec 2 at 1445, CBC NQ buried by Vietnamese, i.e. R. Taiwan International during this hour, CBC evidenced only by the lo het it makes by being off-frequency. Also scheduled on 9625 this hour is South Africa in Portuguese, and until 1428, Iran in Japanese. Can Sackville really overcome all this at least in Northern Quebec? I doubt it. However, since no one else is targeting CIRAF 2-4 (really all of northern Canada), it looks just fine on the HFCC books (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake has been sparse lately, propagation or operation?
12500, Dec 1 at 1311 very poor with some music I could not be positive was FD, but a known FD frequency; no others from 9 to 17 MHz by 1315

12500, Dec 2 at 1355 is the only FD I can detect up to 19 MHz by 1400 except:

6045, Dec 2 at 1354, Firedrake mixed with other programming, confirmed by // 12500. VOA Chinese via Thailand at 12-14 is the target, probably also CNR1 jamming

Not getting my full FD fix, I decide to find as many CNR1 frequencies as possible on a single band, 6 MHz, Dec 2 at 1404, and later check Aoki whether they are legit (if overkill) or jamming:

5945: legit, Beijing 572 site
6000: legit, Beijing 572
6030: legit, Beijing 572 (but before 1400 jams Ming Hui Radio, Taiwan)
6085: jams R. Taiwan International
6105: jams VOA Chinese via Tajikistan
6125: legit, Beijing 572 and Shijiazhuang 723 sites
6135: JSR Tokyo Sea Breeze in Friday English has CNR1 splash from much stronger signals 10 kHz both up and down
6145: jams RTI, and incidentally PBS Qinghai
6175: legit, Beijing 572

Another FD scan before 1500 Dec 2: nothing found 7-19 MHz by 1458 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIG DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. The DentroCuban Jamming Command continues to be hit and miss as far as doing its job at the right times against R. Martí: 5980, Dec 2 at 0723 while RM is in some dramatization, NO jamming audible, while 6030 and 7405 were walls of noise. Fine with me.

13740, Dec 2 at 1356, RHC programing // 13670 and 13780, instead of open carrier warmup for CRI English relay from 1400. Did not keep listening to find when CRI would come on, but there at 1451.

Heavy noise jamming against VOA Spanish 1300-1400 was also running on 13750 for at least a few more minutes from 1356 Dec 2.

15575, Dec 2 at 1357, poor BBC WS English frequency bothered by Cuban jamming bleed from 15590 against VOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT [and non]. 15160, Dec 2 at 1453, music and Russian announcement from RRI, with continuous 1000 Hz tone behind it. Presumed R. Cairo runup to 1500 Uzbek service rather than jamming or mystery tester (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. The strike at RFI starting early Monday Nov 28 has continued all week, but not always reflected in programming. Thu Dec 1 at 0621, 7220 is in English news about soccer, // 9765, while 9805 is in Hausa. I continue to think 7220 is a mistake, wrong language with Hausa scheduled, and if they meant it to be English it would not be cutting off halfway thru the one-hour broadcast continuing on 9765.

17690, Fri Dec 2 at 1359 already on air with musique, via GUIANA FRENCH, 1400 RFI Musique ID instead of Spanish news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9425, Dec 1 at 1445, AIR National Channel has been putting in a good signal from Bangalore, but with constant humbuzz, in Hindi, an echo apart from much weaker // 9470 Aligarh; meanwhile AIR VBS on 9870 from Bengaluru was very good atop ChiCom co-channel interference (CCCCI = 401).

9425 also, Dec 2 at 1447 this time in English with very heavy accent, or is it Hindi with English phrases mixed in? Like ``the most important thing``. Listening further, seems to be all-English, YL conversation about the differences between men and women. Still humbuzzy. 1503, now clearly spoken English by YL about biosphere, saving the planet, an objective I heartily endorse; 1505 music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525-, Dec 2 at 1442, VOI with music, 1443 YL Indonesian announcement, fair signal metering S9+20 but undermodulated; at least no ACI at this time, unlike the lost-cause English hour before it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, IGIM chex: Dec 1 at 0438, it`s off unlike Nov 28 at 0407. But it is on at 0622 Dec 1 with chanting; also Dec 2 at 0720 in Arabic talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 6074, Dec 1 at 1300, straining to hear the Russian Army CW marker at the close-down of R. Rossii, 6075, Pet/Kam: nothing until 1301-1302+ after the RR carrier is off, can tell there is CW there but cannot copy it whether tactical ID today is 8GAL or 2MTL.

7320, Dec 2 at 0725, R. Rossii, Magadan, is now one of the best signals on band, rivaling Tunisia 7335, but with BFO can tell the carrier is wobbling slightly, also producing a hum in the AM mode. Playing some chansons, i.e. songs in French, 0730 to dramatic reading in Russian, 0733 two IDs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 15170, Dec 2 at 1454, open carrier/dead air over weak music, 1457 OC/DA continues past 1500; 1501 modulation cuts on for REE frequency announcement as 15125 to NW SAm, 9765 to CAm, 17850 to SNAm. Then I check 17850 and it is absent; also can`t hear anything on 9765. Back to 15170 and it goes off a bit after 1502.

On M-F, 15170 (and also 9765) is scheduled 12-15, and the understation until 1457 was Romania. 17850 is not supposed to *start until 1800 M-F, 1600 Sat, 1500 Sun, so was that a sign-off announcement, a sign on played at the wrong time, or a hear-us-next-on? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Dec 1 at 0620, RTI via WYFR still in German instead of Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 6140, Dec 2 at 1459 Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1500 VOA English news; is 15-16, 250 kW, 18 degrees from Udorn, THAILAND so also USward, but only fair signal this late. Would this continue with `Border Crossings`? Probably not: Aoki says ``sp`` presumably meaning Spe-cial Eng-lish hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1593 monitoring: first airing confirmed on WRMI webcast, UT Thu Dec 1 at 0438, but only wall-of-noise jamming on 9955; tnx a lot, Arnie! According to WRMI program grid, there is nothing during that hour any day of the week `needing` jamming, except maybe the Michael Méndez show 24 hours later. Is that the same as Trova Libre, or different? Is the MM show overtly anti-Castro?

Missed checking Thu 2200 9479 WTWW and 2230 7415 WBCQ. If anyone noted any problems with those airings, or can definitely confirm them this week, please let me know. Confirmed on WWRB 3195 and 5051, UT Thursday Dec 2 at 0434, after a respectful 40-second pause following the SC preacher, amen, and amen.

Further WORLD OF RADIO SW airings this weekend:
WRMI 9955: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830
WTWW 5755: UT Sun 0500
WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51: UT Mon 0400v
Also on SiriusXM Channel 120: Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930
Complete schedule including many more webcasts:

** U S A. 9955, Dec 1 at 0623, can make out Jeff White speaking vs pulse jamming, both signals poor, so `Viva Miami` as currently scheduled at 0615 Tue & Thu. You never know whether WRMI will be audible at this time, jammed or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6150, Nov 30 at 2305, music and talkovers by DJ, hard to make out language, but lucked out with a clear frequency, no ACI or CCI at the moment, presumed R. Bayrak, CYPRUS TURKISH NORTHERN as others have been reporting? (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1593, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

However, Jerry Lenamon in Waco TX says in the DXLD yg: ``I caught this again Wednesday evening [Nov 30 also] starting at about 2230z. Pop music again (Phil Collins, Celine Dion, etc) but this time a breathy female announcer trying to sound seductive. No ID or station name but almost surely it's R Record in São Paulo. No QRM until about 2315 when
CNR1 (// 5945) came on channel (or quickly faded in). JL``

There have not been many logs of RR on 6150; however this was reported in August:

``BRAZIL. A Rádio Record, de São Paulo (SP), mudou radicalmente a sua
programação. Todos os comunicadores foram demitidos, entre eles,
Juarez Soares, Paulo Barboza e Gil Gomes. Por enquanto, a emissora
está levando ao ar músicas e noticiários de hora em hora. Em ondas
curtas, a emissora está inativa em 9505 kHz e segue sendo ouvida
normalmente em 6150 kHz (Célio Romais, Sintonizando Ondas Curtas blog via DXLD 11-34, Aug 24, 2011 via DXLD 11-48)``

``Rádio Record has changed its programming, all announcers have been dismissed and it is broadcasting music with news on the hour. 9505 is inactive but it is still broadcasting on 6150 (Célio Romais, Sintonizando Ondas Curtas blog via DXLD, summary translation by Mike Barraclough in Oct World DX Club Contact via DXLD)

Note the precise frequency for Bayrak that Wolfgang Büschel reported, and also English: ``6150.037 kHz - just heard some English spoken fragments at 2310 UT Nov 16. Used a deep notch filter against of even frequency outlet 6150.000 CBSC RTI Kouhu and Chinese - seemingly usual CHN jammer in 22-24 UT slot, latter according to Aoki list (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 16)``

So we need to detect whether some announcements are in Turkish or Brazilian! Should not be hard to distinguish with decent reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7110, rechecking for the mystery Burmese-language station, no longer anything there, Dec 1 at 1303 and Dec 2 at 1351. Was on air around 1230-1430. Did anyone ever identify it, from or to Myanmar? It has not been entered in Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)